[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/educause opensurvey.tex

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    /modules/gerd/educause	opensurvey.tex 
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Index: modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex:1.4 modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex:1.5
--- modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex:1.4	Thu Aug  7 15:36:05 2003
+++ modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex	Mon Aug 11 17:51:23 2003
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-\newcommand{\qheader}[1]{\subsection*{\prtqn. #1}\setcounter{optcounter}{1}}
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+\newenvironment{onetofive}[8]{{\bf #1}\\
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 2 --- {\it #4}\\
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 5 --- {\it #7}
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 Supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF-ITR 0085921.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.    
 {\Huge\sc Short Survey}\newline
 Approx. 6 minutes to complete\newline
-{\bf Name of your institution:}\vspace{1cm}
+{\large Name of your institution:}\vspace{0.5cm}
 \begin{question}{Your institution is~\ldots}2-year college\opt4-year college\opt
 4-year research and doctoral \opt
 \end{question}\begin{question}{Your institution is~\ldots}public\optprivate\opt
 \end{question}\begin{question}{Fulltime equivalent students}$<$1,000\opt1,000--2,000\opt2,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--40,000\opt$>$40,000\opt\end{question}\begin{question}{Your primary job responsibility is~\ldots}Teaching\optResearch\optAdministration\optService\opt\end{question}
-\begin{question}{Your primary teaching responsibilities are in~\ldots}Agriculture/Natural Resources\opt
+\begin{question}{You can make course management system purchase decisions on~\ldots\\
+{\it (check highest level)}}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
+\begin{question}{At your institution, course management system purchase decisions can be made on~\ldots\\{\it (check lowest level)}}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
+{How many different course management systems are currently running at your institution?}
+No way to gauge, do not know\opt
+No systems in place\opt
+One system\opt
+Two systems\opt
+Three systems\opt
+More than three systems\opt
+\begin{question}{Your primary teaching responsibilities are in~\ldots}Agriculture/Natural Resources\opt
 Arts and Letters\opt
 Communication Arts and Sciences\opt
@@ -89,13 +107,7 @@
 Social Science\opt
 Other\optNot applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{You can make course management system product decisions on~\ldots\\
-{\it (check highest level)}}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{At your institution, course management system product decisions can be made on~\ldots {\it (check lowest level)}}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
 \begin{onetotwo}{You use instructional technology to~\ldots}
 communicate with individual students\twoopt
@@ -119,9 +131,7 @@
 automatically grade homework	\twoopt
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set are you the {\it most} satisfied with? {\it (check one)}}
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, with which tool set are you the {\it most} satisfied? {\it (check one)}}
 Communication features\opt
 Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
 Content management features, e.g., re-usable content\opt
@@ -129,25 +139,20 @@
 Not applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set are you the {\it least} satisfied with? {\it (check one)}}
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, with which tool set are you the {\it least} satisfied? {\it (check one)}}
 Communication features\opt
 Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
 Content management features, e.g., re-usable content\opt
 Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
 Not applicable\opt
-{How many different course management systems are currently running at your institution?}
-No way to gauge, do not know\opt
-No systems in place\opt
-One system\opt
-Two systems\opt
-Three systems\opt
-More than three systems\opt
-{In your personal view, open-source software is associated with~\ldots}{no opinion, do not care}{strongly disagree}{disagree}{neutral}{agree}{strongly agree}{Association}Low or no licensing fees\fiveoptLow total cost of ownership\fiveoptStability\fiveoptExtendibility\fiveoptEase of use\fiveoptSupport\fiveoptFlexibility\fiveoptSecurity\fiveoptEasy installation\fiveoptRichness of features\fiveoptGood documentation\fiveoptScalability\fiveoptAcademia\fiveoptEnterprise--level systems\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
+{In your personal view, what are characteristics of {\it open-source} software?}{no opinion, do not care}{strongly disagree}{disagree}{neutral}{agree}{strongly agree}{Characteristic}Low or no licensing fees\fiveoptLow total cost of ownership\fiveoptReliability\fiveoptExtendibility\fiveoptEase of use\fiveoptSupport\fiveoptFlexibility\fiveoptSecurity\fiveoptEase of installation\fiveoptRichness of feature set\fiveoptGood documentation\fiveoptScalability\fiveoptAcademic nature\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
