[LON-CAPA-users] Variable sig figs (not a range)

Mills, Douglas G dmills at illinois.edu
Tue Oct 2 09:11:21 EDT 2012

Thank you Stefan. Yes, I've since come across the &roundto function which I
should be able to use when setting my display answer to their accepted
answer so that I'm then displaying the number of decimal places I should be.
What that solution lacks is a way to demand that they enter the correct
number of sig figs up front since the correct number could be 4 (as in
10.34) or 3 (as in 9.34). Specifying the range of 3,4 allows for both of
those but also allows incorrectly for 9.343 and 10.3. There seems to be no
way around that at the moment. And I haven't tried it yet but I'm guessing
the &roundto function will take care of the 9.343 but clearly can't address
the 10.3 situation if I'm rounding to 2 decimal places.


On 10/2/12 7:09 AM, "Stefan Bisitz" <st.bisitz at ostfalia.de> wrote:

> Not sure if this helps:
The problem is internally parsed two times anyway.
> This makes it 
possible to allow access to the student's answer in the perl
> script 
block located before the response block from which the answer
> comes.

Stefan Bisitz

Am 27.09.2012 22:54 schrieb Mills, Douglas G:
> Thanks
> Mark. I was thinking about this, but unless the script can somehow be
> placed
> within the numerical response, I don't believe it can impact the
> submission
> of the answer because it seems to be that when an answer is
> submitted, it is
> evaluated and then the page reloads so any scripts in the
> head of the
> document are not evaluated until after the answer has been
> evaluated. Is it
> possible to insert a script in a numerical response
> somewhat like the answer
> block in a customresponse?
> Doug
> On 9/27/12 3:28 PM, "Lucas, Mark"
> <lucasm at ohio.edu> wrote:
>> Doug,
>> Can you create a variable for sig
> figs?  You can set it to 3 when <10 and 4
>> when >10.
>> Place it as the
> argument for the default option.
>> While I'm not totally sure this flies
> (you want to check it out), I think it
>> may work. You can
>> set some other
> parameters by variables.
>> Mark
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:16 PM, Mills,
> Douglas G wrote:
>>> HI All,
>>> There may be an obvious way to do
> this, but it¹s escaping me if so.  We want
>>> students to enter masses they
> are measuring in the lab to the hundredths
>>> place, but we¹re in a range
> where they could be dealing with numbers more or
>>> less than 10, so 3 or 4
> sig figs. I know we can accept a range of 3,4, but
>>> ideally what we¹d
> really like to do is to require answers to ³2f².  I know I
>>> could do this
> using a custom response, but before evaluating whether or not
>>> it¹s worth
> that effort, is there a way to do this using a numerical response?
> Thanks as always,
>>> Doug
>>> Douglas Mills
>>> Director of
> Instructional Technologies
>>> Department of Chemistry
>>> University of
> Illinois
>>> dmills at illinois.edu
>>> (217) 244-5739
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> Doug
> Douglas Mills
> Director of Instructional Technologies
> Department of
> Chemistry
> University of Illinois
> dmills at illinois.edu
> (217)
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Douglas Mills
Director of Instructional Technologies
Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois
dmills at illinois.edu
(217) 244-5739 

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