[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /homework/templates ClickImageExample.problem CustomResponse.problem DropBox.problem Essay.problem HintFormula.problem HintMathResponse.problem MultipleAnswerEither.problem MultipleAnswerUnordered.problem Plot_curve.problem Plot_data.problem RadioResponse.problem RandomLabelExample.problem Rnumerical.problem SelectFromOptions-4ConceptGoups.problem SelectFromOptions-Simple.problem SimpleFormula.problem SimpleFormulaCAS.problem SimpleMatching.problem SimpleMathResponse.problem SimpleMathResponseR.problem SimpleRank.problem SimpleTrueFalse.problem StringResponse.problem custompartial.problem examupload.problem numerical.problem organic.problem reaction.problem

bisitz bisitz@source.lon-capa.org
Mon, 06 Jul 2009 17:12:47 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

bisitz		Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/homework/templates	ClickImageExample.problem 
                              	CustomResponse.problem DropBox.problem 
                              	Essay.problem HintFormula.problem 
                              	Plot_curve.problem Plot_data.problem 
                              	custompartial.problem examupload.problem 
                              	numerical.problem organic.problem 
  Consistent problem templates:
  - New line after each tag (not for texts in foils)
  - One empty row after each end tag and before new start tag for second level tags
  - No indentation for second level tags, e.g. <script>
  - Four white spaces as indentation for each further sub level
          -Content (mostly text) in separate line(s): no indentation
          - Concept groups: same indentation as foilgroup
            (allows to insert code from problems without concept groups without changing the indentation and vice versa)
  - No new line at end of template
  - Removed new lines from within the middle of default texts
  - Added one blank each after "<m>$" and before "$</m>" to ensure no misinterpretation neither by human nor by machine (e.g. "<m>$x" is not "<m>$ $x")
  - Replaced deprecated font tag in <instructorcomment> by CSS
  - Removed dos line endings
  - dos2unix conversion
    (ClickImageExample.problem, RandomLabelExample.problem, SimpleMatching.problem)
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bisitz-20090706171247.txt"

Index: loncom/homework/templates/ClickImageExample.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/ClickImageExample.problem:1.4 loncom/homework/templates/ClickImageExample.problem:1.5
--- loncom/homework/templates/ClickImageExample.problem:1.4	Wed Jun 22 16:46:14 2005
+++ loncom/homework/templates/ClickImageExample.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,26 +1,31 @@
-<startouttext />Consider the image below.  <endouttext />
-<imageresponse max="1">
-  <foilgroup>
-    <foil name="foil1">
-      <image>/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg</image>
-      <text>Click on an eye</text>
-      <rectangle>(127,139)-(186,178)</rectangle>
-      <rectangle>(242,139)-(306,183)</rectangle>
-    </foil>
-    <foil name="foil2">
-      <image>/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg</image>
-      <text>Click on the nose</text>
-      <rectangle>(192,180)-(227,222)</rectangle>
-    </foil>
-    <foil name="foil3">
-      <image>/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg</image>
-      <text>Click on the mouth</text>
-      <rectangle>(142,226)-(294,293)</rectangle>
-    </foil>
-  </foilgroup>
-  <hintgroup>
-    <startouttext />This is a hint. <endouttext />
-  </hintgroup>
+<startouttext />
+Consider the image below.
+<endouttext />
+<imageresponse max="1">
+  <foilgroup>
+    <foil name="foil1">
+      <image>/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg</image>
+      <text>Click on an eye</text>
+      <rectangle>(127,139)-(186,178)</rectangle>
+      <rectangle>(242,139)-(306,183)</rectangle>
+    </foil>
+    <foil name="foil2">
+      <image>/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg</image>
+      <text>Click on the nose</text>
+      <rectangle>(192,180)-(227,222)</rectangle>
+    </foil>
+    <foil name="foil3">
+      <image>/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg</image>
+      <text>Click on the mouth</text>
+      <rectangle>(142,226)-(294,293)</rectangle>
+    </foil>
+  </foilgroup>
+  <hintgroup>
+    <startouttext />This is a hint.<endouttext />
+  </hintgroup>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/CustomResponse.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/CustomResponse.problem:1.2 loncom/homework/templates/CustomResponse.problem:1.3
--- loncom/homework/templates/CustomResponse.problem:1.2	Fri Mar 30 20:10:09 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/CustomResponse.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
-<startouttext />Accept an answer of around 90 or -90<endouttext />
-  <customresponse answerdisplay="something near 90 or -90">
+<startouttext />
+Accept an answer of around 90 or -90
+<endouttext />
+<customresponse answerdisplay="something near 90 or -90">
     <answer type="loncapa/perl">
 # We do not want a vector
 if ($submission=~/\,/) { return 'EXTRA_ANSWER'; }
@@ -14,6 +18,6 @@
 return 'INCORRECT';
     <textline />
-  </customresponse>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/DropBox.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/DropBox.problem:1.12 loncom/homework/templates/DropBox.problem:1.13
--- loncom/homework/templates/DropBox.problem:1.12	Wed Jun 10 13:29:26 2009
+++ loncom/homework/templates/DropBox.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 <parameter name="scoreformat" description="Format for display of score" type="string" />
 <parameter name="uploadedfiletypes" id="11" default="doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,png,jpg,jpeg,gif,txt,pdf,htm,html" type="string_fileext" description="Allowed File Extensions for Uploaded Files" />
