[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /loncapafiles loncapafiles.lpml loncom/html/adm/help/tex Author_Change_Privileges.tex Author_Create_Coauthor_List.tex Author_User_Logs.tex Author_View_Coauthor_List.tex Course_Approve_Selfenroll.tex Course_Helpdesk_Access.tex Course_User_Logs.tex Docs_Viewing_Course_Doc.tex Domain_Change_Logs.tex Domain_Change_Privileges.tex Domain_Create_Users.tex Domain_Editing_Custom_Roles.tex Domain_Role_Approvals.tex Domain_Role_Logs.tex Domain_User_Access_Logs.tex Domain_Username_Approvals.tex Domain_View_Privileges.tex Domain_View_Users_List.tex

raeburn raeburn at source.lon-capa.org
Sat Apr 1 11:36:04 EDT 2017

raeburn		Sat Apr  1 15:36:04 2017 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /loncom/html/adm/help/tex	Author_Change_Privileges.tex 

  Modified files:              
    /doc/loncapafiles	loncapafiles.lpml 
  - Show appropriate user management help for the user's context (i.e., domain,
    author or course), and user's permissions (i.e., edit or view privilege).
-------------- next part --------------
Index: doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml
diff -u doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.948 doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.949
--- doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.948	Wed Mar 29 21:15:34 2017
+++ doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml	Sat Apr  1 15:36:04 2017
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+<!-- $Id: loncapafiles.lpml,v 1.949 2017/04/01 15:36:04 raeburn Exp $ -->
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Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_Change_Privileges.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_Change_Privileges.tex

To assign a user as a co-author or assistant co-author to your authoring space, do the following: (Note: if creation of new users is not permitted in your domain, you will only be able to add a user with an existing account in the LON-CAPA system).


\item Click the \textbf{People} item in the inline menu or select
\textbf{Manage co-authors} in the ``User Management'' box on the Main Menu page.
\item At the \textbf{User Management} screen, select
\textbf{Add/Modify a Co-author}.
\item You can use the \textbf{Search for a user and modify/add user information or roles} section to search for a user by username, or last name, in a specific LON-CAPA domain, or in an institutional directory, if the domain has access to an institutional directory search service.

\textbf{Note}: If you know the exact username, you can either use a ``username is ...'' search in the search section, or  type the username in the textbox in the \textbf{Search criteria} section.

\item Click the \textbf{Search} or \textbf{Create/Modify user} button, as appropriate.

\textbf{Note}: If the user exists, the \textbf{Modify existing user} screen will display the user's information, existing roles and roles you can assign. Which fields appear as textboxes in the \textbf{Personal Data} table, and may be modified, will depend on policies set for the domain.

\textbf{Note}: If this will be a new user, the \textbf{Create New User} screen will display fields to type in the user's information, and roles you can assign.  The main differences between a Co-author and an Assistant Co-author role are that (a) a user with an assistant co-author may only browse published resources belonging to authors for whom the user has an assistant co-author role, (whereas a co-author can browse system-wide) and (b) a user with a co-author role is considered and ``advanced user'', while a user with an assistant co-author role is not (a domain coordinator can assign common settings to all advanced users).

\item Click the box next to the roles you wish to revoke, or add to the user. If
you are adding roles you can provide starting and ending dates for the role.
\item To save your changes click \fbox{{Save}



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_Create_Coauthor_List.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_Create_Coauthor_List.tex

Authors can upload files containing lists of co-authors to whom they wish to provide editing and publishing rights in their Authoring Spaces. Intended roles (co-author or assistant co-author) for each user can be either read from the file, or a default can be specified.


\item Click the \textbf{People} item in the inline menu or select
\textbf{Manage co-authors} in the ``User Management'' box on the Main Menu page
\item At the \textbf{User Management} screen, select
\textbf{ Upload a File of Co-authors}.
\item Click the \fbox{Browse...} button locate the file on your machine.
\item Select the appropriate file type from the drop-down menu
(usually \textbf{CSV spreadsheet}).  To see how to
generate a CSV file, refer to \ref{Course_Convert_To_CSV}.
\item Click the \fbox{Next} button.
\item The next screen allows you to associate the uploaded spreadsheet's columns
   with the necessary user fields, such as: \textbf{Last Name}, \textbf{First Name},
   etc.  Use the drop-down menus to make an
   association for each of the spreadsheet's columns.

