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Index: modules/gerd/correlpaper/correlations.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/correlpaper/correlations.tex:1.13 modules/gerd/correlpaper/correlations.tex:1.14
--- modules/gerd/correlpaper/correlations.tex:1.13	Fri Sep 29 15:13:27 2006
+++ modules/gerd/correlpaper/correlations.tex	Sat Sep 30 16:35:10 2006
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 \item We classify the online homework discussion contributions from one course
 \item We deploy the MPEX for comparison as a pre- and post-test 
 \item We are using the pre- and post-FCI, as well as the final exam and course grades, as a measure of student learning
+\item We correlate online discussion behavior and MPEX cluster scores with measures of student learning
-Online discussions are a rich source of feedback to the instructor~\cite{kortemeyer05feedback}, and their quality and character was found to be correlated with the type and difficulty of the associated problems~\cite{kortemeyer05ana}, i.e., data exists regarding the influence of {\it problem} characteristics on associated discussions. Unfortunately, less data exists on the correlation between {\it student} characteristics and discussion behavior, because usually only very few student characteristics are known, with the exception of the students' overall performance in the course. Thus, one of the few findings was the fact that certain discussion behavior, most prominently exhibited on ``non-sanctioned'' discussion sites external to the course, is negatively correlated with performance in the course~\cite{kashy03,kortemeyer05ana}. Also, Hogan~\cite{hogan99} assessed eight graders' epistemological frameworks through interviews and then analyzed their discussion behavior in a science course with a particular focus on collaboration, finding a number of correlations.
+Previous studies indicate that correlations between epistemological beliefs and academic performance exist, both directly and indirectly \cite{schommer93,may02}. The problem is how to measure these beliefs,  and techniques include surveys, guided interviews, and observations. 
+Many of these, though, take place in artificial research settings and outside the normal course activity over a relatively short time, and research results regarding their predictive power are not conclusive: Coletta and Philips~\cite{coletta05} found a strong correlation between the FCI Gain and the MPEX Score, while Dancy~\cite{dancy02} found low correlations between the MPEX and the the performance on homework, tests, and final exams. The discrepancies might all be traced back to the ``Product Warning Lab''~\cite{mpexwarning}, that the survey is best used to gain insights into the beliefs of the class as a whole, rather than on an individual level.
+Online discussions take place within the regular course context and over its complete duration. They are a rich source of feedback to the instructor~\cite{kortemeyer05feedback}, and their quality and character was found to be correlated with the type and difficulty of the associated problems~\cite{kortemeyer05ana}, i.e., data exists regarding the influence of {\it problem} characteristics on associated discussions. Unfortunately, less data exists on the correlation between {\it student} characteristics and discussion behavior, because usually only very few student characteristics are known, with the exception of the students' overall performance in the course. Thus, one of the few findings was the fact that certain discussion behavior, most prominently exhibited on ``non-sanctioned'' discussion sites external to the course, is negatively correlated with performance in the course~\cite{kashy03,kortemeyer05ana}.
+Few studies exist on the correlation between beliefs data gathered in research settings and actual discussion behavior in the course. For example, Hogan~\cite{hogan99} assessed eight graders' epistemological frameworks through interviews and then analyzed their discussion behavior in a science course with a particular focus on collaboration, finding a number of correlations.
 The project was carried out in an introductory calculus-based physics course with initially 214 students. Most of the students in this course plan on pursuing a career in a medical field. The course had three traditional lectures per week. It did not use a textbook, instead, all course materials were available online. Topics were introductory mechanics, as well as sound and thermodynamics. There was twice-weekly online homework: one small set as reading problems due before the topic was dealt with in class (implementing JiTT~\cite{jitt}), and a larger set of traditional end-of-the-chapter style homework at the end of each topic. The online problems in the course were randomized using the LON-CAPA system, i.e., different students would receive different versions of the same problem (different graphs, numbers, images, options, formulas, etc)~\cite{loncapa,kashyd01}. The students had weekly recitation sessions, and a traditional lab was offered in parallel. The course grade was determined from the students' performance on biweekly quizzes, the final exam, the recitation grades, and the homework performance.