 <parameter name="maxfilesize" id="13" default="10.0" type="float_pos" description="Max. cumulative size (MB) for submitted file(s)" /> 
 <script type="loncapa/perl">
 if ((!defined($weight)) || ($weight eq '')) { $weight=1; }
@@ -15,18 +17,19 @@
             $weight.' possible points.';
 <startouttext />
 <displaytitle />
-<instructorcomment><font color="red"><ul><li>If non-integer points are used (e.g., 3.5), make sure to change the
-display format in PPRM, or the result will be displayed in rounded form.</li>
-<li>To change the allowed file types for
-submissions, change the "uploadedfiletypes" parameter in
+<instructorcomment><span style="color:red">
+<ul><li>If non-integer points are used (e.g., 3.5), make sure to change the display format in PPRM, or the result will be displayed in rounded form.</li>
+<li>To change the allowed file types for submissions, change the "uploadedfiletypes" parameter in PPRM.</li>
 <li>To change the maximum cumulative size for submitted files for this item, modify the "maxfilesize" parameter in PPRM (The default is 10 MB).</li>
 <endouttext />
 <essayresponse id="upload">
Index: loncom/homework/templates/Essay.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/Essay.problem:1.3 loncom/homework/templates/Essay.problem:1.4
--- loncom/homework/templates/Essay.problem:1.3	Wed Dec 11 15:21:45 2002
+++ loncom/homework/templates/Essay.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 <startouttext />
 Enter the question text here. Type in an essay below.
 <endouttext />
+    <textfield></textfield>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/HintFormula.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/HintFormula.problem:1.3 loncom/homework/templates/HintFormula.problem:1.4
--- loncom/homework/templates/HintFormula.problem:1.3	Tue Jan 23 22:49:34 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/HintFormula.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-    <script type="loncapa/perl">
+<script type="loncapa/perl">
@@ -10,19 +11,21 @@
-    </script>
-    <startouttext />
+<startouttext />
 What is the derivative of
-<m eval="on">\[\left(\begin{array}{c}$a1 t^$e1\\ $a2 t^$e2\end{array}\right)\]</m>
-with respect to <m>$t$</m>?
-    <endouttext />
-    <formularesponse answer="@derivative">
-        <textline readonly="no" size="25" />
-        <hintgroup showoncorrect="no">
-            <formulahint answer="@wrongderivative" name="nomulti"></formulahint>
-            <hintpart on="nomulti">
-                <startouttext />You need to multiply with the original exponent.<endouttext />
-            </hintpart>
-        </hintgroup>
-    </formularesponse>
+<m eval="on">\[\left(\begin{array}{c}$a1 t^$e1\\ $a2 t^$e2\end{array}\right)\]</m> with respect to <m>$ t $</m>?
+<endouttext />
+<formularesponse answer="@derivative">
+    <textline readonly="no" size="25" />
+    <hintgroup showoncorrect="no">
+        <formulahint answer="@wrongderivative" name="nomulti"></formulahint>
+        <hintpart on="nomulti">
+            <startouttext />You need to multiply with the original exponent.<endouttext />
+        </hintpart>
+    </hintgroup>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/HintMathResponse.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/HintMathResponse.problem:1.3 loncom/homework/templates/HintMathResponse.problem:1.4
--- loncom/homework/templates/HintMathResponse.problem:1.3	Mon May 21 22:11:07 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/HintMathResponse.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,75 +1,69 @@
-    <script type="loncapa/perl">
+<script type="loncapa/perl">
 $a1 = &random(-6,6,4);
 $a2 = &random(-6,6,4);
 $n1 = &random(3,11,2);
 $n2 = &random(2,10,2);
 $function = "$a1*cos($n1*x)+$a2*sin($n2*x)";
-$example=&xmlparse('An example would be <m eval="on">$(sin($n1\cdot x)+cos($n2\cdot x))/\sqrt{2}$</m>');
-    </script>
+$example=&xmlparse('An example would be <m eval="on">$ (sin($n1\cdot x)+cos($n2\cdot x))/\sqrt{2} $</m>');
-    <startouttext />
+<startouttext />
 Give an example of a function
-    <li>which is orthogonal to <algebra>$function</algebra> with respect to the
-        scalar product
+    <li>which is orthogonal to <algebra>$function</algebra> with respect to the scalar product
         <m>\[<g \mid h> = \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}dx g(x) \cdot h(x)\]</m>
     <li>whose norm is 1.</li>
-    <endouttext />
+<endouttext />
-    <mathresponse answerdisplay="$example" cas="maxima" args="$function">
-        <answer>
+<mathresponse answerdisplay="$example" cas="maxima" args="$function">
+    <answer>
 is(overlap=0 and norm=1);
-        </answer>
-        <textline readonly="no" size="50" />
+    </answer>
-        <hintgroup showoncorrect="no">
+    <textline readonly="no" size="50" />
-            <mathhint name="ortho" args="$function" cas="maxima">
-                <answer>
+    <hintgroup showoncorrect="no">
+        <mathhint name="ortho" args="$function" cas="maxima">
+            <answer>
 overlap: integrate((LONCAPALIST[1])*(RESPONSE[1]),x,-%pi,%pi)/%pi;
 is(not overlap = 0);
-                </answer>
-            </mathhint>
+            </answer>
+        </mathhint>
-            <mathhint name="norm" args="$function" cas="maxima">
-                <answer>
+        <mathhint name="norm" args="$function" cas="maxima">
+            <answer>
 norm: integrate((RESPONSE[1])*(RESPONSE[1]),x,-%pi,%pi)/%pi;
 is(not norm = 1);
-                </answer>
-            </mathhint>
+            </answer>
+        </mathhint>
-            <hintpart on="norm">
-                <startouttext />
+        <hintpart on="norm">
+            <startouttext />
 The function you have provided does not have a norm of one.
