[LON-CAPA-users] A course with no Content Close Date for a Sample Test?

Amos Lee lee at math.usask.ca
Thu May 31 18:05:08 EDT 2012


We would like to create a course on Lon Capa to run a Sample Math Placement
Test with the following desired features:

1.  The Time-Limit parameter of our sample test would be set to 70-minute.

2. The course will be opened indefinitely with no end date so that students
could self-register into the course and take the sample test any time of 
the year. [Note: I suppose this implies leaving the Content Close Date empty.]

3. Students will then self-create Lon Capa accounts on our server, and
self-register into the course.  [Note: We are using Lon Capa version
2.10.0-2011060317, so that should not be a problem but so far I've only
tried and tested the "self-creation of accounts" part.]

4. Immediately after the 70 minutes have timed out, the student would be 
able to see the grade immediately (via Main Menu | Grading and Statistics | 
View current problem status and grading information) and to see the correct 
answers and their wrong answers.

Questions: Am I correct to think that this is *not* possible because one 
would not know how to set the Problem Due Date under such a scenario?

I'm assuming implicitly that

(a) a test must have a Problem Due Date,
(b) a test won't be graded until the Problem Due Date is passed, and
(c) no student will be able to see the test results until after the Problem 
Due Date.

    Should I just run this course a fixed number of times each year, and 
each time we run it, we'll have a given start date and a fixed problem due 


Amos Lee
Math & Stats
Univ of Sask

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