[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /localize/localize de.pm es.pm fa.pm fr.pm he.pm ja.pm pt.pm ru.pm tr.pm zh.pm /publisher language.tab

glusa glusa at source.lon-capa.org
Wed Dec 21 08:59:53 EST 2011

glusa		Wed Dec 21 13:59:53 2011 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/publisher	language.tab 
    /loncom/localize/localize	de.pm es.pm fa.pm fr.pm he.pm ja.pm pt.pm 
                             	ru.pm tr.pm zh.pm 
  Bug 6540 (related to 5702)
  Translation of language-selection-list entries moved from translation files to centralized language.tab.
  Unnecessary entries removed from translation files.
  language.tab converted from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 (using iconv).
-------------- next part --------------
Index: loncom/publisher/language.tab
diff -u loncom/publisher/language.tab:1.23 loncom/publisher/language.tab:1.24
--- loncom/publisher/language.tab:1.23	Thu Dec  8 11:44:49 2011
+++ loncom/publisher/language.tab	Wed Dec 21 13:59:46 2011
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 schmiso			chm	ISO	Mari	
 skuaiso			kua	ISO	Kuanyama	
 sinciso			inc	ISO	Indic (Other)	
-sptiso	pt		por	ISO	Portuguese		portugues
-sptutf	pt		por	UTF	Portuguese	pt	portugues
+sptiso	pt		por	ISO	Português		portugues
+sptutf	pt		por	UTF	Português	pt	portugues
 scebiso			ceb	ISO	Cebuano	
 shiniso	hi		hin	ISO	Hindi	
 sdiviso			div	ISO	Divehi	
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
 sakaiso			aka	ISO	Akan	
 sazeiso	az		aze	ISO	Azerbaijani	
 styviso			tyv	ISO	Tuvinian	
-sspiso	es		esl/spa	ISO	Spanish (Castellan)		spanish
-ssputf	es		esl/spa	UTF	Spanish (Castellan)	es	spanish
+sspiso	es		esl/spa	ISO	español (castellano)		spanish
+ssputf	es		esl/spa	UTF	español (castellano)	es	spanish
 sspisoCat	es	Cat	esl/spa	ISO	Catalan	
 sspisoAR	es	AR	esl/spa	ISO	Argentine	
 sspisoCO	es	CO	esl/spa	ISO	Colombian	
@@ -151,15 +151,15 @@
 ssliso	sl		slv	ISO	Slovenian		slovene
 sslwin	sl		slv	Windows	Slovenian		slovene
 soriiso	or		ori	ISO	Oriya	
-sariso	ar		ara	ISO	Arabic	
-sarutf	ar		ara	UTF	Arabic	ar	
-sarwin	ar		ara	Windows	Arabic	
+sariso	ar		ara	ISO	ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ	
+sarutf	ar		ara	UTF	ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ	ar	
+sarwin	ar		ara	Windows	ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ	
 skuriso	ku		kur	ISO	Kurdish	
 sglgiso	gl		glg	ISO	Gallegan	
 ssrriso			srr	ISO	Serer	
 ssrdiso			srd	ISO	Sardinian	
-speriso	fa		fas/per	ISO	Persian	
-sperutf	fa		fas/per	UTF	Persian	fa	
+speriso	fa		fas/per	ISO	ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی	
+sperutf	fa		fas/per	UTF	ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی	fa	
 sromiso			rom	ISO	Romany	
 sgmhiso			gmh	ISO	German, Middle High (ca. 1050-1500)	
 sbemiso			bem	ISO	Bemba	
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@
 snoiso	no		nor	ISO	Norwegian		norsk
 sbeliso	be		bel	ISO	Byelorussian	
 suzbiso	uz		uzb	ISO	Uzbek	
-sfriso	fr		fra/fre	ISO	French		french
-sfrutf	fr		fra/fre	UTF	French	fr	french
+sfriso	fr		fra/fre	ISO	français		french
+sfrutf	fr		fra/fre	UTF	français	fr	french
 sfrisoBE	fr	BE	fra/fre	ISO	Belgian-French (Wallon)		french
 sfrisoCA	fr	CA	fra/fre	ISO	Canadien-French			canadien
 sfrisoCH	fr	CH	fra/fre	ISO	Swiss-French			french
@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@
 spapiso			pap	ISO	Papiamento	
 sukriso	uk		ukr	ISO	Ukrainian		ukranian
 sniuiso			niu	ISO	Niuean	
-sjasjis	ja		jpn	SJIS	Japanese	
-sjaeuc	ja		jpn	EUC	Japanese
-sjautf	ja		jpn	UTF	Japanese	ja	
+sjasjis	ja		jpn	SJIS	日本語	
+sjaeuc	ja		jpn	EUC	日本語
+sjautf	ja		jpn	UTF	日本語	ja	
 smaliso			mal	ISO	Malayalam	
 salbiso	sq		alb/sqi	ISO	Albanian	
 sangiso			ang	ISO	English, Old (ca. 450-1100)	
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@
 sormiso	om		orm	ISO	Oromo	
 schbig5	zh		chi/zho	BIG5	Chinese	
 scheuc	zh		chi/zho	GB	Chinese	
-schutf	zh		chi/zho	UTF	Chinese Simplified	zh
-svoliso	vo		vol	ISO	Volapük	
+schutf	zh		chi/zho	UTF	简体中文	zh
+svoliso	vo		vol	ISO	Volapük	
 sgrniso	gn		grn	ISO	Guarani	
 sgrciso			grc	ISO	Greek, Ancient (to 1453)		polutonikogreek
 stamiso	ta		tam	ISO	Tamil	
@@ -371,10 +371,10 @@
 sbeniso	bn		ben	ISO	Bengali	
 sltiso	lt		lit	ISO	Lithuanian	
 sltwin	lt		lit	Windows	Lithuanian	
-sruiso	ru		rus	ISO	Russian		russian
-sruwin	ru		rus	Windows	Russian		russian
-srukoi	ru		rus	KOI	Russian		russian
-sruutf	ru		rus	UTF	Russian	ru	russian
+sruiso	ru		rus	ISO	Русский		russian
+sruwin	ru		rus	Windows	Русский		russian
+srukoi	ru		rus	KOI	Русский		russian
+sruutf	ru		rus	UTF	Русский	ru	russian
 seniso	en		eng	ISO	English	en	UKenglish
 senutf	en		eng	UTF	English	en	UKenglish
 senisoAU	en	AU	ISO	Australian-English	en	australian	
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@
 suigiso	ug		uig	ISO	Uighur	
 srajiso			raj	ISO	Rajasthani	
 sgaaiso	Ga		gaa	ISO	Ga	
-sgeiso	de		deu/ger	ISO	German		ngerman
-sgeutf	de		deu/ger	UTF	German	de	ngerman
+sgeiso	de		deu/ger	ISO	Deutsch		ngerman
