[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /loncapafiles loncapafiles.lpml loncom/auth lonlti.pm loncom/lti ltiauth.pm
raeburn at source.lon-capa.org
Tue Dec 5 20:54:14 EST 2017
raeburn Wed Dec 6 01:54:14 2017 EDT
Added files:
/loncom/lti ltiauth.pm
Removed files:
/loncom/auth lonlti.pm
Modified files:
/doc/loncapafiles loncapafiles.lpml
- Bug 6754 LTI Integration: LON-CAPA as LTI Provider
- Move auth/lonlti.pm to lti/ltiauth.pm
-------------- next part --------------
Index: doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml
diff -u doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.958 doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.959
--- doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.958 Thu Nov 30 15:15:23 2017
+++ doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml Wed Dec 6 01:54:14 2017
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<!-- loncapafiles.lpml -->
-<!-- $Id: loncapafiles.lpml,v 1.958 2017/11/30 15:15:23 raeburn Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: loncapafiles.lpml,v 1.959 2017/12/06 01:54:14 raeburn Exp $ -->
@@ -2536,8 +2536,8 @@
-<target dist='default'>home/httpd/lib/perl/Apache/lonlti.pm</target>
+<target dist='default'>home/httpd/lib/perl/Apache/ltiauth.pm</target>
Handler to allow LON-CAPA to operate as an LTI Provider
Index: loncom/lti/ltiauth.pm
+++ loncom/lti/ltiauth.pm
# The LearningOnline Network
# Basic LTI Authentication Module
# $Id: ltiauth.pm,v 1.1 2017/12/06 01:53:56 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package Apache::ltiauth;
use strict;
use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
use Net::OAuth;
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon;
use Apache::lonacc;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $requri = $r->uri;
# Retrieve data POSTed by LTI Consumer on launch
my $params = {};
foreach my $key (sort(keys(%env))) {
if ($key =~ /^form\.(.+)$/) {
$params->{$1} = $env{$key};
unless (keys(%{$params})) {
return OK;
unless ($params->{'oauth_consumer_key'} &&
$params->{'oauth_nonce'} &&
$params->{'oauth_timestamp'} &&
$params->{'oauth_version'} &&
$params->{'oauth_signature'} &&
$params->{'oauth_signature_method'}) {
return OK;
# Retrieve "internet domains" for all this institution's LON-CAPA
# nodes.
my ($udom,$uname,$uhome,$cdom,$cnum,$symb,$mapurl, at intdoms);
my $lonhost = $r->dir_config('lonHostID');
my $internet_names = &Apache::lonnet::get_internet_names($lonhost);
if (ref($internet_names) eq 'ARRAY') {
@intdoms = @{$internet_names};
