[LON-CAPA-dev] Re: [LON-CAPA-users] Mac and JME

Jim Maxka lon-capa-dev@mail.lon-capa.org
Tue, 24 May 2005 21:32:20 -0700

Hi Mark Gerd and Guy -- Shawn uses a mac.  I passed your posts by him 
and he replied:  He has tested out both jmol and jme with OS X. We had 
problems with system 9, 8.5 worked if I remember correctly.
Here is his reply:
 >10.4 adds java 1.5 (you have to download from the apple downloads  
page http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/ 
 >java2se50release1.html) once installed you can then specify it as the  
default java used or it will use 1.4.2 (which is installed by >default  
on 10.4) /Applications/Utilities/Java/J2SE 5.0/Java Pref. allows you  do 
to this. It is suppose to just automatically switch to >1.5 if the  app 
uses it, but I switched mine to 1.5 and sites such as peoplesoft  work a 
lot better. Im not sure though about 10.3 with >java 1.3 and  1.4.2 
installed if they included a way to do this. Im sure a command  line way 
is possible. Also I found a way to install >1.5 on 10.3.
 >It worked fine for me when I tried it.

Guy Albertelli II wrote:

>Hi Mark, Gerd,
>>>>>I was working on a mac just a few minutes ago under safari and
>>>>>JME was not loading the answer box when submitted.
>Can you test your mac on this page:
>>Right. I have just installed 10.4 (Tiger), I'll check tomorrow if  
>>stuff is working now.
>The 10.4 mac in the LITE Lab for some reason still has both 1.3.1 and
>1.4.2 installed.
>And the browsers pickup the 1.3.1 one.