[LON-CAPA-dev] Re: MIME::Lite MIME::Types perl modules
Matthew Brian Hall
Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:17:13 -0400
Hello everybody,
I have started a yum respository on install.loncapa.org for Fedora updates.
I have made packages of gnuplot-4.0.1, perl-MIME-Lite, and perl-MIME-Types
available. Those of us running Fedora systems should add the following to
their /etc/yum.conf file:
name= Fedora Core $releasever LON-CAPA Updates
yum install perl-MIME-Types perl-MIME-Lite
should download and install the needed packages. You are expected to have
your system fully updated, by the way, so doing a 'yum update' before this
is probably a good idea.
Anyone interested in how to create a yum repository should see
ps. The following is for those who have modified their yum.conf file to
include more rpm sources:
The Dag APT Repository [dag] has a package for perl-MIME-Lite which appears
to be an earlier version and which yum really wants to install. So it may
be best to remove [dag] from your yum.conf until I'm bright enough to figure
out why and what to do about it.
Stuart Peter Raeburn writes:
> Hi all,
> Note: new perl modules are required for the version of lonsupportreq.pm in
> CVS head.
> loncom/interface/lonsupportreq.pm v. 1.5 uses the following perl modules:
> MIME::Lite (http://search.cpan.org/~yves/MIME-Lite-3.01/)
> MIME::Types (http://search.cpan.org/~markov/MIME-Types-1.13/)
> RPMs are available as follows:
> Fedora core 2 RPMs:
> http://download.fedora.us/fedora/redhat/2/i386/SRPMS.stable/perl-MIME-Type
> s- 1.13-0.fdr.3.2.src.rpm
> http://download.atrpms.net/production/sources/fedora-2-i386/atrpms/perl-MI
> ME -Lite-3.01-1.rhfc2.at.src.rpm
> Red Hat 7.3 RPMs:
> http://download.atrpms.net/production/packages/redhat-7.3-i386/atrpms/perl
> -M IME-Lite-3.01-1.rh7.3.at.noarch.rpm
> MIME::Lite is a lightweight package for generating MIME messages that does
> not require the much larger MIME::tools package.
> Stuart
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Matthew Hall hallmat3@msu.edu
LON-CAPA developer
Michigan State University