# For user who launched LTI in Consumer, determine user's domain in
# Order is:
# (a) from custom_userdomain item in POSTed data
# (b) from lis_person_sourcedid in POSTed data
# (c) from default "log-in" domain for node
# (can support multidomain servers, where specific domain is
# first part of hostname).
# Note: "internet domain" for user's domain must be one of the
# "internet domain(s)" for the institution's LON-CAPA servers.
if (exists($params->{'custom_userdomain'})) {
if ($params->{'custom_userdomain'} =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
my $uprimary_id = &Apache::lonnet::domain($params->{'custom_userdomain'},'primary');
if ($uprimary_id ne '') {
my $uintdom = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom($uprimary_id);
if (($uintdom ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$uintdom\E$/, at intdoms))) {
$udom = $params->{'custom_userdomain'};
my $defdom = &Apache::lonnet::default_login_domain();
my ($domain,$possuname,$possudom,$possmapuser);
if ($env{'form.lis_person_sourcedid'} =~ /^($match_username)\:($match_domain)$/) {
($possuname,$possudom) = ($1,$2);
if ($udom eq '') {
my $uintdom = &Apache::lonnet::domain($possudom,'primary');
if (($uintdom ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$uintdom\E$/, at intdoms))) {
$udom = $possudom;
$possmapuser = 'lis_person_sourcedid';
} else {
$udom = $defdom;
} elsif ($udom eq $possudom) {
$possmapuser = 'lis_person_sourcedid';
unless ($possuname) {
if ($env{'form.lis_person_sourcedid'} =~ /^$match_username$/) {
$possuname = $env{'form.lis_person_sourcedid'};
$possmapuser = 'lis_person_sourcedid';
} elsif ($env{'form.lis_person_contact_email_primary'} =~ /^$match_username$/) {
$possuname = $env{'form.lis_person_contact_email_primary'};
$possmapuser = 'lis_person_contact_email_primary';
unless ($udom) {
$udom = $defdom;
# Determine course's domain in LON-CAPA
# Order is:
# (a) from custom_coursedomain item in POSTed data
# (b) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format of a symb
# (c) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format of a map
# (d) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format /domain/courseID
# (e) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format /tiny/domain/...
# i.e., a shortened URL (see bug #6400) -- not implemented yet.
# (f) same as user's domain
# Request invalid if custom_coursedomain is defined and is inconsistent with
# domain contained in requested URL.
# Note: "internet domain" for course's domain must be one of the
# internet domains for the institution's LON-CAPA servers.
if (exists($params->{'custom_coursedomain'})) {
if ($params->{'custom_coursedomain'} =~ /^$match_domain$/) {
my $cprimary_id = &Apache::lonnet::domain($params->{'custom_coursedomain'},'primary');
if ($cprimary_id ne '') {
my $cintdom = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom($cprimary_id);
if (($cintdom ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$cintdom\E$/, at intdoms))) {
$cdom = $params->{'custom_coursedomain'};
my ($tail) = ($requri =~ m{^/adm/lti(|/.*)$});
my $urlcnum;
if ($tail ne '') {
my $urlcdom;
if ($tail =~ m{^/uploaded/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/(?:default|supplemental)(?:|_\d+)\.(?:sequence|page)(|___\d+___.+)$}) {
($urlcdom,$urlcnum,my $rest) = ($1,$2,$3);
if (($cdom ne '') && ($cdom ne $urlcdom)) {
return OK;
if ($rest eq '') {
$mapurl = $tail;
} else {
$symb = $tail;
$symb =~ s{^/+}{};
#FIXME Need to handle encrypted URLs
} elsif ($tail =~ m{^/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)$}) {
($urlcdom,$urlcnum) = ($1,$2);
if (($cdom ne '') && ($cdom ne $urlcdom)) {
return OK;
if (($cdom eq '') && ($urlcdom ne '')) {
my $cprimary_id = &Apache::lonnet::domain($urlcdom,'primary');
if ($cprimary_id ne '') {
my $cintdom = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom($cprimary_id);
if (($cintdom ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$cintdom\E$/, at intdoms))) {
$cdom = $urlcdom;
} else {
$urlcnum = '';
if ($cdom eq '') {
if ($udom ne '') {
$cdom = $udom;
} else {
$cdom = $defdom;
# Retrieve information for LTI Consumers in course domain
# and populate hash -- %lti_by_key -- for which keys
# are those defined in domain configuration for LTI.
my %lti = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_lti($cdom,'provider');
unless (keys(%lti) > 0) {
return OK;
my %lti_by_key;
if (keys(%lti)) {
foreach my $id (keys(%lti)) {
if (ref($lti{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
my $key = $lti{$id}{'key'};
