[LON-CAPA-dev] Meeting Notes 05-13-2008

Stuart Raeburn lon-capa-dev@mail.lon-capa.org
Tue, 20 May 2008 13:49:09 -0400


Ron - entities into lonplot.pm (200 + unicode chars so far)
A - continuing with entities into lonplot

Gerd - locking mechanism for publishing
- blocks role changes and logging out for a user
- search (make more community oriented).
A - propagate locking to grades and printouts
  - possible meeting with ATS re MSU support

Stuart - enrollment change history in a course accessible via User Management
- switch back to Sentinel
- DC configuration: selfcreate settings for sso, login and e-mail  
checkboxes replace radiobuttons.
- work on registration form admin interface
- Revived Mailman

A -
- ~ needs adding to LONCAPA::match_username to support versioned usernames
- finish course catalog changes
- prepare for conference
- investigate multidomain machine for physnet, harvard
- s11

Mark - Travelling for "Meet Michigan" visits
- preparations for upcoming FIRST database advisory board mtg.
A - out of town next week

Lars - exploring search.

Felicia - Faculty seminars
A - prepare for conference