NOTE: If you wish to associate a particular column to more than one field
      (if, for example, you wish to make the users' initial passwords the
      same as their student/employee id), click the \fbox{Reverse
      Association} button.  Then you can assign columns of the spreadsheet to more
      than one field. You can also set the login type, the start/end dates for
   the students from this page.

\item Once you have the column assignment and defaults set,  click the \fbox{Update Users} button to finish.


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_User_Logs.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_User_Logs.tex

Authors can display a history of role changes for co-authors in their Authoring Spaces.


\item Click the \textbf{People} item in the inline menu or select ``Manage co-authors'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv} item in the ``User Management'' box on the Main Menu page.
\item Click ``User Access Log'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{document-properties} in the ``Single Users'' box on the User Management page.
\item Display of the role changes in the course can be restricted to a date range and/or role, amd/or context in which the
role change occurred.  There is also a drop-down list to select how many records to display per page.
\item After making changes to Date Window, Role, Context, or Changes/page, click \fbox{Update Display}


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_View_Coauthor_List.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Author_View_Coauthor_List.tex

Each author can generate sorted lists of users with co-author or assistant co-author access to their authoring space, filtered by status and/or role, in a variety of formats (HTML for display, or CSV or Excel for download) 


\item Click \textbf{People} in the inline menu or select
\textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Manage co-authors}.
\item At the \textbf{User Management} screen, select
\textbf{Manage Co-authors}.

\item At the \textbf{List Users} screen, select the user status, and role type you wish to view from the status and role pulldown menus. Check the checkboxes in the `Information to show' box for all columns you wish to include in the output. Note: some boxes may be grayed out (e.g., role, unless role type is set to `Any role').  

\item To change the sort order of the users list, click on a column title in the table, to sort by the attribute in that column.

\item Use pulldown menu in the ``Action to take for selected users'' box, if you wish to modify start/end dates, or section assignments for a number of users all at once.

Note: a checkbox to include a user (and role) in this bulk action is only available when you have the privileges to modify that role.

Select an action from the pulldown menu.  In all cases, except when revoking a role, this will cause a separate window to open where you will choose the new access dates or section change to apply.

\item Check the checkboxes for the users to modify and click \fbox{Proceed}



Note: When displaying user lists you also have the choice to output the users list to CSV format
or Excel format. To do this, select CSV or Excel from the ``Output format'' pulldown menu.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Approve_Selfenroll.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Approve_Selfenroll.tex

Course personnel with rights to create users in a course can approve or deny an enrollment request originally submitted by a user via the ``Self-enroll'' link displayed in the Course Catalog for courses configured to allow self-enrollment.


\item Mouseover the \textbf{People} item in the inline menu and click \textbf{Users} or select
\textbf{Manage course users} on the Main Menu.
\item At the \textbf{User Management} screen, select
\textbf{Enrollment Requests} in the ``Administration'' box.

\item For each queued request the options are to approve, reject or decide later.  If a request is approved
or rejected a LON-CAPA message will be sent to the user with information about the approval decision.  Clicking on the user's name in the Requestor column will display the ``About me'' page for the user.  

\item To process any approvals or rejections click



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Helpdesk_Access.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Helpdesk_Access.tex

Each domain can define custom course roles for use on an ad hoc basis
by helpdesk personnel so they can assist faculty and students.

A domain coordinator names these custom ad hoc roles, the privileges
assigned to them, and which helpdesk personnel may temporarily acquire

The course owner (i.e., the Course Coordinator for whom a course was
created) can override the availability of any of a domain's ad hoc
roles in a course, and can also modify the privileges conferred by each

Course owners can override ad hoc role settings within their courses
via People $>$ Users $>$ Helpdesk Access. Each ad hoc role defined in
the course's domain will receive a tab.


\item Either (a) select ``Users'' from the drop-down list for the ``People'' item in the inline menu or, on the Main Menu page click the ``Manage course users'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv} item in the ``User Management'' box.

\item Click ``Helpdesk Access'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{helpdesk-access} in the ``Administration'' box on the User Management page.

\item Click on the tab to modify settings for a particular ad hoc role.