+sgeutf	de		deu/ger	UTF	Deutsch	de	ngerman
 sgeisoAT	de	AT	deu/ger	ISO	Austrian	
 sgeisoCH	de	CH	deu/ger	ISO	Swiss-German	
 steliso	te		tel	ISO	Telugu	
@@ -438,9 +438,9 @@
 sjrbiso			jrb	ISO	Judeo-Arabic	
 sweniso			wen	ISO	Sorbian languages		lowersorbian	#arbitrary between lower/upper sorbian.
 ssidiso			sid	ISO	Sidamo	
-striso	tr		tur	ISO	Turkish		turkish
-strwin	tr		tur	Windows	Turkish		turkish
-strutf	tr		tur	UTF	Turkish	tr		turkish
+striso	tr		tur	ISO	türkçe		turkish
+strwin	tr		tur	Windows	türkçe		turkish
+strutf	tr		tur	UTF	türkçe	tr		turkish
 snziiso			nzi	ISO	Nzima	
 savaiso			ava	ISO	Avaric	
 sbraiso			bra	ISO	Braj	
@@ -448,9 +448,9 @@
 smniiso			mni	ISO	Manipuri	
 ssitiso			sit	ISO	Sino-Tibetan (Other)	
 sruniso	rn		run	ISO	Rundi	
-shebiso	he		heb	ISO	Hebrew			hebrew
-shebutf	he		heb	UTF	Hebrew	he		hebrew
-shebwin	he		heb	Windows	Hebrew			hebrew
+shebiso	he		heb	ISO	עברית			hebrew
+shebutf	he		heb	UTF	עברית	he		hebrew
+shebwin	he		heb	Windows	עברית			hebrew
 sxhoiso	xh		xho	ISO	Xhosa	
 ssaiiso			sai	ISO	South American Indian (Other)	
 sosaiso			osa	ISO	Osage	
Index: loncom/localize/localize/de.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/de.pm:1.443 loncom/localize/localize/de.pm:1.444
--- loncom/localize/localize/de.pm:1.443	Fri Dec  2 10:19:21 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/de.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:51 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # German Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: de.pm,v 1.443 2011/12/02 10:19:21 glusa Exp $
+# $Id: de.pm,v 1.444 2011/12/21 13:59:51 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -3987,45 +3987,6 @@
    'Generate messages from a file'
 => 'Erstelle Nachrichten aus Datei',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Dänischer Koch - UTF',
 => 'Go',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/es.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/es.pm:1.69 loncom/localize/localize/es.pm:1.70
--- loncom/localize/localize/es.pm:1.69	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/es.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:51 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Spanish Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: es.pm,v 1.69 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: es.pm,v 1.70 2011/12/21 13:59:51 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -3930,45 +3930,6 @@
    'Generate messages from a file'
 => 'Generar mensajes desde un archivo',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'Español (Castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Sueco Chef - UTF',
 => 'Ir',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/fa.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/fa.pm:1.19 loncom/localize/localize/fa.pm:1.20
--- loncom/localize/localize/fa.pm:1.19	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/fa.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:51 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Farsi Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: fa.pm,v 1.19 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: fa.pm,v 1.20 2011/12/21 13:59:51 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright i-Learning Limited Partnership Company
@@ -42,45 +42,6 @@
 'date_pm' => 'بعد از ظهر',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF', # 'UTF زبان آلمانى'
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF', # 'UTF - انگليسى '
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF', # 'UTF - ژاپنى'
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF', # 'UTF - زبان پرتغالى'
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF', # 'UTF - زبان روسى'
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF', # 'UTF - تركى'
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
 => 'دامنه',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/fr.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/fr.pm:1.23 loncom/localize/localize/fr.pm:1.24
--- loncom/localize/localize/fr.pm:1.23	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/fr.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:51 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # French Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: fr.pm,v 1.23 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: fr.pm,v 1.24 2011/12/21 13:59:51 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -44,45 +44,6 @@
 'date_pm' => 'soir',
 'htmlarea_lang' => 'fr',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
 => 'Domaine',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/he.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/he.pm:1.14 loncom/localize/localize/he.pm:1.15
