[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /otherfiles perl_modules.txt

albertel lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 20:26:26 -0000

albertel		Fri Mar 22 15:26:26 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /doc/otherfiles	perl_modules.txt 
  - modified the diff, and we need the newer version of HTML-Parser now
Index: doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt
diff -u doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt:1.12 doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt:1.13
--- doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt:1.12	Wed Mar  6 17:47:45 2002
+++ doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt	Fri Mar 22 15:26:26 2002
@@ -205,17 +205,17 @@
 ---------------------------------------------- HTML-Parser
 Gisle Aas [gisle@aas.no]
 		    HTML/Parser.pm 1
 		    HTML/TokeParser.pm 1
-Need these patches applied:
+Need this patches applied:
-diff -urN HTML-Parser-3.25/hparser.c HTML-Parser-3.25.1/hparser.c
---- HTML-Parser-3.25/hparser.c	Thu May 10 15:27:28 2001
-+++ HTML-Parser-3.25.1/hparser.c	Wed Feb 20 13:23:34 2002
-@@ -1094,14 +1094,21 @@
+diff -u HTML-Parser-3.26/hparser.c HTML-Parser-3.26.simpleslashfix/hparser.c
+--- HTML-Parser-3.26/hparser.c	Sun Mar 17 15:07:57 2002
++++ HTML-Parser-3.26.simpleslashfix/hparser.c	Fri Mar 22 13:23:17 2002
+@@ -1101,14 +1101,21 @@
      hctype_t tag_name_first, tag_name_char;
      hctype_t attr_name_first, attr_name_char;
@@ -228,128 +228,33 @@
 -	tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
 -	attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
 -	attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
-+	if (p_state->xml_mode) {
-+	    tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_SLASH_GT;
-+	    attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_SLASH_GT;
-+	    attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
-+	}
-+	else {
-+	    tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
-+	    attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
-+	    attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
-+	}
++       if (p_state->xml_mode) {
++           tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_SLASH_GT;
++           attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_SLASH_GT;
++           attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
++       }
++       else {
++           tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
++           attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
++           attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
++       }
      s += 2;
-@@ -1158,8 +1165,11 @@
+@@ -1165,8 +1172,11 @@
  	    else {
  		char *word_start = s;
  		while (s < end && isHNOT_SPACE_GT(*s)) {
 -		    if (p_state->xml_mode && *s == '/')
 -			break;
-+		    if (p_state->xml_mode && *s == '/') {
-+			/* look ahead to see if the tag ends */
-+			if ((s+1)==end || *(s+1)=='>')
-+			    break;
-+		    }
++                   if (p_state->xml_mode && *s == '/') {
++                       /* look ahead to see if the tag ends */
++                       if ((s+1)==end || *(s+1)=='>')
++                           break;
++                   }
  		if (s == end)
-diff -urN HTML-Parser-3.25/Parser.pm HTML-Parser-3.25.2/Parser.pm
---- HTML-Parser-3.25/Parser.pm	Fri May 11 13:24:09 2001
-+++ HTML-Parser-3.25.2/Parser.pm	Wed Mar  6 16:47:46 2002
-@@ -427,6 +427,11 @@
- There are currently no events associated with the marked section
- markup, but the text can be returned as C<skipped_text>.
-+=item $p->encoded_entities( [$bool] )
-+By default, attr and @attr decode general enitites for attribute values.
-+This turns off that behavior.
- =back
- As markup and text is recognized, handlers are invoked.  The following
-diff -urN HTML-Parser-3.25/Parser.xs HTML-Parser-3.25.2/Parser.xs
---- HTML-Parser-3.25/Parser.xs	Thu May 10 15:27:28 2001
-+++ HTML-Parser-3.25.2/Parser.xs	Wed Mar  6 16:48:56 2002
-@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@
-         HTML::Parser::xml_mode = 3
- 	HTML::Parser::unbroken_text = 4
-         HTML::Parser::marked_sections = 5
-+        HTML::Parser::encoded_entities = 6
-     PREINIT:
- 	bool *attr;
-     CODE:
-@@ -311,6 +312,7 @@
- #else
- 	         croak("marked sections not supported"); break;
- #endif
-+	case  6: attr = &pstate->encoded_entities;     break;
- 	default:
- 	    croak("Unknown boolean attribute (%d)", ix);
-         }
-diff -urN HTML-Parser-3.25/hparser.c HTML-Parser-3.25.2/hparser.c
---- HTML-Parser-3.25/hparser.c	Thu May 10 15:27:28 2001
-+++ HTML-Parser-3.25.2/hparser.c	Wed Mar  6 16:44:47 2002
-@@ -398,7 +398,8 @@
- 			    beg++; len -= 2;
- 			}
- 			attrval = newSVpvn(beg, len);
--			decode_entities(aTHX_ attrval, p_state->entity2char);
-+			if (!p_state->encoded_entities)
-+			    decode_entities(aTHX_ attrval, p_state->entity2char);
- 		    }
- 		    else { /* boolean */
- 			if (p_state->bool_attr_val)
-diff -urN HTML-Parser-3.25/hparser.h HTML-Parser-3.25.2/hparser.h
---- HTML-Parser-3.25/hparser.h	Tue May  8 13:03:27 2001
-+++ HTML-Parser-3.25.2/hparser.h	Wed Mar  6 16:48:18 2002
-@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
-     bool strict_names;
-     bool xml_mode;
-     bool unbroken_text;
-+    bool encoded_entities;
-     /* other configuration stuff */
-     SV* bool_attr_val;
-diff -urN HTML-Parser-3.25/t/encoded-entities.t HTML-Parser-3.25.2/t/encoded-entities.t
---- HTML-Parser-3.25/t/encoded-entities.t	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
-+++ HTML-Parser-3.25.2/t/encoded-entities.t	Wed Mar  6 17:13:53 2002
-@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
-+use strict;
-+print "1..2\n";
-+use HTML::Parser ();
-+my $p = HTML::Parser->new();
-+my $text = "";
-+$p->handler(start =>
-+	    sub {
-+		 my($tag, $attr) = @_;
-+		 $text .= "S[$tag";
-+		 for my $k (sort keys %$attr) {
-+		     my $v =  $attr->{$k};
-+		     $text .= " $k=$v";
-+		 }
-+		 $text .= "]";
-+	     }, "tagname,attr");
-+my $html = <<'EOT';
-+<tag arg="&amp;&lt;&gt">
-+print "not " unless $text eq 'S[tag arg=&amp;&lt;&gt]';  print "ok 1\n";
-+$text = "";
-+print "not " unless $text eq 'S[tag arg=&<>]';  print "ok 2\n";
 ---------------------------------------------- IO-stringy