\item In the Role usage box, check the ``Set here in course'' radio
      button to override the domain defaults for which helpdesk personnel
      can use the role. Select one of the following options:

\item All with domain helpdesk or helpdesk assistant role
\item All with domain helpdesk role
\item All with domain helpdesk assistant role
\item None
\item Determined based on institutional status
\item Include all, but exclude specific personnel
\item Exclude all, but include specific personnel

\item In the Role privileges box, check the checkboxes in the ``Override in Course''
      column for any of the course level privileges which should differ from
      the default set by a domain coordinator.  Checking this box will disable
      the privilege if it is included in the domain defaults, but enable it if
      it is not included in the domain defaults.

\item To save any changes made in the ad hoc role displayed in the current tab click
      \fbox{Save changes}



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_User_Logs.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_User_Logs.tex

Course personnel with rights to create users or view classlists can display
a history of role changes for users in a course. 
If the role of the user viewing the change history is for a specific section only role changes for the current section will be shown.


\item Mouseover the \textbf{People} item in the inline menu and click \textbf{Users} or select ``Manage course users'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv} item in the ``User Management'' box on the Main Menu page.
\item Click ``User Access Log'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{document-properties} in the ``Single  Users'' box on the User Management page.
\item Display of the role changes in the course can be restricted to a date range and/or Role, amd/or context in which the
role change occurred.  There is also a drop-down list to select how many records to display per page.
\item After making changes to Date Window, Role, Context, or Changes/page, click \fbox{Update Display}


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Docs_Viewing_Course_Doc.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Docs_Viewing_Course_Doc.tex

If a custom role in a course has rights to ``View-only access to course editing tools'', but 
not to ``Edit course content'' then the role will have access to the Course Editor
but will not be able to make any changes. 

Select \textbf{Course Editor} on the Inline Menu or select
\textbf{Edit course contents}
on the Main Menu.

The various ways a new resource can be added to a course described below will be shown, but
clicking the link will either display an alert: ``Editing rights unavailable for your current role'', 
or in some cases additional grayed-out form elements.


\item Organize documents into folders for structure
(see section \ref{Docs_Adding_Folders})

\item Link or \textbf{Upload} a document from outside LON-CAPA, for instance by creating
a link (see section \ref{Docs_Adding_External_Resource}) or
by uploading a document from your hard drive such as a PowerPoint presentation or a
PDF file (see section \ref{Docs_Uploading_From_Harddrive})

\item \textbf{Import} a Published Resource from the LON-CAPA network (see section \ref{Docs_Importing_LON-CAPA_Resource})

\item Configure \textbf{Grading} resources such as Simple Problems, Drop Boxes, and External Scores.
\index{simple problem}\index{drop box}\index{external scores}

\item Configure \textbf{Collaboration} tools such as Discussion Boards, Course Rosters, and Group Portfolios.
\index{discussion board}\index{roster}\index{course roster}\index{portfolio}\index{group portfolio}

\item Create \textbf{Other} items, e.g., from a prepared template (see section \ref{Docs_Creating_From_Template})
For example, this category includes a \textbf{Table of Contents},\index{table of contents}
which creates a resource in the course that displays the list of course contents.
Because the first resource opens for students when they login, using a Table of Contents as
the first resource may be a good idea. This category also includes \textbf{Blank Web Pages.}\index{web page}
\index{blank web page}


Other items displayed: \underbar{Remove}, \underbar{Cut}, \underbar{Copy} and \underbar{Rename}
are inactive for a role with view-only access to the Course Editor.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Change_Logs.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Change_Logs.tex

Users in a domain with rights to view information about the domain's users can display a history of role changes for domain roles.


\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users} if a Domain Coordinator, or \textbf{View information about users}
if Domain Helpdesk.
\item Click \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{document-properties} \textbf{Change Log} 
in the ``Administration'' box on the User Management page.
\item Display of the role changes in the course can be restricted to a date range and/or role, amd/or context in which the
role change occurred.  There is also a drop-down list to select how many records to display per page.
\item After making changes to Date Window, Role, Context, or Changes/page, click \fbox{Update Display}


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Change_Privileges.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Change_Privileges.tex
Users in a domain with rights to create users can add a user, modify a user's privileges or change a user's information as follows: 


\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users}.
\item Click \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{edit-redo} 
\textbf{Add/Modify a User} in the ``Single Users'' box on the User Management page.
\item You can use the \textbf{Search for a user and modify/add user information or roles} section to search for a user by username, or last name, in a specific LON-CAPA domain, or in an institutional directory, if the domain has access to an institutional directory search service.  You can also click the \underline{Select User} link and a window will open with a list of all the users in the domain for whom you have assigned course personnel and/or author or co-author roles in the past (as a Domain Coordinator).

