[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /html/adm/help/tex BridgeTask_About.tex BridgeTask_Slot.tex Calling_Functions.tex Physical_Units.tex doc/help author.manual.texxml

www www at source.lon-capa.org
Fri Dec 2 12:42:01 EST 2011

www		Fri Dec  2 17:42:01 2011 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /doc/help	author.manual.texxml 
    /loncom/html/adm/help/tex	BridgeTask_About.tex BridgeTask_Slot.tex 
                             	Calling_Functions.tex Physical_Units.tex 
  Eliminate/fix undefined references in printed author manual 
Index: doc/help/author.manual.texxml
diff -u doc/help/author.manual.texxml:1.15 doc/help/author.manual.texxml:1.16
--- doc/help/author.manual.texxml:1.15	Fri Dec  2 16:20:09 2011
+++ doc/help/author.manual.texxml	Fri Dec  2 17:41:59 2011
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
 			<file name="CAPA_LON-CAPA_function_diffs.tex" />
 	<section name="Bridge Task">
 		<file name="BridgeTask_About.tex" />
 		<subsection name="Introduction to Bridge Task">
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
-        <section name="Appendix: Symbols in Tex">
+        <section name="Appendix: Symbols in TeX">
                 <subsection name="Greek Symbols">
                         <file name="Greek_Symbols.tex" />
@@ -420,5 +420,8 @@
                         <file name="Other_Symbols.tex" />
+       <section name="Appendix: Physical Units">
+                <file name="Physical_Units.tex" />
+       </section>
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_About.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_About.tex:1.5 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_About.tex:1.6
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_About.tex:1.5	Fri Dec  2 14:23:49 2011
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_About.tex	Fri Dec  2 17:42:01 2011
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
 Once the bridge task is created and published, the course coordinator must insert the resource in the course's document list (See Setting Up a Bridge Task \ref{BridgeTask_SetupResource}). The course coordinator may also create slots to limit the place/time the bridge task may be opened (See Using Slots in Bridge Task \ref{BridgeTask_Slot}). This resource may also be placed inside conditionals resources so that it is accessible only after a particular condition has been met (see Bridge Task and Conditional Resources \ref{BridgeTask_Conditions}).  
-Once the course coordinator has set up the Bridge Task the student is able to open and use the bridge task. A Bridge Task handin process using portfolio files may be used by the instructors or students if they wish (See Handing In Bridge Task Files \ref{BridgeTask_Portfolio})..      
+Once the course coordinator has set up the Bridge Task the student is able to open and use the bridge task. A Bridge Task handing process using portfolio files may be used by the instructors or students if they wish (See Handing In Bridge Task Files \ref{BridgeTask_Portfolio})..      
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_Slot.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_Slot.tex:1.2 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_Slot.tex:1.3
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_Slot.tex:1.2	Wed May 30 15:35:14 2007
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/BridgeTask_Slot.tex	Fri Dec  2 17:42:01 2011
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-To restrict when and where BTs can be taken, the slots feature of Lon-Capa is used. Slots allow the instructors to specify the room, the time, the students that can take the Bridge Tasks, and finally any proctors that will authenticate the students.
+To restrict when and where BTs can be taken, the slots feature of LON-CAPA is used. Slots allow the instructors to specify the room, the time, the students that can take the Bridge Tasks, and finally any proctors that will authenticate the students.
-For information about creating slots see the section on Slots (\ref{Slot_About}).
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Calling_Functions.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Calling_Functions.tex:1.5 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Calling_Functions.tex:1.6
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Calling_Functions.tex:1.5	Sun Jan 16 22:10:52 2011
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Calling_Functions.tex	Fri Dec  2 17:42:01 2011
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 functions: They take some number of arguments in, and return one argument,
 usually a number or a string for our purposes. There are a lot of functions
 available in LON-CAPA. You can see a complete list at
 For now, let's just look at some simple examples.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Physical_Units.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Physical_Units.tex:1.7 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Physical_Units.tex:1.8
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Physical_Units.tex:1.7	Wed Jun  8 20:29:09 2011
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Physical_Units.tex	Fri Dec  2 17:42:01 2011
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 The following subsections show the physical units that LON-CAPA accepts. 
 The symbols must be used when entering the units, for example {}``35 kg''.
-Note that compound units are formed by using *, / and ^. For example, an acceleration might
-be in terms of ``m/s^2'' or meters per second squared. This could also be expressed as``m/s/s''.
+Note that compound units are formed by using *, / and \^. For example, an acceleration might
+be in terms of ``m/s\^2'' or meters per second squared. This could also be expressed as``m/s/s''.
 Units of Newton-meters (for torque) would be entered as ``N*m''. Parentheses may be used to guarantee
 the correct sense of the unit. Kilometers per Ampere-hour could be written as ``km/(A*hr)'' or
 ``km/A/hr'' but not ``km/A*hr''. The last option would be interpreted as kilometer times hours per Ampere.

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