-                <endouttext />
-            </hintpart>
+            <endouttext />
+        </hintpart>
-            <hintpart on="ortho">
-                <startouttext />
+        <hintpart on="ortho">
+            <startouttext />
 The function you have provided is not orthogonal.
-                <endouttext />
-            </hintpart>
-        </hintgroup>
-    </mathresponse>
+            <endouttext />
+        </hintpart>
-    <postanswerdate>
+    </hintgroup>
-        <startouttext />
+    <startouttext />
-    Note that with respect to the above norm, <m>$\cos(nx)$</m> is
-    perpendicular to <m>$\sin(nx)$</m> and perpendicular to <m>$\cos(mx)$</m>
-    for <m>$n\ne m$</m>.
+Note that with respect to the above norm, <m>$ \cos(nx) $</m> is perpendicular to <m>$ \sin(nx) $</m> and perpendicular to <m>$ \cos(mx) $</m> for <m>$ n\ne m $</m>.
-        <endouttext />
+    <endouttext />
-    </postanswerdate>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerEither.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerEither.problem:1.1 loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerEither.problem:1.2
--- loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerEither.problem:1.1	Fri Jul  6 17:32:41 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerEither.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
-    <script type="loncapa/perl">#Enter the computations here
+<script type="loncapa/perl">
+#Enter the computations here
-    </script>
-    <startouttext />
-If <m eval="on">$x^2=$b$</m>, what is a possible value of <m>$x$</m>?
-    <endouttext />
-    <numericalresponse>
-        <answergroup type="ordered">
-            <answer name="negative" type="ordered">
-                <value>-$a</value>
-            </answer>
-            <answer name="positive" type="ordered">
-                <value>$a</value>
-            </answer>
-        </answergroup>
-        <responseparam type="tolerance" default="5%" name="tol"
-            description="Numerical Tolerance" />
-        <responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="0,15"
-            description="Significant Figures" />
-        <textline readonly="no" />
-    </numericalresponse>
+<startouttext />
+If <m eval="on">$ x^2=$b $</m>, what is a possible value of <m>$ x $</m>?
+<endouttext />
+    <answergroup type="ordered">
+        <answer name="negative" type="ordered">
+            <value>-$a</value>
+        </answer>
+        <answer name="positive" type="ordered">
+            <value>$a</value>
+        </answer>
+    </answergroup>
+    <responseparam type="tolerance" default="5%" name="tol" description="Numerical Tolerance" />
+    <responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="0,15" description="Significant Figures" />
+    <textline readonly="no" />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerUnordered.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerUnordered.problem:1.1 loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerUnordered.problem:1.2
--- loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerUnordered.problem:1.1	Fri Jul  6 17:32:41 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/MultipleAnswerUnordered.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
-    <script type="loncapa/perl">
+<script type="loncapa/perl">
 $a = &random(1,7,1);
 $b = $a*$a;
-    </script>
-    <startouttext />
+<startouttext />
 What are the factors of
 <m eval="on">$x^2 - $b$</m>?
-    <endouttext />
-    <formularesponse>
-        <answergroup type="ordered">
-            <answer name="both" type="unordered">
-              <value>x-$a</value><value>x+$a</value>
-            </answer>
-        </answergroup>
-        <textline readonly="no" size="10" />
-        <textline readonly="no" size="10" />
-    </formularesponse>
+<endouttext />
+    <answergroup type="ordered">
+        <answer name="both" type="unordered">
+            <value>x-$a</value><value>x+$a</value>
+        </answer>
+    </answergroup>
+    <textline readonly="no" size="10" />
+    <textline readonly="no" size="10" />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/Plot_curve.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/Plot_curve.problem:1.5 loncom/homework/templates/Plot_curve.problem:1.6
--- loncom/homework/templates/Plot_curve.problem:1.5	Mon Oct 29 16:13:10 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/Plot_curve.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@
-<startouttext />What is the amplitude of this function?<endouttext />
+<startouttext />
+What is the amplitude of this function?
+<endouttext />
 <numericalresponse answer="$amplitude" format="2s">
     <responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" description="Numerical Tolerance" default="5%" />
     <textline readonly="no" />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/Plot_data.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/Plot_data.problem:1.4 loncom/homework/templates/Plot_data.problem:1.5
--- loncom/homework/templates/Plot_data.problem:1.4	Mon Oct 29 16:21:07 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/Plot_data.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
-<startouttext />What is the amplitude of this function?<endouttext />
+<startouttext />
+What is the amplitude of this function?
