[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /interface entities.pm

foxr lon-capa-cvs-allow@mail.lon-capa.org
Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:09:03 -0000

foxr		Tue Feb 19 07:09:03 2008 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/interface	entities.pm 
  many many more entities.
Index: loncom/interface/entities.pm
diff -u loncom/interface/entities.pm:1.1 loncom/interface/entities.pm:1.2
--- loncom/interface/entities.pm:1.1	Mon Feb 11 06:35:46 2008
+++ loncom/interface/entities.pm	Tue Feb 19 07:09:02 2008
@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@
 #  the original massive regular expression replacements originally by 
 #  A. Sakharuk in lonprintout.pm
+#  I also want to acknowledge
+#   ISO Character entities and their LaTeX equivalents by 
+#      Vidar Bronken Gundersen, and Rune Mathisen
+#    http://www.bitjungle.com/isoent-ref.pdf
 #  Note numerical entities are essentially unicode character codes.
 my %entities = {
@@ -499,6 +505,159 @@
     'zeta'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\zeta\}',
     951      => '\\ensuremath\{\\eta\}',
     'eta'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\eta\}',
+    952      => '\\ensuremath\{\\theta\}',
+    'theta'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\theta\}',
+    953      => '\\ensuremath\{\\iota\}',
+    'iota'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\iota\}',
+    954      => '\\ensuremath\{\\kappa\}',
+    'kappa'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\kappa\}',
+    955      => '\\ensuremath\{\\lambda\}',
+    'lambda' => '\\ensuremath\{\\lambda\}',
+    956      => '\\ensuremath\{\\mu\}',
+    'mu'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\mu\}',
+    957      => '\\ensuremath\{\\nu\}',
+    'nu'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nu\}',
+    958      => '\\ensuremath\{\\xi\}',
+    'xi'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\xi\}',
+    959      => '\\ensuremath\{o\}',
+    'omicron'=> '\\ensuremath\{o\}',
+    960      => '\\ensuremath\{\\pi\}',
+    'pi'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\pi\}',
+    961      => '\\ensuremath\{\\rho\}',
+    'rho'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\rho\}',
+    962      => '\\ensuremath\{\\varsigma\}',
+    'sigmaf' => '\\ensuremath\{\\varsigma\}',
+    963      => '\\ensuremath\{\\sigma\}',
+    'sigma'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\sigma\}',
+    964      => '\\ensuremath\{\\tau\}',
+    'tau'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\tau\}',
+    965      => '\\ensuremath\{\\upsilon\}',
+    'upsilon'=> '\\ensuremath\{\\upsilon\}',
+    966      => '\\ensuremath\{\\phi\}',
+    'phi'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\phi\}',
+    967      => '\\ensuremath\{\\chi\}',
+    'chi'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\chi\}',
+    968      => '\\ensuremath\{\\psi\}',
+    'psi'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\psi\}',
+    969      => '\\ensuremath\{\\omega\}',
+    'omega'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\omega\}',
+    977      => '\\ensuremath\{\\vartheta\}',
+    'thetasym'=>'\\ensuremath\{\\vartheta\}',
+    978      => '\\ensuremath\{\\varUpsilon\}',
+    'upsih'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\varUpsilon\}',
+    982      => '\\ensuremath\{\\varpi\}',
+    'piv'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\varpi\}',
+    # The general punctuation set:
+    8194,    => '\\hspace{.5em}',
+    'enspc'  => '\\hspace{.5em}',
+    8195     => '\\hspace{1.0em}',
+    'emspc'  => '\\hspace{1.0em}',
+    8201     => '\\hspace{0.167em}',
+    'thinsp' => '\\hspace{0.167em}',
+    8204     => '\{\}',
+    'zwnj'   => '\{\}',
+    8205     => '',
+    'zwj'    => '',
+    8206     => '',
+    'lrm'    => '',
+    8207     => '',
+    'rlm'    => '',
+    8211     => '--',
+    'ndash'  => '--',
+    8212     => '---',
+    'mdash'  => '---',