+{In your personal view, what are characteristics of {\it commercial} software?}{no opinion, do not care}{strongly disagree}{disagree}{neutral}{agree}{strongly agree}{Characteristic}Low or no licensing fees\fiveoptLow total cost of ownership\fiveoptReliability\fiveoptExtendibility\fiveoptEase of use\fiveoptSupport\fiveoptFlexibility\fiveoptSecurity\fiveoptEase of installation\fiveoptRichness of feature set\fiveoptGood documentation\fiveoptScalability\fiveoptAcademic nature\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
 \begin{onetofive}{How much trust would {\it you} have in an enterprise--level course management system, which is developed and maintained ~\ldots}
 {no opinion}{no trust at all}{little trust}{neutral}{trust}
 {strongly trust}{Trust}
@@ -158,19 +163,20 @@
 {strongly trust}{Trust}
 as a "homegrown" system at your own institution\fiveopt by a single university research group\fiveoptby one university as a central effort\fiveoptby a consortium of university research groups\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium housed inside a university\fiveoptby an independent membership--based not--for-profit consortium\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium under the auspices of a professional organization, e.g., Educause\fiveoptby a for-profit commercial company\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
-For each of the listed systems, please indicate your level of familiarity with the product. {\bf Also}, if you do at least recognize the name, please indicate if the product is --- to your knowledge --- used at your institution, or by you personally.\vspace*{4mm}
+For each of the listed systems, please indicate your level of familiarity with the product. {\it Also}, if you do at least recognize the name, please indicate if the product is --- to your knowledge --- used at your institution, or by you personally.}\vspace*{2mm}
 &\multicolumn{4}{|c||}{{\bf Level of Familiarity}}
 &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{{\bf Level of Use}}&\\
 {\bf System}&{\small Unknown}&{\small Recognize name}&
 {\small Somewhat familiar}&{\small Very familiar}&
 {\small Not used at institution}&{\small Used at institution}&{\small Using myself}&\\\hline
-{\it SampleSystem}&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
-{\it Online Sample Learning}&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
-{\it SampleLessons}&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
+{\it Sample}&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
+{\it Sample}&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
+{\it Sample}&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
@@ -188,46 +194,65 @@
 System(s) "homegrown" at your own institution $\dag$\sysline
 Other $\ddag$\sysline
-$\dag$ Name of "homegrown" system: \underline{\quad\hspace{8cm}\quad}\vspace{1cm}
+$\dag$ Name of "homegrown" system: \underline{\quad\hspace{8cm}\quad}\vspace{0.5cm}
 $\ddag$ Name of "other" system: \underline{\quad\hspace{8cm}\quad}
 \noindent{\Huge\sc Thank you for your input!}
 Please continue with the remainder of the full survey, or mail the short survey to us using the Business Reply Mail envelope provided.
+Please use the back page for any comments or feedback to us.\vspace{0.2cm}
-If you would like a copy of the results of this study, please make sure to enclose the separate yellow address sheet.
+If you would like a copy of the results of this study, please make sure to enclose the separate address sheet.
-\twocolumn[{\Huge\sc Full Survey}\newline
+{\Huge\sc Full Survey}\newline
 Approx. 10 more minutes to complete\newline
 Your input on the following questions will provide greater depth and additional background to the study.
+{For you personally, what are your motivations to use course management systems? {\it (check "No" on all options if you do not use course management systems)}}
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it you} spend the most time on? {\it (check one)}}
+Peer-pressure from other faculty\twoopt
+Departmental/institutional expectations/guidelines\twoopt
+Particularily makes sense for my subject area\twoopt
+Student demand/expectations\twoopt
+Time savings\twoopt
+Improves learning\twoopt
+Experimenting with new forms of teaching\twoopt
+Interested in technology\twoopt
+Improving teaching portfolio and ratings\twoopt
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it you} spend the most time on?\\ {\it (check one)}}
 Communication features\opt
 Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
-Preparation of\\(non--assessment) learning content\opt
+Preparation of (non--assessment) learning content\opt
 Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
 Not applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it your students} spend the most time on?\\{\it (check one)}}
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it your students} spend the most time on?\\ {\it (check one)}}
 Communication features\opt
 Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
-Reading and browsing\\(non--assessment) learning content\opt
+Reading and browsing (non--assessment) learning content\opt
 Not applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{The majority of {\it server} systems at your institution runs}No way to gauge/do not know\optWindows\opt