+<endouttext />
 <numericalresponse answer="$amplitude" format="2s">
     <responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" description="Numerical Tolerance" default="5%" />
     <textline readonly="no" />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/RadioResponse.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/RadioResponse.problem:1.10 loncom/homework/templates/RadioResponse.problem:1.11
--- loncom/homework/templates/RadioResponse.problem:1.10	Mon May 19 20:38:30 2008
+++ loncom/homework/templates/RadioResponse.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,38 +1,29 @@
-<parameter name="maxtries" type="int_pos" default="2" description="Maximum Number of Tries" />
-<startouttext />Enter the text of the question here.<endouttext />
-<radiobuttonresponse max="10" randomize="yes">
-    <foilgroup>
-<foil location="random" value="true" name="foil1">
-<startouttext />This is foil One, and it is currently set to "true."  Only one true foil is selected.
-<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="true" name="foil2">
-<startouttext />This is foil Two, and it is currently set to "true."  Only one true foil is selected.
-<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="false" name="foil3">
-<startouttext />This is foil Three, and it is currently set to "false."
-<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="false" name="foil4">
-<startouttext />This is foil Four, and it is currently set to "false."
-<endouttext />
+<parameter name="maxtries" type="int_pos" default="2" description="Maximum Number of Tries" />
-<foil location="random" value="false" name="foil5">
-<startouttext />This is foil Five, and it is currently set to "false."
+<startouttext />
+Enter the text of the question here.
 <endouttext />
+<radiobuttonresponse max="10" randomize="yes">
+    <foilgroup>
+        <foil location="random" value="true" name="foil1">
+            <startouttext />This is foil One, and it is currently set to "true."  Only one true foil is selected.<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="true" name="foil2">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Two, and it is currently set to "true."  Only one true foil is selected.<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="false" name="foil3">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Three, and it is currently set to "false."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="false" name="foil4">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Four, and it is currently set to "false."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="false" name="foil5">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Five, and it is currently set to "false."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/RandomLabelExample.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/RandomLabelExample.problem:1.4 loncom/homework/templates/RandomLabelExample.problem:1.5
--- loncom/homework/templates/RandomLabelExample.problem:1.4	Thu Jun 10 22:17:59 2004
+++ loncom/homework/templates/RandomLabelExample.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,38 +1,45 @@
-<randomlabel width="576" height="432" texwidth="60" bgimg="/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg">
-<labelgroup name="face" type="text">
-<location x="73" y="60" value="">
-<location x="443" y="169" value="">
-<location x="46" y="263" value="">
-<location x="364" y="332" value="">
-</randomlabel><startouttext />Match the following:<endouttext />
-<optionresponse max="10">
-    <foilgroup options="('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')">
-<foil name="eyebrow" value="$face{1}">
-<startouttext />eyebrow<endouttext />
-<foil name="eye" value="$face{2}">
-<startouttext />eye<endouttext />
-<foil name="nose" value="$face{3}">
-<startouttext />nose<endouttext />
-<foil name="mouth" value="$face{4}">
-<startouttext />mouth<endouttext />
-    </foilgroup>
-    <hintgroup><startouttext /><endouttext />
-    </hintgroup>
+<randomlabel width="576" height="432" texwidth="60" bgimg="/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg">
+    <labelgroup name="face" type="text">
+        <location x="73" y="60" value="">
+        </location>
+        <location x="443" y="169" value="">
+        </location>
+        <location x="46" y="263" value="">
+        </location>
+        <location x="364" y="332" value="">
+        </location>
+        <label>A</label>
+        <label>B</label>
+        <label>C</label>
+        <label>D</label>
+    </labelgroup>
+<startouttext />
+Match the following:
+<endouttext />
+<optionresponse max="10">
+    <foilgroup options="('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')">
+        <foil name="eyebrow" value="$face{1}">
+            <startouttext />eyebrow<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="eye" value="$face{2}">
+            <startouttext />eye<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="nose" value="$face{3}">
+            <startouttext />nose<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="mouth" value="$face{4}">
+            <startouttext />mouth<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+    </foilgroup>
+    <hintgroup>
+        <startouttext /><endouttext />
+    </hintgroup>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/Rnumerical.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/Rnumerical.problem:1.2 loncom/homework/templates/Rnumerical.problem:1.3
--- loncom/homework/templates/Rnumerical.problem:1.2	Tue Jun 23 03:01:20 2009
+++ loncom/homework/templates/Rnumerical.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 <script type="loncapa/perl">
@@ -19,12 +20,12 @@
 <startouttext />
 Consider the plotted data set.<br />
 <endouttext />
 <gnuplot width="400" solid="0" plotcolor="monochrome" gridlayer="off" bmargin="default" font="9" alttag="dynamically generated plot" bgcolor="xffffff" texfont="22" transparent="off" plottype="Cartesian" rmargin="default" gridtype="Cartesian" minor_ticscale="0.5" fontface="sans-serif" grid="on" align="left" texwidth="93" height="300" border="on" samples="100" fgcolor="x000000" major_ticscale="1" tmargin="default" lmargin="default" fillstyle="empty">
     <curve linestyle="points" linetype="solid" color="x000000" pointtype="3" limit="closed" pointsize="2" linewidth="1">
 <startouttext />
@@ -32,9 +33,10 @@
 Give a linear function approximating the data.<br />
 <endouttext />
 <formularesponse id="11" answer="$answer" samples="x@1:$n#20">
     <responseparam name="tol" default="2%" description="Numerical Tolerance" type="tolerance" />
     <textline size="25" readonly="no" />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-4ConceptGoups.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-4ConceptGoups.problem:1.3 loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-4ConceptGoups.problem:1.4
--- loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-4ConceptGoups.problem:1.3	Tue Mar 11 19:53:07 2003
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-4ConceptGoups.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,49 +1,52 @@
-<problem><startouttext />Type Question Here.
