[LON-CAPA-users] flash and xml files

Todd Ruskell lon-capa-users@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 21:36:00 -0600


Thanks for the suggestions.  I tried explicit <allow> access for every
file, not just the three .xml files, and also publishing them as
"public".  Still no luck.

Perhaps a clue lies in the fact that I cannot publish these file
individually?  I get a "The document contains errors and cannot be
published" message.  This is partially expected because the editor also
complains that the files have no <xml> or <html> tags, which they don't.
 I've tried including them, but then the editor complains about not
having a <body> tag, etc. etc.  Can LON-CAPA deal with xml-formatted
configuration files?  Should it be able to?



Gerd Kortemeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> It's probably an access control problem.
> You'll need to explicitly <allow> access to the dependent files.
> <allow src="/res/...../....xml/" />
> or publish those files with "Copyright/Distribution" set to "public."
> - Gerd.
> On Jun 5, 2008, at 6:54 PM, Todd Ruskell wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We're experimenting with some flash content in LON-CAPA.  In general,
>> this works fine but we've come across an interesting problem.  One of
>> our tools (authorPoint) actually creates several .swf files, and links
>> them all together under a single .swf file.  For some reason, it uses
>> three *.xml files which contain configuration data.  As an example, one
>> of them is listed below.
>> When the entire tree us uploaded into LON-CAPA, the swf works fine in
>> construction space.  As I publish all the included swf files it
>> continues to work fine.  But as soon as I publish one of these xml files
>> the swf refuses to load.  If I, for example, re-upload the file to
>> change the "published" tag to modified, the swf still doesn't upload.
>> So I'm wondering if LON-CAPA somehow does something "bad" to these xml
>> files that would make them unreadable?  I can provide a full swf tree if
>> that might help in debugging.
>> Thanks,
>> Todd
>> <---file contents start right after this line--->
>> xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"
>> <layout>
>>     <header text="mcHeader" value="true" />
>>     <video text="mcVideo" value="false" />
>>     <audio text="mcAudio" value="false" />
>>     <tab>
>>         <toc position="1" value="false" />
>>         <links position="2" value="false" />
>>         <search position="3" value="false" />
>>         <authorInfo position="4" value="false" />
>>         <thumbNail position="5" value="false" />
>>     </tab>
>>     <logo text="mcLogoBase" value="false" />
>>     <navigationControl>
>>         <previous text="mcControl" value="true" />
>>         <play text="mcPlay" value="true" />
>>         <pause text="mcPause" value="true" />
>>         <stop text="mcStop" value="true" />
>>         <replay text="mcReplay" value="true" />
>>         <next text="mcNext" value="true" />
>>     </navigationControl>
>>     <slider text="mcSlider" value="true" />
>>     <print text="mcPrint" value="true" />
>>     <notes text="mcNotes" value="true" />
>>     <volume text="mcSoundSlider" value="true" />
>>     <volBtn text="mcSoundBtn" value="true" />
>> </layout>
>> -- 
>> Dr. Todd Ruskell
>> Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics       Office:  Meyer Hall 326
>> Colorado School of Mines                     Phone: 303-384-2080
>> 1523 Illinois Street                         Fax: 303-273-3919
>> Golden, CO 80401
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Dr. Todd Ruskell
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics       Office:  Meyer Hall 326
Colorado School of Mines                     Phone: 303-384-2080
1523 Illinois Street                         Fax: 303-273-3919
Golden, CO 80401