[LON-CAPA-users] "lock and unlock assessments"

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Fri Mar 7 15:30:45 EST 2014


> The "lock and unlock assessments" privilege in the custom roles set  
> up sounds > promising but I suspect this is not what it does -- if  
> it DOES do what we  want, we haven't figured out how a TA exercises  
> that power.

The "Lock and unlock assessments" privilege, which can be assigned to  
a custom role is one of a number of "placeholder" privileges in  
LON-CAPA.  Nothing in LON-CAPA currently checks if the privilege is  
set, and then allows particular actions if it is found to be set.

The following privileges are also "placeholder" privileges:

"dch" Delete messages from discussion boards
"gan" Generate anonymous statistics
"pac" Post anonymously
"sma" Send internal message

i.e., they may be assigned to a custom role, but nothing currently  
checks if they are set.

In the case of dch -- "Delete messages from discussion boards", rin --  
"Get identity behind anonymous postings" is used instead to determine  
whether deletion of posts may occur.

> Our ideal scenario would be for the TA to view a  list of students  
> in their section and 10 minutes into lab click a  checkbox next to  
> each student who is not physically present in the  lab with that  
> locking the lab for that student.

I have created an enhancement request to request implementation of  
this -- see:

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

Quoting "Mills, Douglas G" <dmills at illinois.edu>:

> Good suggestions William and John but we're looking for a solution   
> we can put in the hands of the TAs. I know we could give them access  
>  to the parameters, but we'd prefer not to get the TAs into the   
> parameter interface if at all possible -- seems like that would open  
>  a larger can of worms.  All of these courses are large. One of them  
>  is typically 70+ sections with not sure how many TAs in the Fall   
> semesters, so something more straightforward for the TAs would be   
> much preferred. Our ideal scenario would be for the TA to view a   
> list of students in their section and 10 minutes into lab click a   
> checkbox next to each student who is not physically present in the   
> lab with that locking the lab for that student.
> We know there is the proctor password, but that would require the TA  
>  entering the password on 30+ devices. Simply announcing "today's   
> password is..." at the start of the lab means that students can text  
>  it to friends, so no benefit really gained.   The "lock and unlock   
> assessments" privilege in the custom roles set up sounds promising   
> but I suspect this is not what it does -- if it DOES do what we   
> want, we haven't figured out how a TA exercises that power.
> Doug
> Douglas Mills
> Director of Instructional Technologies
> Department of Chemistry
> University of Illinois
> dmills at illinois.edu<mailto:dmills at illinois.edu>
> (217) 244-5739

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