+    8216     => '`',
+    'lsquo'  => '`',
+    8217     => "'",
+    'rsquo'  => "'",
+    8218     => '\\quotesinglebase',
+    'sbquo'  => '\\quotesinglebase',
+    8220     => '``',
+    'ldquo'  => '``',
+    8221     => "''",
+    'rdquo'  => "''",
+    8222     => '\\quotedblbase',
+    'bdquo'  => '\\quotedblbase',
+    8224     => '\\dagger',
+    'dagger' => '\\dagger',
+    '8225'   => '\\ddag',
+    'Dagger' => '\\ddag',
+    8226     => '\\textbullet',
+    'bull'   => '\\textbullet',
+    8230     => '\\textellipsis',
+    'hellep' => '\\textellipsis',
+    8240     => '\\textperthousand',
+    permil   => '\\textperthousand',
+    8242     => '\\textquotesingle',
+    'prime'  => '\\textquotesingle',
+    8243     => '\\textquotedbl',
+    'Prime'  => '\\textquotedbl',
+    8249     => '\\guilsingleleft',
+    'lsaquo' => '\\guilsingleleft',
+    8250     => '\\guilsingleright',
+    'rsaquo' => '\\guilsingleright',
+    8254     => '\\textasciimacron',
+    oline    => '\\textasciimacron',
+    8260     => '\\textfractionsolidus',
+    'frasl'  => '\\textfractionsolidus',
+    8364     => '\\texteuro',
+    'euro'   => '\\texteuro',
+    # Letter like symbols
+    8472     => '\\ensuremath\{\\wp\}',
+    'weierp' => '\\ensuremath\{\\wp\}',
+    8465     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Im\}',
+    'image'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\Im\}',
+    8476     => '\\ensuremath{\\Re\}',
+    'real'   => '\\ensuremath{\\Re\}',
+    8482     => '\\texttrademark',
+    'trade'  => '\\texttrademark',
+    8501     => '\\ensuremath{\\aleph\}',
+    'alefsym'=> '\\ensuremath{\\aleph\}',
+    # Arrows and then some (harpoons from Hon Kie).
+    8592     => '\\textleftarrow',
+    'larr'   => '\\textleftarrow',
+    8593     => '\\textuparrow',
+    'uarr'   => '\\textuparrow',
+    8594     => '\\textrightarrow',
+    'rarr'   => '\\textrightarrow',
+    8595     => '\\textdownarrow',
+    'darr'   => '\\textdownarrow',
+    8596     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leftrightarrow\}',
+    'harr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\leftrightarrow\}',
+    8598     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nwarrow\}',
+    8599     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nearrow\}',
+    8600     => '\\ensuremath\{\\searrow\}',
+    8601     => '\\ensuremath\{\\swarrow\}',
+    8605     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leadsto\}',
+    8614     => '\\ensuremath\{\\mapsto\}',
+    8617     => '\\ensuremath\{\\hookleftarrow\}',
+    8618     => '\\ensuremath\{\\hookrightarrow\}',
+    8629     => '\\ensuremath\{\\hookleftarrow\}', # not an exact match but best I know.
+    'crarr'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\hookleftarrow\}', # not an exact match but best I know.
+    8636     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leftharpoonup\}',
+    8637     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leftharpoondown\}',
+    8640     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rightharpoonup\}',
+    8641     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rightharpoondown\}',
+    8652     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rightleftharpoons\}',
+    8656     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Leftarrow\}',
+    'lArr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Leftarrow\}',
+    8657     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Uparrow\}',
+    'uArr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Uparrow\}',
+    8658     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Rightarrow\}',
+    'rArr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Rightarrow\}',
+    8659     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Downarrow\}',
+    'dArr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Downarrow\}',
+    8660     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Leftrightarrow\}',
+    # Mathematical operators.