--- loncom/localize/localize/he.pm:1.14	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/he.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:52 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Hebrew Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: he.pm,v 1.14 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: he.pm,v 1.15 2011/12/21 13:59:52 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -46,45 +46,6 @@
 #'htmlarea_lang' => 'he',
 #'spellcheck_lang' => 'he',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
 => '',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/ja.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/ja.pm:1.26 loncom/localize/localize/ja.pm:1.27
--- loncom/localize/localize/ja.pm:1.26	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/ja.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:52 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Japanese Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: ja.pm,v 1.26 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: ja.pm,v 1.27 2011/12/21 13:59:52 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright i-Learning Limited Partnership Company
@@ -42,46 +42,6 @@
 'date_pm' => 'pm',
 'htmlarea_lang' => 'ja-utf8',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
 => 'ドメイン',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/pt.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/pt.pm:1.60 loncom/localize/localize/pt.pm:1.61
--- loncom/localize/localize/pt.pm:1.60	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/pt.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:52 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Portuguese Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: pt.pm,v 1.60 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: pt.pm,v 1.61 2011/12/21 13:59:52 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright UNICAMP, Sao Paulo
 # Supported in part by Partnership in Global Learning
@@ -91,45 +91,6 @@
 'src.gif' => 'pt/src_pt.gif',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
 => 'aboutlon_pt.gif',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm:1.64 loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm:1.65
--- loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm:1.64	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:52 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Russian Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: ru.pm,v 1.64 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: ru.pm,v 1.65 2011/12/21 13:59:52 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -43,45 +43,6 @@
 'date_pm' => 'pm',
 'htmlarea_lang' => 'ru',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
 => 'календарь',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/tr.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/tr.pm:1.19 loncom/localize/localize/tr.pm:1.20
--- loncom/localize/localize/tr.pm:1.19	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/tr.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:52 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Turkish Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: tr.pm,v 1.19 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: tr.pm,v 1.20 2011/12/21 13:59:52 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -43,42 +43,6 @@
 'date_am' => 'Öðleden Önce',
 'date_pm' => 'Öðleden Sonra',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
    'Swedish Chef - UTF'
 => 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
Index: loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm:1.107 loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm:1.108
--- loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm:1.107	Wed Nov  9 13:14:16 2011
+++ loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm	Wed Dec 21 13:59:52 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Chinese Simplified Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: zh.pm,v 1.107 2011/11/09 13:14:16 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: zh.pm,v 1.108 2011/12/21 13:59:52 glusa Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -3870,51 +3870,6 @@
    'Generate messages from a file'
 => '从一个文件生成邮件',
-   'Arabic - UTF'
-=> 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
-   'German - UTF'
-=> 'Deutsch - UTF',
-   'English - UTF'
-=> 'English - UTF',
-   'Spanish (Castellan) - UTF'
-=> 'español (castellano) - UTF',
-   'Persian - UTF'
-=> 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
-   'French - UTF'
-=> 'français - UTF',
-   'Hebrew - UTF'
-=> 'עברית - UTF',
-   'Japanese - UTF'
-=> '日本語 - UTF',
-   'Portuguese - UTF'
-=> 'Português - UTF',
-   'Russian - UTF'
-=> 'Русский - UTF',
-   'Turkish - UTF'
-=> 'türkçe - UTF',
-   'Chinese Simplified - UTF'
-=> '简体中文 - UTF',
-   'Swedish Chef - UTF'
-=> 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
-   'Undetermined - ISO'
-=> 'Undetermined - ISO',
-   'Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) - ISO'
-=> 'Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) - ISO',
 => 'Go',

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