+<startouttext />
+Type Question Here.
 <endouttext />
 <optionresponse max="10">
     <foilgroup options="('Green','Red')">
-		<conceptgroup concept="One">
-<foil name="OneA" value="Green">
-<startouttext />This is statement OneA of concept One.  Green<endouttext />
-<foil name="OneB" value="Red">
-<startouttext />This is statement OneB of concept One.  Red<endouttext />
-<foil name="OneC" value="Green">
-<startouttext />This is statement OneC of concept One.  Green<endouttext />
-		</conceptgroup>
-		<conceptgroup concept="Two">
-<foil name="TwoA" value="Green">
-<startouttext />This is statement TwoA of concept Two.  Green<endouttext />
-<foil name="TwoB" value="Red">
-<startouttext />This is statement TwoB of concept Two.  Red<endouttext />
-		</conceptgroup>
-		<conceptgroup concept="Three">
-<foil name="ThreeA" value="Green">
-<startouttext />This is statement ThreeA of concept Three.  Green<endouttext />
-<foil name="ThreeB" value="Red">
-<startouttext />This is statement ThreeB of concept Three.  Red<endouttext />
-		</conceptgroup>
-		<conceptgroup concept="Four">
-<foil name="FourA" value="Green">
-<startouttext />This is statement FourA of concept Four.  Green<endouttext />
-<foil name="FourB" value="Red">
-<startouttext />This is statement FourB of concept Four.  Red<endouttext />
-		</conceptgroup>
+    <conceptgroup concept="One">
+        <foil name="OneA" value="Green">
+            <startouttext />This is statement OneA of concept One.  Green<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="OneB" value="Red">
+            <startouttext />This is statement OneB of concept One.  Red<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="OneC" value="Green">
+            <startouttext />This is statement OneC of concept One.  Green<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+    </conceptgroup>
+    <conceptgroup concept="Two">
+        <foil name="TwoA" value="Green">
+                <startouttext />This is statement TwoA of concept Two.  Green<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="TwoB" value="Red">
+            <startouttext />This is statement TwoB of concept Two.  Red<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+    </conceptgroup>
+    <conceptgroup concept="Three">
+        <foil name="ThreeA" value="Green">
+            <startouttext />This is statement ThreeA of concept Three.  Green<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="ThreeB" value="Red">
+            <startouttext />This is statement ThreeB of concept Three.  Red<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+    </conceptgroup>
+    <conceptgroup concept="Four">
+        <foil name="FourA" value="Green">
+            <startouttext />This is statement FourA of concept Four.  Green<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="FourB" value="Red">
+            <startouttext />This is statement FourB of concept Four.  Red<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+    </conceptgroup>
     <hintgroup><startouttext />Add hint text here.<endouttext />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-Simple.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-Simple.problem:1.8 loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-Simple.problem:1.9
--- loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-Simple.problem:1.8	Fri Jan  7 05:02:49 2005
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SelectFromOptions-Simple.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
-<problem><startouttext />Type Question Here.<endouttext />
+<startouttext />
+Type Question Here.
+<endouttext />
 <optionresponse max="10" randomize="yes">
     <foilgroup options="('Green','Red')">
-<foil location="random" value="Green" name="Foil1">
-<startouttext />This is foil One. It is currently set to "Green."<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="Red" name="Foil2">
-<startouttext />This is foil Two. It is currently set to "Red."<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="Green" name="Foil3">
-<startouttext />This is foil Three. It is currently set to "Green."<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="Red" name="Foil4">
-<startouttext />This is foil Two. It is currently set to "Red."<endouttext />
+        <foil location="random" value="Green" name="Foil1">
+            <startouttext />This is foil One. It is currently set to "Green."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="Red" name="Foil2">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Two. It is currently set to "Red."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="Green" name="Foil3">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Three. It is currently set to "Green."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="Red" name="Foil4">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Two. It is currently set to "Red."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
-    <hintgroup><startouttext /><endouttext />
+    <hintgroup>
+        <startouttext /><endouttext />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormula.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormula.problem:1.6 loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormula.problem:1.7
--- loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormula.problem:1.6	Tue Jan 23 21:16:50 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormula.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-    <script type="loncapa/perl">
+<script type="loncapa/perl">
-    </script>
-    <startouttext />
+<startouttext />
 What is the derivative of <tt>$formula</tt> with respect to x?
