[LON-CAPA-dev] gif support back in gd
Guy Albertelli II
Thu, 22 Jul 2004 00:32:19 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Martin,
> the gd authors did not loose any time to put gif support back into gd
> after the gif license expired:
> from http://www.boutell.com/gd/
> 07/21/04: gd 2.0.28 has been released. gd 2.0.28 restores support for
> reading and writing GIF images.
Interestingly enough we don't need it anymore. gnuplot 4.0's support
of PNG is as good as the GIF ever was. (Most likely due to the fact
they both are implemented using libgd...) so the latest L-C
on FC2 are fully gif free.
> There is also a fix for a possible problem
> in gdImageTrueColorToPalette.
Sigh, I just implemented a work around for this bug on the msu servers.
guy@albertelli.com LON-CAPA Developer 0-7-3-9-