[LON-CAPA-dev] standalone machine w/o internet connection
Guy Albertelli II
Fri, 2 Jul 2004 03:53:25 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Hon-Kie,
Looks to me like
1) your have configured loncapa to look for IP is 128.X.X.X when
connecting to yourself
2) your routing table says to look for 128.X.X.* on eth0
So when you pull out the ethernet cable it isn't suprising that it has
trouble finding it.
if you get it to look for things on it will work better
1) make this the first entry in /etc/hosts whatever.the.hostname.is
2) change your hosts.tab to have look for IP
3) restart services and it should be good to go.
As for wireless cards on Linux, I have never tried to use one myself.
guy@albertelli.com LON-CAPA Developer 0-7-4-1-