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 The author analyzed the online student discussions that were associated with the online homework given in his course, using the scheme first suggested in Ref.~\cite{kortemeyer05ana}.  The student names were not available during classification in order to avoid bias.
-There were a total of 2405 such online discussion contributions over the course of the semester.
+There were a total of 2405 such online discussion contributions over the course of the semester, where one posting counts as one contribution.
 The following list shows the classifications taken into consideration, as well as illustrative examples that would receive the respective classification.
@@ -226,29 +232,30 @@
 Favorable: I go over my class notes carefully to prepare for tests in this course.
+The overall scores of the students on the MPEX clusters were low (Independence 42\%; Coherence 46\%; Concepts 48\%; Reality Link 55\%; Math Link 40\%; Effort 47\%). 
 \subsection{\label{performance}Measures of Student Learning}
 As a measure of student conceptual understanding and learning, we deployed the revised Force Concept Inventory (FCI)\cite{fci} at the beginning and the end of the course, again with voluntary participation. As an additional measure of student performance, the performance on the final exam and the course grade for each student were taken into consideration. For the grade we used the raw percentage score, not the number grades, since it provides finer grained information about the overall student performance in the course.
+\section{\label{perception}Student Perception of the Online Discussions and Survey Instruments}
+An additional survey was deployed online after the end of the course to gauge students' perception of the online online discussions, as well as of the MPEX and the FCI.
+77 students participated anonymously in this survey.  On a Likert scale, 73\% stated that they took the FCI seriously or very seriously, while 65\% stated the same about the MPEX. The difference between the answer distributions is however not statistically significant. A larger difference was found regarding the question if the surveys appeared to be relevant: 62\% of the students found the FCI relevant, while 51\% found the MPEX relevant. These distributions have an $\alpha$ of 1.54, which comes close to confirming a difference at the $p<0.1$-level.
-\subsection{\label{MPEXDiscussion}Correlations between Discussion Behavior and MPEX}
-To directly compare the attitudes and beliefs measures, we calculated correlations between the prominence of discussion behavior classes and the MPEX clusters, and generally found them to be very low. As an example, the correlation between the score on the Concepts Cluster and the prominence of conceptual discussion contributions turned out to be $R=0.14 [-0.08 \to 0.34]; n=84$ when considering all students, and  $R=0.15 [-0.13 \to 0.41]; n=51$ when only considering those who made at least five discussion contributions --  the 95\% confidence intervals (given in square brackets) include zero. Thus, we conclude that discussion behavior and the individual MPEX cluster scores are -- if at all -- only weakly correlated.
+The most surprising result was that only 31\% of the students stated that they would be frustrated or very frustrated if they did not do well on the FCI, and only 30\% of the students stated the same for the MPEX. Particularly the FCI percentage is smaller than expected, since the FCI is generally believed to be fairly robust in ungraded settings, see for example Henderson~\cite{henderson}, who found only 0.5 points difference between graded and ungraded administration of the FCI. Also, the FCI is similar to the tests and exams used in the course, and students tend to base their relative value system regarding a subject area on the assessments used~\cite{lin}. 
-\subsection{\label{learningcorrel}Correlations between Discussions, MPEX, and Learning}
-Correlations between the MPEX and measures of student learning are generally weak. Considering final exam and course grade,  $R=0.36 [0.17 \to 0.52]$ ($n=97$) between the score on the Coherence cluster and the course grade percentage is the highest correlation found. Dancy~\cite{dancy02} found similarly low correlations with the performance on homework, tests, and final exams: direct comparison with the performance on the final exams found $R=0.37$ for the correlation with the total MPEX score ($R=0.27$ here), $R=0.39$ with the Independence Cluster ($R=0.25$ here), $R=0.24$ with the Coherence Cluster ($R=0.36$ here), $R=0.29$ with the Concept Cluster ($R=0.25$ here), $R=-.02$ with the Reality Link cluster ($R=0.1$ here), $R=0.3$ with the Math Link cluster (no significant correlation found here), and no significant correlation with the Effort Cluster ($R=0.1$ here). As a caveat already pointed out in section~\ref{setting}, however, the course grade is based on a number of factors, some of which are simply a matter of diligence or effort. 