# Verify the signed request using the secret for those
# Consumers for which the key in the POSTed data matches
# keys in the domain configuration for LTI.
my $hostname = $r->hostname;
my $protocol = 'http';
if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) {
$protocol = 'https';
my $itemid;
my $key = $params->{'oauth_consumer_key'};
my @ltiroles;
if (ref($lti_by_key{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $id (@{$lti_by_key{$key}}) {
if (ref($lti{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
my $secret = $lti{$id}{'secret'};
my $request = Net::OAuth->request('request token')->from_hash($params,
request_url => $protocol.'://'.$hostname.$requri,
request_method => $env{'request.method'},
consumer_secret => $secret,);
if ($request->verify()) {
$itemid = $id;
# Request is invalid if the signed request could not be verified
# for the Consumer key and Consumer secret from the domain
# configuration in LON-CAPA for that LTI Consumer.
unless (($itemid) && (ref($lti{$itemid}) eq 'HASH')) {
return OK;
# Determine if nonce in POSTed data has expired.
# If unexpired, confirm it has not already been used.
unless (&check_nonce($r,$params->{'oauth_nonce'},$params->{'oauth_timestamp'},$lti{$itemid}{'lifetime'},$cdom)) {
return OK;
# Determinine if source of username matches requirement from the
# domain configuration for the specific LTI Consumer.
if ($lti{$itemid}{'mapuser'} eq $possmapuser) {
$uname = $possuname;
} elsif ($lti{$itemid}{'mapuser'} eq 'lis_person_sourcedid') {
if ($params->{'lis_person_sourcedid'} =~ /^$match_username$/) {
$uname = $possuname;
} elsif ($lti{$itemid}{'mapuser'} eq 'lis_person_contact_email_primary') {
if ($params->{'lis_person_contact_email_primary'} =~ /^$match_username$/) {
$uname = $params->{'lis_person_contact_email_primary'};
} elsif (exists($params->{$lti{$itemid}{'mapuser'}})) {
if ($params->{$lti{$itemid}{'mapuser'}} =~ /^$match_username$/) {
$uname = $params->{$lti{$itemid}{'mapuser'}};
# Determine the courseID of the LON-CAPA course to which the
# launch of LON-CAPA should provide access.
# Order is:
# (a) from course mapping (if the link between Consumer "course" and
# Provider "course" has been established previously).
# (b) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format of a symb
# (c) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format of a map
# (d) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format /domain/courseID
# (e) from tail of requested URL (after /adm/lti) if it has format /tiny/domain/...
# i.e., a shortened URL (see bug #6400) -- not implemented yet.
# If Consumer course included in POSTed data points as a target course which
# has a format which matches a LON-CAPA courseID, but the course does not
# exist, the request is invalid.
my ($sourcecrs,%consumers);
if ($lti{$itemid}{'mapcrs'} eq 'course_offering_sourcedid') {
$sourcecrs = $params->{'course_offering_sourcedid'};
} elsif ($lti{$itemid}{'mapcrs'} eq 'context_id') {
$sourcecrs = $params->{'context_id'};
} elsif ($lti{$itemid}{'mapcrs'} ne '') {
$sourcecrs = $params->{$lti{$itemid}{'mapcrs'}};
my $posscnum;
if ($sourcecrs ne '') {
%consumers = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('lticonsumers',[$sourcecrs],$cdom);
if (exists($consumers{$sourcecrs})) {
if ($consumers{$sourcecrs} =~ /^$match_courseid$/) {
my $crshome = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($consumers{$sourcecrs},$cdom);
if ($crshome =~ /(con_lost|no_host|no_such_host)/) {
return OK;
} else {
$posscnum = $consumers{$sourcecrs};
if ($urlcnum ne '') {
if ($posscnum ne '') {
if ($posscnum ne $urlcnum) {
return OK;
} else {
$cnum = $posscnum;
} else {
my $crshome = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($urlcnum,$cdom);
if ($crshome =~ /(con_lost|no_host|no_such_host)/) {
return OK;
} else {
$cnum = $urlcnum;
} elsif ($posscnum ne '') {
$cnum = $posscnum;
