[LON-CAPA-users] Response entry preview

Rex Abert Rex.Abert at tcc.fl.edu
Wed Jan 25 15:20:53 EST 2023

For formula response questions, there seems to be some javascript employed to show students a preview of what they've typed.  This is extremely useful in aiding the students to get whatever expression typed correctly:  if it renders in the preview as the answer was intended, all is good.  Helps catch mismatched parentheses and whatnot.

I have a large number of customresponse questions for my Calculus II course, where I let Maxima and Perl do a lot of the heavy lifting to evaluate the students' answers.  Unfortunately, the previewer is not enabled on customresponse problems.  Is there a particular javascript that I can enable/import into a question, perhaps in authoring space, to get the previewer working?


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