+On the other hand, student discussions correlate more strongly with performance measures. Students are taking them seriously, likely because they are perceived as helpful and relevant. In the same post-course survey, 89\% of the students found the discussions either helpful or very helpful, and 73\% stated that they used the discussions to learn physics, as opposed to 35\% who said they often or very often just used the discussions to get the correct result as quickly as possible. Discussions appear to be an authentic reflection of what the students perceive as good problem solving strategy:  while an expert would characterize most postings as ``bad strategy,''  
+only 17\% of the students admitted that they often against better knowledge used bad problem solving strategies to get the correct result as soon as possible, and 48\% stated that they rarely or never did so (35\% were not sure). 
-Figure~\ref{mpexfci} shows how the final MPEX and FCI scores correlated with each other, i.e, $R=0.24 [0.04 \to 0.42]$ ($n=97$). 
-Coletta and Philips~\cite{coletta05} found a strong correlation between the FCI Gain and the MPEX Score ($R=0.52 [0.24 \to 0.72]; n=37$), while the same correlation turned out much lower in this study ($R=0.17 [-0.05 \to 0.37]; n=84$ here). The correlations reported here are in the same range that
-Perkins et al.~\cite{perkins04} found when investigating the influence of beliefs on conceptual learning, using the CLASS~\cite{adams04} and the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE)~\cite{thornton98} instruments.
-\caption{\label{mpexfci}Correlation of the final FCI score with the MPEX score ($R=0.24 [0.04 \to 0.42]$; $n=97$).}
-Figure~\ref{physicsgrade} shows the correlation between the prominence of physics-related discussions and the course grade percentage (for better statistics, only students who contributed at least five discussion entries over the course of the semester were considered). The correlation is stronger than with the MPEX Score, yet smaller than with the FCI.
+\section{\label{results}Correlation Results}
+\subsection{\label{MPEXDiscussion}Correlations between Discussion Behavior and MPEX}
+To directly compare the attitudes and beliefs measures, we calculated correlations between the prominence of discussion behavior classes and the MPEX clusters, and generally found them to be very low. As an example, the correlation between the score on the Concepts Cluster and the prominence of conceptual discussion contributions turned out to be $R=0.14 [-0.08 \to 0.34]; n=84$ when considering all students, and  $R=0.15 [-0.13 \to 0.41]; n=51$ when only considering those who made at least five discussion contributions --  the 95\% confidence intervals (given in square brackets) include zero. Thus, we conclude that discussion behavior and the individual MPEX cluster scores are -- if at all -- only weakly correlated.
+\subsection{\label{learningcorreldis}Correlations between Discussions  and Learning}
+Figure~\ref{physicsgrade} shows the correlation between the prominence of physics-related discussions and the course grade percentage (for better statistics, only students who contributed at least five discussion entries over the course of the semester were considered). 
 \caption{\label{physicsgrade}Correlation of percentage physics-related discussions with grade percentage ($R=0.33 [0.15 \to 0.49]$; $n=111$).}
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-\section{Discussion of the Correlation Results}
-Correlations between Grade, Final Exam, FCI, MPEX, and student discussion behavior have turned out lower than expected. The strongest correlations exist with the final score on the FCI, namely $R=0.56$ with the grade percentage in the course, $R=0.51$ with the prominence of physics-related discussions, and $R=-0.58$ with the prominence of solution-oriented discussions.