# Get LON-CAPA role to use from role-mapping of Consumer roles
# defined in domain configuration for the appropriate LTI
# Consumer.
# If multiple LON-CAPA roles are indicated, choose based
# on the order: cc, in, ta, ep, st
my $reqrole;
my @roleorder = ('cc','in','ta','ep','st');
if ($params->{'roles'} =~ /,/) {
@ltiroles = split(/\s*,\s*/,$params->{'role'});
} else {
my $singlerole = $params->{'roles'};
$singlerole =~ s/^\s|\s+$//g;
@ltiroles = ($singlerole);
if (@ltiroles) {
if (ref($lti{$itemid}{maproles}) eq 'HASH') {
my %possroles;
map { $possroles{$lti{$itemid}{maproles}{$_}} = 1; } @ltiroles;
my @possibles = keys(%possroles);
if (@possibles == 1) {
if (grep(/^\Q$possibles[0]\E$/, at roleorder)) {
$reqrole = $possibles[0];
} elsif (@possibles > 1) {
foreach my $item (@roleorder) {
if ($possroles{$item}) {
$reqrole = $item;
# If no LON-CAPA username -- is user allowed to create one?
my $selfcreate;
if (($uname ne '') && ($udom ne '')) {
$uhome = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($uname,$udom);
if ($uhome =~ /(con_lost|no_host|no_such_host)/) {
&Apache::lonnet::logthis(" LTI authorized unknown user $uname:$udom ");
if (ref($lti{$itemid}{'makeuser'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
if (@{$lti{$itemid}{'makeuser'}} > 0) {
foreach my $ltirole (@ltiroles) {
if (grep(/^\Q$ltirole\E$/,@{$lti{$itemid}{'makeuser'}})) {
$selfcreate = 1;
if ($selfcreate) {
#FIXME Do user creation here.
return OK
} else {
return OK;
} else {
return OK;
# If no LON-CAPA course available, check if domain's configuration
# for the specific LTI Consumer allows a new course to be created
# (requires role in Consumer to be: Instructor).
if ($cnum eq '') {
if ((@ltiroles) && (grep(/^Instructor$/, at ltiroles)) &&
($lti{$itemid}{'mapcrs'})) {
#FIXME Create a new LON-CAPA course here.
return OK;
} else {
return OK;
# If LON-CAPA course is a Community, and LON-CAPA role
# indicated is cc, change role indicated to co.
if ($reqrole eq 'cc') {
if (($cdom ne '') && ($cnum ne '')) {
my %crsenv = &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($cnum.'_'.$cdom,{ 'one_time' => 1,});
if ($crsenv{'type'} eq 'Community') {
$reqrole = 'co';
# Determine if user has required LON-CAPA role
# in the mapped LON-CAPA course.
my $role;
my %crsroles = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles($uname,$udom,'userroles',undef,[$reqrole],[$cdom]);
if (exists($crsroles{$cnum.':'.$cdom.':'.$reqrole})) {
$role = $reqrole.'./'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum;
#FIXME Need to accommodate sections
} elsif (ref($lti{$itemid}{'selfenroll'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
if (grep(/^\Q$reqrole\E$/,@{$lti{$itemid}{'selfenroll'}})) {
#FIXME Do self-enrollment here
return OK;
} else {
# Store consumer-to-LON-CAPA course mapping
if (($sourcecrs ne '') && ($consumers{$sourcecrs} eq '') && ($cnum ne '')) {
&Apache::lonnet::put_dom('lticonsumers',{ $sourcecrs => $cnum },$cdom);