\textbf{Note}: If you know the exact username, you can either use a ``username is ...'' search in the search section, or  type the username in the textbox in the \textbf{Search criteria} section.

\item Click the \textbf{Search} or \textbf{Create/Modify user} button, as appropriate.

\textbf{Note}: If the user exists, the \textbf{Modify existing user} screen will display the user's information, existing roles and roles you can assign. Which fields appear as textboxes in the \textbf{Personal Data} table, and may be modified, will depend on policies set for the domain.

\textbf{Note}: If this will be a new user, the \textbf{Create New User} screen will display fields to type in the user's information, and roles you can assign.

\item Click the box next to the roles you wish to revoke, or add to the user. If 
you are adding roles in a course, a section can be assigned (not required) by choosing from existing sections or typing a new one. You can also provide starting and ending dates for the role.
\item Click \fbox{Modify user}



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Create_Users.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Create_Users.tex

Users in a domain with rights to create users can make changes to multiple users by uploading
a file containing comma-separated value data (or similar).  The changes that can be made include
bulk changes to authentication type, or passwords for internally authenticated users, as well as
changing student/employee IDs or assigning domain roles or course roles. The one required column
in the csv (or similar) data file is username.


\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users}.
\item Select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{uplusr} \textbf{ Upload a File of Users}
in the ``Multiple Users'' box on the User Management page.
\item Click the \fbox{Choose File} button to locate the file on your machine.
\item Select the appropriate file type from the drop-down menu
(usually \textbf{CSV spreadsheet}).  To see how to
generate a CSV file, refer to \ref{Course_Convert_To_CSV}.
\item Click \fbox{Next}


\item The next screen allows you to associate the uploaded spreadsheet's columns
   with the necessary student fields, such as: \textbf{Last Name}, \textbf{First Name},
   etc.  Use the drop-down menus to make an
   association for each of the spreadsheet's columns.

NOTE: If you wish to associate a particular column to more than one field
      (if, for example, you wish to make the students' initial passwords the
      same as their student/employee id), click the \fbox{Reverse
      Association} button.  Then you can assign columns of the spreadsheet to more
      than one field. You can also set the login type, the start/end dates for
   the students from this page.

\item Once you have the column assignments and defaults set, click \fbox{Update Users}



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Editing_Custom_Roles.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Editing_Custom_Roles.tex

Users in the domain with rights to create custom roles can create a new role or edit privileges assigned to an existing custom role they own, as follows:


\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv} 
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users} on the Main Menu page.

\item Select
\textbf{Custom Roles} in the ``Administration'' box on the User Management page.  

\item Select the role you wish to edit from the drop down menu.
To create a new custom role provide a role name after \textbf{Define new custom role}. 
Click \fbox{Next}.

\item The \textbf{Edit custom role} screen will display the privileges set, and available to assign to this role.
When creating a new role, buttons are available to use privileges which apply to standard predefined roles in the system (Course Coordinator, Instructor, Teaching Assistant etc.) 
as a starting point for assigning privileges to the new role.

\item Update the privileges you wish to assign to the custom role.

\item Click \fbox{Save}



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Role_Approvals.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Role_Approvals.tex

Domain Coordinators can approve or deny requests for Authoring Space submitted by a user via the ``Request author role'' item in the gray Functions bar on the user's Roles page, as follows:

\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users} on the Main Menu page.

\item Select
\textbf{Authoring Space Requests} in the ``Administration'' box on the User Management page.

\item For each queued request the options are to approve, reject or decide later.  If a request is approved
or rejected a LON-CAPA message will be sent to the user with information about the approval decision.

\item To process any approvals or rejections click



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Role_Logs.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Role_Logs.tex

Users in the domain with rights to view user roles in the domain can display a history of domain role changes for the domain's users. The roles for which changes can be listed include: Admininstrator, Author, Bubblesheet Scanning Operator, Domain Coordinator, Domain Guest, Domain Helpdesk, Domain Helpdesk Assistant and Librarian.