-An unexpected result were the low correlations between the MPEX cluster scores and the student discussion behavior. We can thus not conclude that student discussion behavior is strongly correlated with student attitudes and expectations as measured by the MPEX. Student discussions and the MPEX also differently correlate to measures of learning, i.e., student discussion more strongly correlates to the FCI, and MPEX more strongly to course grades and the final exam.
-Regarding the hypotheses stated in section~\ref{hypo},
-\item a correlation between performance on MPEX clusters and discussion behavior exhibited online could not be confirmed
-\item a medium negative correlation between the prominence of solution-oriented and a medium positive correlation between physics-related online discussions and the FCI score could be confirmed, while correlations with other discussion characteristics could not be confirmed on the 95\% confidence level
-\item a positive correlation between FCI and MPEX scores could be confirmed on the 95\% confidence level, but is very weak
-Medium correlations exist between the performance on the final exam and the course grade on the one hand, and the FCI performance on the other, but the same could not be confirmed for the MPEX scores.
-\section{Discussion of Possible Causal Relationships}
-A purely correlational study does not allow any conclusions regarding causal relationships. In this section, we are discussing some possible causal relations and additional experiments that were conducted to confirm some of these.
-\subsection{Discrepancy in the Correlational Power of the MPEX and the FCI}
-A surprising result is the relative weakness of many of the expected correlations with the MPEX, particularly compared to and correlated with the FCI, as well as other course-specific performance measures. Previous studies indicate that correlations between epistemological beliefs and academic performance exist, both directly and indirectly \cite{schommer93,may02}.
+\subsection{\label{learningcorrelmpex}Correlations between MPEX and Learning}
-A hypothesis was formed that the students do not take the MPEX very seriously or don't find it relevant, and that they do not care greatly how they are performing on it. An argument for this possible explanation is that the overall scores of the students on the MPEX were low (Independence 42\%; Coherence 46\%; Concepts 48\%; Reality Link 55\%; Math Link 40\%; Effort 47\%). 
+Correlations between the MPEX and measures of student learning are generally weak. Considering final exam, FCI, and course grade,  $R=0.36 [0.17 \to 0.52]$ ($n=97$) between the score on the Coherence cluster and the course grade percentage is the highest correlation found. 
-To give a more definitive answer, an additional survey was deployed online after the end of the course regarding both the MPEX and the FCI.
+Dancy~\cite{dancy02} found similarly low correlations with the performance on homework, tests, and final exams: direct comparison with the performance on the final exams found $R=0.37$ for the correlation with the total MPEX score ($R=0.27$ here), $R=0.39$ with the Independence Cluster ($R=0.25$ here), $R=0.24$ with the Coherence Cluster ($R=0.36$ here), $R=0.29$ with the Concept Cluster ($R=0.25$ here), $R=-.02$ with the Reality Link cluster ($R=0.1$ here), $R=0.3$ with the Math Link cluster (no significant correlation found here), and no significant correlation with the Effort Cluster ($R=0.1$ here). 
-72 students participated anonymously in this survey.  On a Likert scale, 74\% stated that they took the FCI seriously or very seriously, while 65\% stated the same about the MPEX. The difference between the answer distributions is however not statistically significant. A larger difference was found regarding the question if the surveys appeared to be relevant: 61\% of the students found the FCI relevant, while 51\% found the MPEX relevant. The distributions have an $\alpha$ of 1.64, which comes close to confirming a difference at the $p<0.1$-level.
-The most surprising result was that only 32\% of the students stated that they would be frustrated or very frustrated if they did not do well on the FCI, and only 30\% of the students stated the same for the MPEX. Particularly the FCI percentage is smaller than expected, since the FCI is generally believed to be fairly robust in ungraded settings, see for example Henderson~\cite{henderson}, who found only 0.5 points difference between graded and ungraded administration of the FCI.
+Figure~\ref{mpexfci} shows how the final MPEX and FCI scores correlated with each other, i.e, $R=0.24 [0.04 \to 0.42]$ ($n=97$). 