+\begin{question}{The majority of {\it server} systems at your institution run}No way to gauge/do not know\optWindows\opt
@@ -236,13 +261,9 @@
 \begin{question}{How much does your institution {\it currently} spend in total cost of ownership (including support staff, etc) for course management systems per year?\\ {\it (US Dollars)}}No way to gauge\optNo funds\opt$<$1,000\opt1,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--50,000\opt50,000--100,000\opt100,000--200,000\opt200,000--500,000\opt500,000--1,000,000\opt$>$1,000,000\opt\end{question}
-\begin{question}{How much do you expect your institution is {\it willing to} spend in total cost of ownership (including support staff, etc) for a course management system per year? {\it (US Dollars)}}No way to gauge\optNo funds\opt$<$1,000\opt1,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--50,000\opt50,000--100,000\opt100,000--200,000\opt200,000--500,000\opt500,000--1,000,000\opt$>$1,000,000\opt\end{question}
-For each of the listed systems, please indicate your level of familiarity with the product. {\bf Also}, if you do at least recognize the name, please indicate if the product is --- to your knowledge --- used at your institution, or by you personally.\vspace*{4mm}
+\begin{question}{How much do you expect your institution is {\it willing to} spend in total cost of ownership (including support staff, etc) for course management systems per year? {\it (US Dollars)}}No way to gauge\optNo funds\opt$<$1,000\opt1,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--50,000\opt50,000--100,000\opt100,000--200,000\opt200,000--500,000\opt500,000--1,000,000\opt$>$1,000,000\opt\end{question}
 &\multicolumn{4}{|c||}{{\bf Level of Familiarity}}
 &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{{\bf Level of Use}}&\\
@@ -278,7 +299,7 @@
 KnowEdge eLearning Suite\sysline
 &\multicolumn{4}{|c||}{{\bf Level of Familiarity}}
 &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{{\bf Level of Use}}&\\
@@ -295,12 +316,13 @@
-\begin{onetofive}{How do you rate your institution$'$s general readiness to pay for~\ldots}{no opinion, no way to gauge, not applicable}{utterly unwilling/prohibitive}{unwilling}{neutral}{willing}{definitely willing}{Willingness}own staff to support faculty\fiveopt
+\begin{onetofive}{Regarding course management systems, how do you rate your institution$'$s general readiness to pay for~\ldots}{no opinion, no way to gauge, not applicable}{utterly unwilling/prohibitive}{unwilling}{neutral}{willing}{definitely willing}{Willingness}own staff to support faculty\fiveopt
 own staff to train faculty\fiveoptown staff to support students\fiveopt
 own staff to maintain servers\fiveopt
-own staff who would contribute to the code base of open--source system(s)\fiveopt
+own staff to contribute to the programming\fiveopt
 vendor to support faculty\fiveopt
 vendor to train faculty\fiveopt
 vendor to support students\fiveopt
@@ -310,10 +332,11 @@
 vendor to host courses on vendor servers\fiveopt
 vendor to install servers\fiveopt
 vendor to customize software\fiveopt
-vendor to implement systems-integration with on-campus administrative systems\fiveoptopen--source consortium membership fees\fiveoptsoftware licensing fees\fiveoptfees to access/deploy existing content\fiveopt
+vendor to integrate with other on-campus systems\fiveoptopen--source consortium membership fees\fiveoptsoftware licensing fees\fiveoptfees to access/deploy existing content\fiveopt
-\begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it communication} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
+\begin{onetofive}{How importantly do you rate the following {\it communication} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
 {neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
 communicate with individual students\fiveopt
 communicate announcements to the entire class\fiveopt
@@ -328,7 +351,7 @@
-\begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it interface} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
+\begin{onetofive}{How importantly do you rate the following {\it interface} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
 {neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
 Support for mathematical typesetting\fiveopt
 Support for chemical formula typesetting\fiveopt
@@ -337,7 +360,7 @@
 Multilingual interface\fiveopt
 Multilingual content possible\fiveopt
 Online contextual help\fiveopt
-Richness of features\fiveopt
+Richness of feature set\fiveopt
 Ease of use\fiveopt
 Cross--browser compatibility\\ (Netscape, Mozilla, Safari, Internet Explorer, \ldots)\fiveopt
 Cross--operating system client compatibility\\ (Windows, Mac, Linux, \ldots)\fiveopt
@@ -346,23 +369,33 @@
-\begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it assessment} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
+\begin{onetofive}{How importantly do you rate the following {\it assessment} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
 {neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
 Automated exam delivery online\fiveoptAutomated homework delivery online\fiveopt
 Automated quiz delivery online\fiveopt
 Automated bubble--sheet quizzes/exams\fiveopt
 Variables and options on any assessment problems can be randomized such that each student receives a unique version of the same problem\fiveopt
