[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /html/adm/help/tex Annotation.tex Bookmarks.tex Bugzilla.tex Change_Colors.tex Change_Password.tex Course_Broadcast_Message.tex Course_Change_Privileges.tex Course_View_Class_List.tex Print_Resource.tex Sending_Email.tex

bowersj2 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 03 Sep 2003 20:42:32 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

bowersj2		Wed Sep  3 16:42:32 2003 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /loncom/html/adm/help/tex	Annotation.tex Bookmarks.tex Bugzilla.tex 
                             	Change_Colors.tex Change_Password.tex 
                             	Print_Resource.tex Sending_Email.tex 
  Add these files.
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bowersj2-20030903164232.txt"

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Annotation.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Annotation.tex

Annotations are only available if you are using the pop-up remote,
since it requires pop-up windows. To create annotations on a resource:


\item Select the resource.
\item Click \textbf{ANOT} on the remote control.
\item Type your notes, and save them by clicking \textbf{Save and Update}


When you return to the resouce at a later time and click ANOT on the remote 
control, you will see your previous notes.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Bookmarks.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Bookmarks.tex

LON-CAPA can store bookmarks in the system for you. To save a
bookmark, click \textbf{SBKM} on the resource you would like to
bookmark, and fill in the resulting window as you'd like. Note only
users using the pop-up remote can set bookmarks, since it requires a
pop-up window.

To see stored bookmarks, push \textbf{VBKM} on the remote, and select
the bookmark you'd like to go to.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Bugzilla.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Bugzilla.tex
LON-CAPA uses "Bugzilla" (http://www.bugzilla.org/) to report and track bugs 
and enhancements.  To use Bugzilla, you will need to have an account with 
Bugzilla. You can create an account at http://bugs.lon-capa.org and then 
select \textbf{Open a New Account}. To report a bug or request an enhancement, do 
the following:


 Open the web page http://bugs.lon-capa.org
2. Select enter a new bug report.
3. Select the product (LON-CAPA) on which to enter a bug.
4. At the login screen, enter your email address and password.
5. Click Login.
6. Select the version of LON-CAPA, the LON-CAPA component the bug is in, the platform 
your using, and the operating system your using from the pull down menu.
7. Enter a summary in the summary text box.
8. Enter a description in the description text box.
9. Click Commit.


LON-CAPA is open-source software where everyone is free to contribute to the 
development. If you think of an enhancement request, or find a bug in the system, 
please report it. All reported bugs and enhancement requests posted on Bugzilla
will be examined by the core LON-CAPA team. Having the request in Bugzilla
makes it much easier to keep track of bugs and enhancement requests, making it
less likely such things will get lost or be forgetten as requests not in 
Bugzilla frequently are.

Bugzilla also supports conversation about requests, and some workflow and 
accountability features. You'll be able to see how the developers respond to
the bug, who is currently responsible for it, and what the developer's intention

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Colors.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Colors.tex
To change your color scheme preferences, do the following:


\item Click \textbf{PREF} on the remote control.
\item At the \textbf{Change your Preferences} screen, click \textbf{Change Color Scheme}.
\item At the \textbf{Change Color Scheme for Current Role type}, click
  on \textbf{select link} next
to the description you want to change.
\item At the pop up window, click on the color and select \textbf{store}.
\item Repeat step 3 & 4 as necessary.
\item Click \textbf{Change Custom Color} button to save changes.


To restore the color to the default colors, click Reset All Colors to Default.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Password.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Password.tex

Depending on how LON-CAPA is authenticating you, you may be able to
change your password. 

To change your password, do the following:


\item Click \textbf{PREF} on the remote control.
\item At the \textbf{Change your Preferences} screen, click the 
  \textbf{change password} button.
\item Type your current password in the \textbf{current password} text box.
\item Type your new password in the \textbf{new password} text box.
\item Re-type your new password in the \textbf{confirm password} box.
\item Click \textbf{Change Password} button.


If you can not change your password, please contact your system
administrator to find out how. For instance, at Michigan State
University, most of our users authenticate against our campus-wide
system. For those users to change the password LON-CAPA uses, they
need to change their MSU password. Your system administrator will know
what you need to do.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Broadcast_Message.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Broadcast_Message.tex

A Broadcast Message is sent to all members of a course.

To send a Broadcast Message to the course, do the following:


\item Click \textbf{COM} in the remote control.
\item At the \textbf{Communication and Message} screen, select \textbf{Broadcast Message to Course}.
\item Type your message in the text box.
\item Add any additional recipients if necessary.
\item If this is a critical message check to send as a critical message.
\item Select the students you want the message sent to.
\item Click \textbf{Send Mail}.


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Change_Privileges.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Change_Privileges.tex
To modify a user's privileges, do the following:


\item Click \textbf{CUSR} on the remote control.
\item At the \textbf{Create User, Change User Privileges} screen under
  the heading \textbf{Set Individual User Roles}, type the username in the textbox.

\textbf{Note}: If you don't know the username, click the \textbf{Select User} link and a window 
will open with a list of all the users in the course. Select a User.

\item Click the \textbf{User Role} button.

\textbf{Note}: At the \textbf{Change User Privileges} screen the user's existing roles and 
available roles are listed.

\item Click the box next to the roles you wish to revoke or add to the user. If 
your adding roles input the group/section if applicable and the starting/ending 
dates for the roll.
\item Click \textbf{Modify user}.


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_View_Class_List.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_View_Class_List.tex
To view your class list, do the following:


\item Click \textbf{ENRL} on the remote control.
\item At the \textbf{Enrollment Manager} screen, select the \textbf{View Class List} link.
\item At the \textbf{Current Class List} screen, select the student status you wish to view 
from the student status pulldown menu.


Note: You also have the choice to output the class list to CVS format or Excel 
format. To do this, select the \textbf{CVS} or \textbf{Excel} links.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Print_Resource.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Print_Resource.tex
To print a resource, do the following:


\item Select a resource.
\item Click \textbf{PRT} on the remote control if you are using the
  remote, or click \textbf{prepare printout} on the resource screen.


The Print helper will guide you through the process of preparing a PDF
document of the resource.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Sending_Email.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Sending_Email.tex
To send an email messages, do the following:


\item Click \textbf{COM} on the remote control.
\item At the \textbf{Communication and Message} screen, select \textbf{Send Message to User(s)}.
\item Type the username you want to send email to.
\textbf{Note}: If you don't know the user name you can click on the Select User link. 
Another screen will open and you can select a user from the list.

\item Enter any additional recipients.
\item Type the \textbf{Subject} in the subject text box.
\item Type the message in the text box.
\item If this is a critical message, select send as critical message or send as a 
critical message and return receipt. (Only instructors can send
critical messages.)
\item Click \textbf{Send New Mail}.