-    <endouttext />
+<endouttext />
-    <formularesponse samples="a,x@-3,-3:3,3#4" answer="$derivative">
-        <responseparam description="Numerical Tolerance" type="tolerance" default="0.00001" name="tol" />
-        <textline size="25" />    
-    </formularesponse>
+<formularesponse samples="a,x@-3,-3:3,3#4" answer="$derivative">
+    <responseparam description="Numerical Tolerance" type="tolerance" default="0.00001" name="tol" />
+    <textline size="25" />    
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormulaCAS.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormulaCAS.problem:1.2 loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormulaCAS.problem:1.3
--- loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormulaCAS.problem:1.2	Tue Jan 23 21:16:50 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SimpleFormulaCAS.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-    <script type="loncapa/perl">
+<script type="loncapa/perl">
-    </script>
-    <startouttext />
+<startouttext />
 What is the derivative of <tt>$formula</tt> with respect to x?
-    <endouttext />
+<endouttext />
-    <formularesponse answer="$derivative">
-        <textline size="25" />    
-    </formularesponse>
+<formularesponse answer="$derivative">
+    <textline size="25" />    
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMatching.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMatching.problem:1.4 loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMatching.problem:1.5
--- loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMatching.problem:1.4	Fri Feb 11 20:16:44 2005
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMatching.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,41 +1,45 @@
-<startouttext />Match the author to their work.<endouttext />
-<matchresponse max="10" randomize="yes">
-    <foilgroup>
-        <itemgroup>
-<item name="shakespeare">
-<startouttext />William Shakespeare<endouttext />
-<item name="alex">
-<startouttext />Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn <endouttext />
-<item name="dickinson">
-<startouttext />Emily Dickinson<endouttext />
-<item location="bottom" name="none"><startouttext />None of the above<endouttext /></item>
-        </itemgroup>
-<foil location="random" value="none" name="For Whom the Bell Tolls">
-<startouttext />For Whom the Bell Tolls<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="alex" name="Gulag">
-<startouttext />The Gulag Archipelago<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="none" name="Tom Sawyer">
-<startouttext />Tom Sawyer<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="shakespeare" name="King Lear">
-<startouttext />King Lear<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="none" name="Gettysburg Address">
-<startouttext />Gettysburg Address<endouttext />
-<foil location="random" value="shakespeare" name="Hamlet">
-<startouttext />Hamlet<endouttext />
-    </foilgroup>
+<startouttext />
+Match the author to their work.
+<endouttext />
+<matchresponse max="10" randomize="yes">
+    <foilgroup>
+        <itemgroup>
+            <item name="shakespeare">
+                <startouttext />William Shakespeare<endouttext />
+            </item>
+            <item name="alex">
+                <startouttext />Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn<endouttext />
+            </item>
+            <item name="dickinson">
+                <startouttext />Emily Dickinson<endouttext />
+            </item>
+            <item location="bottom" name="none">
+                <startouttext />None of the above<endouttext />
+            </item>
+        </itemgroup>
+        <foil location="random" value="none" name="For Whom the Bell Tolls">
+            <startouttext />For Whom the Bell Tolls<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="alex" name="Gulag">
+            <startouttext />The Gulag Archipelago<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="none" name="Tom Sawyer">
+            <startouttext />Tom Sawyer<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="shakespeare" name="King Lear">
+            <startouttext />King Lear<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="none" name="Gettysburg Address">
+            <startouttext />Gettysburg Address<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="shakespeare" name="Hamlet">
+            <startouttext />Hamlet<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+    </foilgroup>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponse.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponse.problem:1.2 loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponse.problem:1.3
--- loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponse.problem:1.2	Thu Sep 25 01:50:47 2008
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponse.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 <script type="loncapa/perl">
 $x = &random(-1,1,2) * &random(1,5,1);
 $y = &random(-1,1,2) * &random(1,3,1);
@@ -19,16 +20,13 @@
 <endouttext />
 <mathresponse answerdisplay="$example" cas="maxima" args="@args">
+    <answer>
 hitspoint:is(abs(y(LONCAPALIST[1]) - LONCAPALIST[2]) <= 0.000000001);
 islinear:is(diff(y(x),x,2) = 0);
 hitspoint and islinear;
-<textline readonly="no" size="50" />
+    </answer>
+    <textline readonly="no" size="50" />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponseR.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponseR.problem:1.1 loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponseR.problem:1.2
--- loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponseR.problem:1.1	Sat Apr 18 23:43:54 2009
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SimpleMathResponseR.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 <script type="loncapa/perl">
@@ -10,11 +11,11 @@
 <endouttext />
 <mathresponse answerdisplay="$answer" cas="R" args="@args">
+    <answer>
-<textline readonly="no" size="50" />
+    </answer>
+    <textline readonly="no" size="50" />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SimpleRank.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SimpleRank.problem:1.2 loncom/homework/templates/SimpleRank.problem:1.3
--- loncom/homework/templates/SimpleRank.problem:1.2	Fri Jun  6 04:24:16 2003
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SimpleRank.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
-<startouttext />Enter the question text here.<endouttext />
-<rankresponse max="10" randomize="yes">
-    <foilgroup>
-<foil location="random" value="1" name="foil1"><startouttext />1<endouttext /></foil>
-<foil location="random" value="2" name="foil2"><startouttext />2<endouttext /></foil>
-<foil location="random" value="3" name="foil3"><startouttext />3<endouttext /></foil>
-<foil location="random" value="2" name="foil4"><startouttext />2<endouttext /></foil>
-<foil location="random" value="2.0" name="foil5"><startouttext />2.0<endouttext /></foil>
-<foil location="random" value="4" name="foil6"><startouttext />4<endouttext /></foil>
-<foil location="random" value="-1" name="foil7"><startouttext />-1<endouttext /></foil>
-    </foilgroup>
+<startouttext />
+Enter the question text here.