# Check if user should be hosted here or switched to another server.
&Apache::lonnet::logthis(" LTI authorized user: $uname:$udom role: $role course: $cnum:$cdom");
my ($is_balancer,$otherserver,$hosthere);
($is_balancer,$otherserver) =
if ($is_balancer) {
if ($otherserver eq '') {
my $lowest_load;
($otherserver,undef,undef,undef,$lowest_load) = &Apache::lonnet::choose_server($udom);
if ($lowest_load > 100) {
$otherserver = &Apache::lonnet::spareserver($lowest_load,$lowest_load,1,$udom);
if ($otherserver ne '') {
my @hosts = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
if (grep(/^\Q$otherserver\E$/, at hosts)) {
$hosthere = $otherserver;
if (($is_balancer) && (!$hosthere)) {
# login but immediately go to switch server.
if ($symb) {
$env{'form.symb'} = $symb;
if ($role) {
$env{'form.role'} = $role;
if ($lti{$itemid}{'passback'}) {
if ($params->{'lis_result_sourcedid'}) {
$env{'request.lti.passbackid'} = $params->{'lis_result_sourcedid'};
if ($params->{'lis_outcome_service_url'}) {
$env{'request.lti.passbackurl'} = $params->{'lis_outcome_service_url'};
if (($lti{$itemid}{'roster'}) && (grep(/^Instructor$/, at ltiroles))) {
if ($params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_id'}) {
$env{'request.lti.rosterid'} = $params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_id'};
if ($params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_url'}) {
$env{'request.lti.rosterurl'} = $params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_url'};
$env{'request.lti.login'} = 1;
foreach my $key (%{$params}) {
my $redirecturl = '/adm/switchserver';
if ($otherserver ne '') {
$redirecturl .= '?otherserver='.$otherserver;
$r->set_handlers('PerlHandler'=> undef);
} else {
# need to login them in, so generate the need data that
# migrate expects to do login
foreach my $key (%{$params}) {
my $ip = $r->get_remote_host();
my %info=('ip' => $ip,
'domain' => $udom,
'username' => $uname,
'server' => $lonhost,
'lti.login' => 1,
if ($role) {
$info{'role'} = $role;
if ($symb) {
$info{'symb'} = $symb;
if ($lti{$itemid}{'passback'}) {
if ($params->{'lis_result_sourcedid'}) {
$info{'lti.passbackid'} = $params->{'lis_result_sourcedid'}
if ($params->{'lis_outcome_service_url'}) {
$info{'lti.passbackurl'} = $params->{'lis_outcome_service_url'}
if (($lti{$itemid}{'roster'}) && (grep(/^Instructor$/, at ltiroles))) {
if ($params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_id'}) {
$info{'lti.rosterid'} = $params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_id'};
if ($params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_url'}) {
$info{'lti.rosterurl'} = $params->{'ext_ims_lis_memberships_url'};
unless ($info{'symb'}) {
if ($mapurl) {
$info{'origurl'} = $mapurl;
if ($mapurl =~ m{/default_\d+\.sequence$}) {
$info{'origurl'} .= (($mapurl =~/\?/)?'&':'?').'navmap=1';
} else {
unless ($tail eq '/adm/roles') {
$info{'origurl'} = '/adm/navmaps';
if (($is_balancer) && ($hosthere)) {
$info{'noloadbalance'} = $hosthere;
my $token = &Apache::lonnet::tmpput(\%info,$lonhost);
$env{'form.token'} = $token;
$r->set_handlers('PerlHandler'=> undef);
return OK;
sub check_nonce {
my ($r,$nonce,$timestamp,$lifetime,$domain) = @_;
if (($timestamp eq '') || ($timestamp =~ /^\D/) || ($lifetime eq '') || ($lifetime =~ /\D/) || ($domain eq '')) {
return 0;
my $now = time;
if (($timestamp) && ($timestamp < ($now - $lifetime))) {
return 0;
if ($nonce eq '') {
return 0;
my $lonltidir = $r->dir_config('lonLTIDir');
if (-e "$lonltidir/$domain/$nonce") {
return 0;
} else {
unless (-e "$lonltidir/$domain") {
if (open(my $fh,'>',"$lonltidir/$domain/$nonce")) {
print $fh $now;
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
sub invalid_request {
my ($r,$num) = @_;
if ($r->header_only) {
&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Invalid LTI call').
&mt('Invalid LTI call [_1]',$num).
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