[LON-CAPA-users] function 'submission' and version

Peter Dencker dencker at math.uni-luebeck.de
Sat Jun 13 13:42:31 EDT 2015


A remark regarding my confusion with the behavior of the function 

I observed the following on different domains with LON-CAPA version 
2.11.0: After submitting 3 answers, e.g. 'first', 'second', 'third', the 
problem given below (published, inside a course) shows

value of $version = 0, return value: third
value of $version = 1, return value:
value of $version = 2, return value: first
value of $version = 3, return value: second
value of $version = 4, return value: third
value of $version = 5, return value:

But the problem worked as expected on two tested domains with
LON-CAPA 2.11.1.

- Peter

<script type="loncapa/perl">

     our $response;
     for my $version ( 0 .. 5 ) {

         my $submission
           = submission( 'p0', 'p0r0', $version );

             .= "value of \$version = $version,"
             . " return value: $submission <br />";



<part id="p0">
<customresponse id="p0r0">
   <answer type="loncapa/perl">
     return 'INCORRECT';
   <textline />

Am 06.06.2015 um 01:06 schrieb Peter Dencker:
> Hello Gerd,
> I see, thank you. If  $version=0 the latest submission is the specified
> return value.
> But the return value for $version=1 is always undefined. The first value
> is given for $version=2, the seconed for $version=3, and so on.
> This was the cause of my confusion and I wonder whether this is
> intended. I am almost certain that  this behavior differs from previous
> LON-CAPA versions ...
> - Peter
> <problem>
> <script type="loncapa/perl">
>    our $response = q{};
>    for my $version ( 0 .. 6 ) {
>        my $submission = submission ( 'p0', 'p0r0', $version );
>        if (!defined $submission) { $submission = q{}; }
>        $response
>          .= "value of \$version = $version,"
>          . " return value: $submission <br />";
>    }
> </script>
> $response
> <part id="p0">
> <customresponse id="p0r0">
>    <answer type="loncapa/perl">
>      return 'INCORRECT';
>    </answer>
>    <textline />
> </customresponse>
> </part>
> </problem
> On 05.06.2015 13:02, Gerd Kortemeyer wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> On Jun 5, 2015, at 5:31 AM, Peter Dencker
>>> <dencker at math.uni-luebeck.de> wrote:
>>> I tried to demonstrate that it is possible to show all submissions:
>>> submission( $partid, $responseid, $version )
>>> If  $version is 0, the latest submission is returned and for all
>>> other values of $version the return value is undefined.
>>> Have  I made a mistake or this a bug?
>> Nope, this is how it *should* work.
>> However, if I remember correctly, this only works when the problem is
>> already inside a course, i.e., published and part of the table of
>> contents of a course. Did you try this inside a course, or has your
>> testing thus far only been in construction space?
>> - Gerd.
>> --
>> Gerd Kortemeyer, Ph.D.
>> Associate Professor of Physics
>> Director, LON-CAPA Project
>> Michigan State University
>> http://www.msu.edu/user/kortemey/
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Dr. Peter Dencker
     wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter


     Ratzeburger Allee 160
     23562 Lübeck

     Tel +49 451 500 4254
     Fax +49 451 500 3373
     dencker at math.uni-luebeck.de


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