+<endouttext />
+<rankresponse max="10" randomize="yes">
+    <foilgroup>
+        <foil location="random" value="1" name="foil1"><startouttext />1<endouttext /></foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="2" name="foil2"><startouttext />2<endouttext /></foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="3" name="foil3"><startouttext />3<endouttext /></foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="2" name="foil4"><startouttext />2<endouttext /></foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="2.0" name="foil5"><startouttext />2.0<endouttext /></foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="4" name="foil6"><startouttext />4<endouttext /></foil>
+        <foil location="random" value="-1" name="foil7"><startouttext />-1<endouttext /></foil>
+    </foilgroup>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/SimpleTrueFalse.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/SimpleTrueFalse.problem:1.2 loncom/homework/templates/SimpleTrueFalse.problem:1.3
--- loncom/homework/templates/SimpleTrueFalse.problem:1.2	Wed Apr 21 20:37:41 2004
+++ loncom/homework/templates/SimpleTrueFalse.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,27 +1,33 @@
-<problem><startouttext />Type Question Here.<endouttext />
+<startouttext />
+Type Question Here.
+<endouttext />
 <optionresponse max="10">
     <foilgroup options="('True','False')">
-<foil name="Foil1" value="True">
-<startouttext />This is foil One. It is currently set to "True."<endouttext />
-<foil name="Foil2" value="False">
-<startouttext />This is foil Two. It is currently set to "False."<endouttext />
-<foil name="Foil3" value="True">
-<startouttext />This is foil Three. It is currently set to "True."<endouttext />
-<foil name="Foil4" value="False">
-<startouttext />This is foil Four. It is currently set to "False."<endouttext />
-<foil name="Foil5" value="True">
-<startouttext />This is foil Five. It is currently set to "True."<endouttext />
-<foil name="Foil6" value="False">
-<startouttext />This is foil Six. It is currently set to "False."<endouttext />
+        <foil name="Foil1" value="True">
+            <startouttext />This is foil One. It is currently set to "True."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="Foil2" value="False">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Two. It is currently set to "False."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="Foil3" value="True">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Three. It is currently set to "True."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="Foil4" value="False">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Four. It is currently set to "False."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="Foil5" value="True">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Five. It is currently set to "True."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
+        <foil name="Foil6" value="False">
+            <startouttext />This is foil Six. It is currently set to "False."<endouttext />
+        </foil>
-    <hintgroup><startouttext /><endouttext />
+    <hintgroup>
+        <startouttext /><endouttext />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/StringResponse.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/StringResponse.problem:1.6 loncom/homework/templates/StringResponse.problem:1.7
--- loncom/homework/templates/StringResponse.problem:1.6	Wed Apr 21 20:37:41 2004
+++ loncom/homework/templates/StringResponse.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-<problem><startouttext />Enter your question text here.
-The current answer is "NaCl" and it is case sensitive.<endouttext />
+<startouttext />
+Enter your question text here.
+The current answer is "NaCl" and it is case sensitive.
+<endouttext />
 <stringresponse answer="NaCl" type="cs">
-    <hintgroup><startouttext /><endouttext />
+    <textline></textline>
+    <hintgroup>
+        <startouttext /><endouttext />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/custompartial.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/custompartial.problem:1.1 loncom/homework/templates/custompartial.problem:1.2
--- loncom/homework/templates/custompartial.problem:1.1	Sun May 24 13:08:27 2009
+++ loncom/homework/templates/custompartial.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
-<startouttext />Complete the sentence:<endouttext />
-<customresponse id="11">
-<startouttext />
-The q<textline readonly="no" size="5" /> brown fox jum<textline readonly="no" size="3" /> over the <textline readonly="no" size="3" />zy d<textline readonly="no" size="3" />.
-<endouttext />
 <startouttext />
-The q<b>uick</b> brown fox jum<b>ps</b> over the <b>la</b>zy d<b>og</b>.
+Complete the sentence:
 <endouttext />
-    <answer type="loncapa/perl">@answer=('uick','ps','la','og');
+<customresponse id="11">
+    <notsolved>
+        <startouttext />
+The q<textline readonly="no" size="5" /> brown fox jum<textline readonly="no" size="3" /> over the <textline readonly="no" size="3" />zy d<textline readonly="no" size="3" />.
