[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /build/system_dependencies perltest.pl

albertel lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Fri, 22 Aug 2003 19:56:03 -0000

albertel		Fri Aug 22 15:56:03 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/build/system_dependencies	perltest.pl 
  - remove some repeated code
  - add in the Module name to the outptu logs, easier to use CPAN this way
Index: loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl
diff -u loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl:1.10 loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl:1.11
--- loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl:1.10	Mon Feb  3 13:03:52 2003
+++ loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl	Fri Aug 22 15:56:02 2003
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # perltest.pl - script to test the status of perl modules on a LON-CAPA system
-# $Id: perltest.pl,v 1.10 2003/02/03 18:03:52 harris41 Exp $
+# $Id: perltest.pl,v 1.11 2003/08/22 19:56:02 albertel Exp $
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 # =================================== Process version information of this file.
-my $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.10 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+my $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.11 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
 # ========================== Determine the mode that this script should run in.
 my $mode;
@@ -331,98 +331,57 @@
 my @stable_veryokay;
 # ===== Loop through all of the needed CPAN distributions and probe the system.
-foreach my $dist (keys %dist_module_hash)
-  {
+foreach my $dist (keys %dist_module_hash) {
     my $module = $dist_module_hash{$dist};
     my $fs = $modulefs_hash{$module};
     my $fsflag = 0;
-    if ($big_module_string =~ /$fs/)
-      {
-        $fsflag = 1;
-      }
+    if ($big_module_string =~ /$fs/) { $fsflag = 1; }
     my ($vok,$vstr);
-    ($vok,$vstr) = have_vers($module,$module_dev_version_hash{$module});
-    # print "fsflag: $fsflag, vok: $vok, vstr: $vstr, fs: $fs\n";
-    if ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
-      {
-	push(@dev_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
-	     $dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}.') ?'."\n");
-	# The question mark indicates there was a pattern match in the
-	# big_module_string which would be unexpected.
-	# There is no usual reason to tell the normal LON-CAPA user about this
-	# question mark.  This is just source code magic.
-      }
-    elsif (!$fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
-      {
-	push(@dev_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
-	     $dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}.')'."\n");
-      }
-    elsif ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr!~/not found/)
-      {
-	push(@dev_outdated,'OUTDATED '.$dist.' wanted module: v'.
-	     $module_dev_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.' (VERSION_FROM is '.
-	     $fs.') want dist version '.$dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}.'.'.
-	     "\n");
-      }
-    elsif ($fsflag)
-      {
-	$vstr=~/found v(.*)/;
-	my $vc=$1;
-	if ($vc eq $module_dev_version_hash{$module})
-          {
-	    push(@dev_veryokay,'VERYOKAY '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
-		 $module_dev_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
-		 ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.') want dist version '.
-		 $dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}."\n");
-	  }
-	else
-          {
-	    push(@dev_okay,'OKAY     '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
-		  $module_dev_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
-		  ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.').'."\n");
-	  }
-      }
-    ($vok,$vstr) = have_vers($module,$module_stable_version_hash{$module});
-    if ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
-      {
-	push(@stable_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
-	     $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}.') ?'."\n");
-	# The question mark indicates there was a pattern match in the
-	# big_module_string which would be unexpected.
-	# There is no usual reason to tell the normal LON-CAPA user about this
-	# question mark.  This is just source code magic.
-      }
-    elsif (!$fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
-      {
-	push(@stable_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
-	     $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}.')'."\n");
-      }
-    elsif ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr!~/not found/)
-      {
-	push(@stable_outdated,'OUTDATED '.$dist.' wanted module: v'.
-	     $module_stable_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
-	     ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.') want dist version '.
-	     $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}.'.'."\n");
-      }
-    elsif ($fsflag)
-      {
-	$vstr=~/found v(.*)/;
-	my $vc=$1;
-	if ($vc eq $module_stable_version_hash{$module})
-          {
-	    push(@stable_veryokay,'VERYOKAY '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
-		 $module_stable_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
-		 ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.') want dist version '.
-		 $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}."\n");
-	  }
-	else
-          {
-	    push(@stable_okay,'OKAY     '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
-		  $module_stable_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
-		  ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.').'."\n");
-	  }
-      }
-  }
+    foreach my $type ('dev','stable') {
+	my ($vers_mod,$vers_dist);
+	my ($missing_ref,$outdated_ref,$veryokay_ref,$okay_ref);
+	if ($type eq 'dev') {
+	    $vers_mod=$module_dev_version_hash{$module};
+	    $vers_dist=$dist_dev_version_hash{$dist};
+	    ($missing_ref,$outdated_ref,$veryokay_ref,$okay_ref)=
+		(\@dev_missing,\@dev_outdated,\@dev_veryokay,\@dev_okay);
+	} elsif ($type eq 'stable') {
+	    $vers_mod=$module_stable_version_hash{$module};
+	    $vers_dist=$dist_stable_version_hash{$dist};
+	    ($missing_ref,$outdated_ref,$veryokay_ref,$okay_ref)=
+		(\@stable_missing,\@stable_outdated,\@stable_veryokay,
+		 \@stable_okay);
+	}
+	($vok,$vstr) = have_vers($module,$vers_mod);
+	# print "fsflag: $fsflag, vok: $vok, vstr: $vstr, fs: $fs\n";
+	if ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/) {
+	    push(@$missing_ref,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution '.
+		 $module.' version '. $vers_dist.') ?'."\n");
+	    # The question mark indicates there was a pattern match in the
+	    # big_module_string which would be unexpected.
+	    # There is no usual reason to tell the normal LON-CAPA user about this
+	    # question mark.  This is just source code magic.
+	} elsif (!$fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/) {
+	    push(@$missing_ref,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution '.
+		 $module.' version '.$vers_dist.')'."\n");
+	} elsif ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr!~/not found/) {
+	    push(@$outdated_ref,'OUTDATED '.$dist.' wanted module: v'.
+		 $vers_mod.'; '.$vstr.' (VERSION_FROM is '.
+		 $fs.') want dist '.$module.' version '.$vers_dist.'.'. "\n");
+	} elsif ($fsflag) {
+	    $vstr=~/found v(.*)/;
+	    my $vc=$1;
+	    if ($vc eq $vers_mod) {
+		push(@$veryokay_ref,'VERYOKAY '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
+		     $vers_mod.'; '.$vstr.' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.
+		     ') want dist '.$module.' version '.$vers_dist."\n");
+	    } else {
+		push(@$okay_ref,'OKAY     '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
+		     $vers_mod.'; '.$vstr.' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.').'."\n");
+	    }
+	}
+    }