[LON-CAPA-users] Help with &EXT

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Fri Sep 9 15:57:54 EDT 2011


> We've tried
>     &EXT('user.resource.resource.spdsht.upload.submission')
> for a problem part called "spdsht", but the above always returns a null.

(a) If the problem is answered on a server running LON-CAPA 2.10:


would give a comma separated list of paths of files submitted to the  
resource: upload in part: spdsht.

This list would include both files "submitted" to the essayresponse  
problem from the student's portfolio, and also files uploaded directly  
from the student's computer ("Browse" button), in this later case the  
path to the each file begins: /turned_in/  (and the files are stored  
internally within the student's portfolio in the /turned_in/ directory.

(b) If the problem is attempted on a server running LON-CAPA 2.9 or  
earlier, the presence of a directly uploaded file to a response item:  
upload in part: spdsht, will be indicated by:


This would give the url for the file (stored in a directory hierarchy  
in the course in this case).

The presence of files "submitted" from the portfolio will be indicated  
by the contents of  
&EXT('user.resource.resource.spdsht.upload.portfiles')  -- the same as  
for submission from a server running LON-CAPA 2.10.

Stuart Raeburn

Quoting Todd Ruskell <todd.ruskell at gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> In a problem, I can do something like:
>     &EXT('user.resource.resource.current.11.submission')
> to get the submission text for a part.  We use this a lot in conditional
> statements to open up more material only after *something* has been
> submitted into an essay response box.
> Our current challenge is that this doesn't appear to work if students upload
> a file, instead.  We've tried
>     &EXT('user.resource.resource.spdsht.upload.submission')
> for a problem part called "spdsht", but the above always returns a null.  Is
> there a different incantation we might use to, for instance, at least get
> the name of the uploaded file, so we know when students should be allowed to
> move on?  It's really hard, for instance, to have students enter a
> spreadsheet without actually uploading the file.
> Thanks in advance,
> Todd

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