+        <endouttext />
+    </notsolved>
+    <solved>
+        <startouttext />
+The q<b>uick</b> brown fox jum<b>ps</b> over the <b>la</b>zy d<b>og</b>.
+        <endouttext />
+    </solved>
+    <answer type="loncapa/perl">
 for ($i=0;$i<=$#$submission;$i++) {
@@ -20,8 +24,8 @@
 if ($correct==$#answer+1) { return 'EXACT_ANS'; }
 if ($correct==0) { return 'INCORRECT'; }
+    </answer>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/examupload.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/examupload.problem:1.9 loncom/homework/templates/examupload.problem:1.10
--- loncom/homework/templates/examupload.problem:1.9	Sat Aug 11 21:24:36 2007
+++ loncom/homework/templates/examupload.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 <displaytitle />
 <parameter name="scoreformat" description="Format for display of score" type="string" />
 <parameter name="handgrade" description="Hand Grade" default="yes" type="string_yesno" />
 <script type="loncapa/perl">
 if ((!defined($weight)) || ($weight eq '')) { $weight=1; }
@@ -10,14 +13,15 @@
 if (!defined($scoreformat) || $scoreformat eq '') { $scoreformat="0f"; }
 <startouttext />
 You have <display>&format($awarded*$weight,$scoreformat)</display> out of $weight possible points.
-<font color="red">
+<instructorcomment><span style="color:red">
 <br />If non-integer points are used (e.g., 3.5), make sure to change the
 display format in "Modify parameter settings for this resource" ("PPRM"/clock symbol), or the result will be displayed in rounded form.
 <endouttext />
-<block condition="0"><numericalresponse id='score' /></block>
+<block condition="0"><numericalresponse id="score" /></block>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/numerical.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/numerical.problem:1.7 loncom/homework/templates/numerical.problem:1.8
--- loncom/homework/templates/numerical.problem:1.7	Mon May 19 20:38:30 2008
+++ loncom/homework/templates/numerical.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
-<script type="loncapa/perl">#Enter the computations here
-<startouttext />Enter the problem text here.
-What is $a + $b?<endouttext />
+<script type="loncapa/perl">
+#Enter the computations here
+<startouttext />
+Enter the problem text here.
+What is $a + $b?
+<endouttext />
 <numericalresponse answer="$c">
-	<responseparam type="tolerance" default="5%" name="tol" description="Numerical Tolerance" />
-	<textline />
+    <responseparam type="tolerance" default="5%" name="tol" description="Numerical Tolerance" />
+    <textline />
Index: loncom/homework/templates/organic.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/organic.problem:1.3 loncom/homework/templates/organic.problem:1.4
--- loncom/homework/templates/organic.problem:1.3	Mon May 19 20:38:30 2008
+++ loncom/homework/templates/organic.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
 <startouttext />
-<p> The image below is <chem>C2H4O2</chem> </p>
+<p>The image below is <chem>C2H4O2</chem></p>
 <endouttext />
 <organicstructure width="250" options="border" texwidth="70" molecule="4 3 C 6.33 -6.22 C 7.73 -6.22 O 8.43 -7.43 O 8.43 -5.00 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 2" />
 <startouttext />
-<p> Draw acetic acid.  </p>
+<p>Draw acetic acid.</p>
 <endouttext />
-  <organicresponse jmeanswer="4 3 C 6.33 -6.22 C 7.73 -6.22 O 8.43 -7.43 O 8.43 -5.00 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 2" answer="CC(=O)O">
+<organicresponse jmeanswer="4 3 C 6.33 -6.22 C 7.73 -6.22 O 8.43 -7.43 O 8.43 -5.00 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 2" answer="CC(=O)O">
     <textline readonly="yes" />
-  </organicresponse>
Index: loncom/homework/templates/reaction.problem
diff -u loncom/homework/templates/reaction.problem:1.1 loncom/homework/templates/reaction.problem:1.2
--- loncom/homework/templates/reaction.problem:1.1	Fri Feb 18 05:42:45 2005
+++ loncom/homework/templates/reaction.problem	Mon Jul  6 17:12:47 2009
@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
 <script type="loncapa/perl">
 $formula = "C2H5OH";
 $name = "ethanol";
 $answer = "C2H5OH + 3O2 -> 2CO2 + 3H2O";
 <startouttext />
-<p>Write a balanced reaction for the complete combustion of $name
-(<chem>$formula</chem>) in oxygen, using the smallest integer
+Write a balanced reaction for the complete combustion of $name (<chem>$formula</chem>) in oxygen, using the smallest integer coefficients.
 <endouttext />
-  <reactionresponse answer="$answer" initial="$formula ->">
+<reactionresponse answer="$answer" initial="$formula ->">
     <textline readonly="yes" />
     <hintgroup showoncorrect="no">
-      <stringhint answer="/\(g\)/" name="state" type="re" />
-      <hintpart on="state">
-        <startouttext />
-          Do not include symbols for state of matter in your answer.
-        <endouttext />
-      </hintpart>
+        <stringhint answer="/\(g\)/" name="state" type="re" />
+        <hintpart on="state">
+            <startouttext />Do not include symbols for state of matter in your answer.<endouttext />
+        </hintpart>
-  </reactionresponse>