\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users} on the Main Menu page.

\item Select
\textbf{Change Log} in the ``Administration'' box on the User Management page.

\item Display of the role changes in the domain can be restricted to a date range and/or Role, and/or context in which the
role change occurred.  There is also a drop-down list to select how many records to display per page.
\item After making changes to Date Window, Role, Context, or Changes/page, click \fbox{Update Display}


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_User_Access_Logs.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_User_Access_Logs.tex

Users in the domain with rights to view user activity in the domain can view user log-in, log-out, and role selection activity as follows:

\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users} if a Domain Coordinator, or \textbf{View information about users}
if Domain Helpdesk. 
\item Select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{document-properties} \textbf{User Access Log} in the ``Single Users'' box on the User Management page.
\item In the \textbf{Search criteria} row select the user information field to search by (lastname; lastname, firstname; or username) and the search latitude (begins with, contains, or is), and enter the search term in the textbox. 
\item If the criteria match multiple users in the domain, click the ``Select'' button for the individual for whom
access log information is needed.
\item Display of the user's activity can be restricted to a date range and/or type of activity -- (a) Log-in or Logout
or (b) Role selection using the drop-down lists. There is also a drop-down list to select how many records to display per page.

\textbf{Note}: Only a Domain Coordinator may view activity by other Domain Coordinators.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Username_Approvals.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Username_Approvals.tex

Domain Coordinators can approve or deny requests for new user accounts which have been queued, pending approval, as follows.

\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users}.
\item Select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{list-add} \textbf{LON-CAPA Account Requests} in the ``Administration'' box on the User Management page.
\item For each queued request the options are to approve, reject or decide later.  If a request is approved
or rejected an e-mail will be sent to the user with information about the approval decision.

Clicking on the user's e-mail address in the Details column will launch a pop-up window showing any user-supplied data fields which are currently either optional or required fields for the user's institutional type (set in the ``Self-creation with e-mail as username'' part of the ``Users self-creating accounts'' domain configuration).

\item To process any approvals or rejections click



Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_View_Privileges.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_View_Privileges.tex

Users in a domain with rights to view the domain's users' roles and privileges can access that information as follows:


\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{View information about users}.
\item Click \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{edit-redo}
\textbf{View a User} in the ``Single Users'' box on the User Management page.
\item In the \textbf{Search criteria} row select what to search by, and where to search -- either in the LON-CAPA domain, 
or in the domain's institutional directory (if access to an institutional directory search service has been implemented).

\item Click \fbox{Search}



\textbf{Note}: If the user exists, the \textbf{Modify existing user} screen will display the user's information, privileges, and any unexpired roles assigned to the user.


Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_View_Users_List.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_View_Users_List.tex

Users in a domain with rights to view information about the domain's users can generate sorted lists of users in a domain who have been assigned specific role(s), filtered by status, role type (i.e., Domain, Course, Community or Co-Author) and role
in a variety of formats (HTML for display, or CSV or Excel for download).


\item Select \textbf{Main Menu} and then select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
\textbf{Create users or modify the roles and privileges of users} if a Domain Coordinator, or \textbf{View information about users}
if Domain Helpdesk.
\item At the \textbf{User Management} screen, select
\textbf{Manage Users}.

\item At the \textbf{List Users} screen, select the user status, and role type you wish to view from the status and role pulldown menus.  Check the checkboxes in the `Information to show' box for all columns you wish to include in the output.  Note: (s) some boxes may be grayed out (e.g., role, unless role is set to `Any'; (b) if `Course' or `Community' is selecte for: `Role type', the status checkbox be grayed out, because status is included in a `course(s): description, section(s), status' checkbox which is available in that case.

\item Click `Update Display' either to show list of users, or if role type is `Course' or `Community', to display an additional `Select Courses' or `Select Communities' box, where the courses/communities for which users are to be listed can be selected. 

\item If the output format is HTML, the sort order of the users list can be changed by clicking on a column title in the table, to sort by the attribute in that column.

\item If the output format is HTML, the behavior of the username link for each user listed can be modified by checking one of the radio buttons in the `Behavior of clickable username link for each user' box.


Note: When displaying user lists you also have the choice to output the users list to CSV format
or Excel format. To do this, select CSV or Excel from the ``Output format'' pulldown menu.

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