+Coletta and Philips~\cite{coletta05} found a strong correlation between the FCI Gain and the MPEX Score ($R=0.52 [0.24 \to 0.72]; n=37$), while the same correlation turned out much lower in this study ($R=0.17 [-0.05 \to 0.37]; n=84$ here). The correlations reported here are in the same range that
+Perkins et al.~\cite{perkins04} found when investigating the influence of beliefs on conceptual learning, using the CLASS~\cite{adams04} and the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE)~\cite{thornton98} instruments.
+\caption{\label{mpexfci}Correlation of the final FCI score with the MPEX score ($R=0.24 [0.04 \to 0.42]$; $n=97$).}
-In summary, it can be confirmed that the correlation results with and between the MPEX and the FCI might be weak because the students --- in spite of the best efforts of the author --- do not really care that much about them, particularly not how well they are doing on them. The main difference between the two instruments is that the students find the FCI more relevant than the MPEX, likely because the FCI more closely matches the other grade-relevant assessments they encounter in the course, and students tend to base their relative value system regarding a subject area on the assessments used~\cite{lin}. 
-On the other hand, student discussions correlate more strongly with performance measures. Students are taking them seriously, likely because they are perceived as helpful and relevant. In the same post-course survey, 90\% of the students found the discussions either helpful or very helpful, and 73\% stated that they used the discussions to learn physics, as opposed to 34\% who said they often or very often just used the discussions to get the correct result as quickly as possible. Discussions appear to be an authentic reflection of what the students perceive as good problem solving strategy:  while an expert would characterize most postings as ``bad strategy,''  
-only 16\% of the students admitted that they often against better knowledge used bad problem solving strategies to get the correct result as soon as possible, and 48\% stated that they rarely or never did so (36\% were not sure). 
+\section{Discussion of Possible Causal Relationships}
+The study showed that there is a relatively strong correlation between solution-oriented discussion behavior (negative) and physics-oriented discussion behavior (positive) and the final FCI score. It is an interesting question whether the students learned physics better because of their more expert-like approach, or vice versa.
+In an attempt to answer this question, we are considering the FCI gain as a rough measure of how much physics the students {\it learned} (versus, for example, knew already). We also introduced a measure of discussion behavior gain by splitting the semester in half and calculating the the difference between the prominence of discussion behaviors in the first and the second half of the semester. 
-\subsection{Discussions Behavior versus FCI and Grade Performance}
-The study showed that there is a relatively strong correlation between solution-oriented discussion behavior (negative) and physics-oriented discussion behavior (positive) and the final FCI score. It is an interesting question whether the students learned physics better because of their more expert-like approach, or vice versa. In an attempt to answer this question, we are considering the FCI gain as a rough measure of how much physics the students {\it learned} (versus, for example, knew already). We also introduced a measure of discussion behavior gain by splitting the semester in half and calculating the the difference between the prominence of discussion behaviors in the first and the second half of the semester. We then calculated the following two correlations:
+We then calculated the following two correlations:
 \item FCI gain versus prominence of solution-oriented and physics-related postings
 \item FCI gain versus gain in prominence of solution-oriented and physics-related postings
-As it turns out, the first correlations are significant, with $R=-0.44 [-0.65 - -0.18] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus solution-oriented discussions, and $R=0.4 [0.13 - 0.62] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus physics-related discussions. Such significant correlations do not occur for FCI gain versus any of the MPEX cluster scores.
+As it turns out, the first correlations are significant, with $R=-0.44 [-0.65 \to -0.18] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus solution-oriented discussions, and $R=0.4 [0.13 \to 0.62] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus physics-related discussions. Such significant correlations do not occur for FCI gain versus any of the MPEX cluster scores.
