[LON-CAPA-dev] Re: automatic enrollment

Stuart Peter Raeburn lon-capa-dev@mail.lon-capa.org
Fri, 12 Mar 2004 16:11:07 -0500


Good to hear that everything is working correctly now. Here is a brief note 
of something you should be aware of: 

1.  If you want course coordinators to be able to use Automated Enrollment 
Manager when logged into your access servers you will need to replace 
localenroll.pm on your access servers with your custom version (with run set 
to 1).  However if you do that make sure that you also comment out the 
command to run /home/httpd/perl/Autoenroll.pl in /etc/cron.d/loncapa on all 
the access servers, otherwise at 1.30 am every day, Autoenroll.pl will be 
executed on your library server, and also on all your access servers.  When 
run as a cron job, you only want a single copy of Autoenroll to be running 
(on your library server). 

If you leave localenroll.pm unchanged on the access servers (i.e., as the 
standard shipped version with run set to 0), then course coordinators will 
need to be logged into the library server to see the link in the Enrollment 
screen to the Automated Enrollment Manager web interface. 

This will change with LON-CAPA 1.2, as calls to functions in localenroll.pm 
will be mediated via lonc/lond such that access servers will call the 
version of localenroll.pm on the home library server associated with a 
course. Once 1.2 is released, localenroll.pm will no longer be needed on 
access servers to allow the Automated Enrollment Manager web interface to be 
used by Course Coordinators logged in to those servers. 


H. K. Ng writes: 

>>> > Question1: Where do I look for what happened? I checked the usual logs 
>>> http
>>> > and lonnet. 
>>> /home/httpd/perl/logs/autoenroll.log
> Hi Guy, 
> Look in the wrong place for the origin of the error message in 
> lonpopulate.pm. It works now. It was a simple string comparison that I 
> missed. 
> Thanks,
> hk 
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