Hi All,<br>is it possible, that students see the following problem as solved, if $number equals 0? In our course, students can see a second part in the "course contents" section, but they, of course, can't answer it, so that the problem is not marked as solved.<br>
<br>Thank you and best regards<br>Sebastian<br><i><br><problem><br><br><parameter name="ordered" id="001" type="string_yesno" default="yes" description="Show Parts One-at-a-Time" /><br>
<br><script type="loncapa/perl"><br>sub rand_element { return $_[ random(0,$#_,1) ] }<br> $number = rand_element(0,1,2,3);<br>$answer_p2 = $number+2;<br></script><br><br><part id="p1"><br>
What is 1 + 1?<br> <br> <numericalresponse answer="2" id="r11"><br> <textline /><br> </numericalresponse><br></part><br> <br><block condition="$number>0"><br>
<part id="p2"><br> <br> What is 2+$number?<br> <numericalresponse answer="$answer_p2" id="r12"><br> <textline /><br> </numericalresponse><br> </part><br>