[LON-CAPA-users] <tex>-block / LON-CAPA question re multirow multicolumn mutirow sort of table

Raymond Batchelor batchelo at sfu.ca
Mon Jun 1 16:05:38 EDT 2015

Thanks Itay, 
Your suggestions work for me. 
There was no good reason for the blanks at the start and end of the multicolumn. I was just experimenting. 
I have reverted to curly braces. I also chose to drop the vertical borders. 
The \cline{2-4} was what I needed most. 
I like the way it looks now. :-) 

Your help is much appreciated. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Itay" <itayf at nospammail.net> 
To: lon-capa-users at mail.lon-capa.org 
Sent: Monday, 1 June, 2015 11:49:38 
Subject: Re: [LON-CAPA-users] <tex>-block / LON-CAPA question re multirow multicolumn mutirow sort of table 

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015, at 08:16 PM, Raymond Batchelor wrote: 

Hi All, 
I'm having a little difficulty in recalling or finding how to properly generate a table like the following... 
\multirow{2}{*}{Expt.}&\multicolumn{3}{c}\ Concentration (mol$\cdot $L$^{-1}$) \ &Initial Rate\\ 
&[CO$_2$]$_0$&[F$^-$]$_0$&[Mn$_2$F$_2$]$_0$&(Mol$\cdot $L$^{-1}\cdot $min$^{-1}$)\\ \hline 
1&0.2&0.4&0.4&0.128\\ \hline 
2&0.2& 0.4&0.1&0.008\\ \hline 
The above works 'fine', except that there are no cell borders immediately below or to the immediate right of the ''cell" created by \multicolumn{3}{c}\ Concentration (mol$\cdot $L$^{-1}$) \ 

There is no command for drawing borders below -- so none were drawn. 
Use \hline as you did elsewhere, or \cline{2-4} to decorate only the \multicolumn created cell. 
I have no idea why the right border was not drawn. 
You could give up the vertical borders and increment the space between columns. (I believe this is the recommended way to typeset tables, but I am not an expert.) 
Any particular reason why the last argument of \multicolumn is delimited by blanks (\ ) instead of the standard curly braces ({})? 
This is not the cause for the problem, but could become a cause for other problems in the future. 


Not sure what I need to add to this LaTeX to make those particular borders appear in LON-CAPA. 
I'd send a screenshot if this list allowed it. 
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Raymond J. Batchelor, PhD. 
Department of Chemistry 
Simon Fraser University 

Phone: 778-782-5635 
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