-On the other hand, the correlations with discussion-gain are not significant: $0.24 [-0.05 -- 0.49] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus gain in solution-oriented discussions, and $-0.12 [-0.39 -- 0.17] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus gain in physics-related discussions. Note that these correlations have the opposite sign than expected, however, the confidence intervals include zero in both cases. When looking at the absolute values, the average gain in solution-oriented discussions between the two halves of the semester is $2.4\%$, and the gain in physics-oriented discussions $-0.3\%$ --- in other words, the students did not really change their discussion behavior over the course of the semester, and their discussion behavior does not improve co-measured with their increasing understanding of physics. 
+On the other hand, the correlations with discussion-gain are not significant: $0.24 [-0.05 \to 0.49] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus gain in solution-oriented discussions, and $-0.12 [-0.39 \to 0.17] (n=47)$ for FCI gain versus gain in physics-related discussions. Note that these correlations have the opposite sign than expected, however, the confidence intervals include zero in both cases. When looking at the absolute values, the average gain in solution-oriented discussions between the two halves of the semester is $2.4\%$, and the gain in physics-oriented discussions $-0.3\%$ --- in other words, the students did not really change their discussion behavior over the course of the semester, and their discussion behavior does not improve co-measured with their increasing understanding of physics. 
 Thus, the discussion behavior appears to be a property of the students that is almost constant over the course of the semester, just like Hammer~\cite{hammer94} already pointed out that it is unlikely that epistemological beliefs are changed implicitly by physics instruction.
-A more expert-like approach that is reflected in more desirable discussion behavior causes students to have higher learning gains in physics.
+We also ran a linear regression analysis of the FCI scores versus discussion behavior. In the equations below, ``PostFCI'' is the predicted post (final) FCI score, ``PreFCI'' is the score on the pre FCI, and ``Solution'' and ``Physics'' are the percentage solution- and physics-oriented discussion over the course of the semester. For the physics-oriented discussion, we found
+\mbox{Post FCI}=5.486+0.922\cdot\mbox{PreFCI}+0.24\cdot\mbox{Physics}
+with an explained variance of 45.6\% of the Post FCI score. The effect of the pre-test FCI is significant ($p<0.001$), the effect of the physics discussion is not ($p=0.195$).
+For the solution-oriented discussion, we found
+with an explained variance of 47.9\% of the Post FCI score. Both coefficients are significant, the solution-oriented discussion has $p=0.019$. Thus, controlling for Pre FCI score, for each 10 percent increase in solution-oriented discussion, the predicted Post FCI score goes down by 0.42 points.
-In this introductory calculus-based course, correlations between different performance and attitude indicators were found to be lower than expected. Student discussion behavior generally correlates more strongly with student performance (FCI, final exam, grade) than MPEX results. Particularly the prominence of solution-oriented and physics-related discussions correlate relatively strongly with the FCI. A more expert-like approach to physics, which is reflected in more desirable discussion behavior, causes students to have higher learning gains in physics. On the downside, a physics course appears to do little in terms of changing students' approaches to physics.
-The expected correlation between MPEX clusters and the prominence of different classes of student discussion behavior is largely missing. The reason for this lack of correlation could not completely be determined in the framework of this study: it might be that the mechanisms -- even in related areas -- measure different things, or that at least one of them in fact measures very little, or that, as indicated by an additional survey, the students did not bother responding to the MPEX with sufficient diligence.
+Online student discussions have very little correlation with MPEX outcomes, but appear to be a good reflection of students' individual beliefs regarding the nature of problem solving in physics. Students who exhibit more expert-like views and strategies have higher learning success, even when controlling for prior physics knowledge.
 Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under NSF-ITR 0085921 and NSF-CCLI-ASA 0243126. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this 
-publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The author would like to thank the students in his course for their participation in this study, as well as Deborah Kashy for assistance with the statistical analysis of the data.
+publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The author would like to thank the students in his course for their participation in this study, as well as Deborah Kashy from Michigan State University for assistance with the statistical analysis of the data, and Stephen Pellathy from the University of Pittsburgh for carrying out the interrater reliability study.
 \bibliography{correlations}% Produces the bibliography via BibTeX.