 Problems can be randomly drawn from pool\fiveoptSystem provides immediate adaptive feedback to the student based on his/her response\fiveoptMultiple tries for each problem are allowed (number set by instructor)\fiveoptAll student transactions are logged\fiveoptDue dates/times and points can be set at the course, section, and/or student level\fiveopt
-Multiple choice/response options can be graded automatically\fiveopt
-Mix--and--match problems can be graded automatically\fiveopt
-Click--on--the--image problems can be graded automatically\fiveoptNumerical problems can be graded automatically\fiveopt
-Symbolic math problems can be graded automatically\fiveopt
-Short answer text problems can be graded automatically\fiveopt
+Automated grading of multiple choice/response option problems\fiveopt
+Automated grading of mix--and--match problems\fiveopt
+Automated grading of click--on--the--image problems\fiveoptAutomated grading of numerical problems\fiveopt
+Automated grading of symbolic math problems\fiveopt
+Automated grading of short answer text problems\fiveopt
 Several answer types can be combined into one assessment problem\fiveopt
 Physical units are supported\fiveopt
 Randomized function plots are supported\fiveoptInteractive/simulation problems can be graded automatically\fiveoptGrading of essay and open-ended questions is facilitated\fiveoptOverall student grades are automatically updated and accessible to students\fiveopt
 Assessment problems are easily printable\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
-\begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it content management} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
+\begin{onetofive}{How importantly do you rate the following {\it organizational and operational} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
+{neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
+System can be directly linked to my institution's registration and other administrative computing systems\fiveoptSystem can be maintained and operated locally at our institution\fiveopt
+Remote hosting options are available\fiveopt
+Low or no licensing fees\fiveoptLow total cost of ownership\fiveoptServer operating system same as majority of other servers at our institution\fiveoptScalability with number of students\fiveoptTraining material\fiveopt
+Training courses available\fiveoptGood documentation\fiveopt24-hour support line\fiveoptMay modify source code\fiveoptLongterm pricing and upgrades guarantee\fiveoptStability of software\fiveopt
+System interoperability standards compliant\\ (e.g. OKI, etc)\fiveoptEasy installation\fiveoptSecurity\fiveopt
+Product has been available for several years\fiveoptDeveloped by community of practice\fiveopt
+Instructors can maintain course lists themselves, enroll guests, etc.\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
+\begin{onetofive}{How importantly do you rate the following {\it content management} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
 {neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}Easy re-use of own material across courses and semesters/quarters\fiveopt
 Ability to share content material among instructors at own institution\fiveopt
 Ability to share content material across institutions\fiveopt
@@ -373,27 +406,22 @@
 Ability to charge royalties for contributed content material\fiveopt
 Access control over contributed content material on multiple levels\\ (courses, users, institutions, etc.)\fiveoptCommunication features embedded into content material\fiveoptTemplates for syllabi, simple text pages, etc\fiveopt
 Content interchangeability standards compliant\\ (e.g., QTI, IMS, etc.)\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
-\begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it organizational and operational} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
-{neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
-System can be directly linked to my institution's registration and other administrative computing systems\fiveoptSystem can be maintained and operated locally at our institution\fiveopt
-Remote hosting options are available\fiveopt
-Low or no licensing fees\fiveoptLow total cost of ownership\fiveoptServer operating system same as majority of other servers at our institution\fiveoptScalability with number of students\fiveoptTraining material\fiveopt
-Training courses available\fiveoptGood documentation\fiveopt24-hour support line\fiveoptMay modify source code\fiveoptLongterm pricing and upgrades guarantee\fiveoptStability of software\fiveopt
-System interoperability standards compliant\\ (e.g. OKI, etc)\fiveoptEasy installation\fiveoptSecurity\fiveopt
-Product has been available for several years\fiveoptDeveloped by community of practice\fiveopt
-Instructors can maintain course lists themselves, enroll guests, etc.\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
 \noindent{\Huge\sc Thank you for your input!}
 Please mail the survey to us using the Business Reply Mail envelope provided.
-If you would like a copy of the results of this study, please make sure to enclose the separate yellow address sheet.
+Please use the back page for any comments or feedback to us.\vspace{0.2cm}
+If you would like a copy of the results of this study, please make sure to enclose the separate address sheet.
+{\bf Your comments and feedback:}
