[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom / loncapa_apache.conf /rewrites loncapa_rewrite_off.conf loncapa_rewrite_on.conf doc/loncapafiles loncapafiles.lpml webserver.piml

raeburn raeburn@source.lon-capa.org
Thu, 26 May 2011 01:05:47 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

raeburn		Thu May 26 01:05:47 2011 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /loncom/rewrites	loncapa_rewrite_on.conf loncapa_rewrite_off.conf 

  Modified files:              
    /doc/loncapafiles	webserver.piml loncapafiles.lpml 
    /loncom	loncapa_apache.conf 
  - Bug 5925. 
  - Support for rewriting of http:// to https:// for external web requests
    if mod_ssl and mod_rewrite enabled.  Default is: Rewrite off.
  - webserver.piml
    - Update description to accommodate additional distros.
    - Error message generated if Apache config file is missing tailored to
    - Compare LON-CAPA config file to rewrite: http:// -> https:// with
      default files (rewrite Off and rewrite On); report if neither matches.
  - loncapafiles.lpml 
    - Only need /etc/httpd/conf directory for CentOS/Red Hat/SL/Fedora
    - Default files for rewrites Off and rewrites On in loncom/rewrites
  - loncapa_apache.conf
    - Include conf/loncapa_rewrite.conf  to support rewrite.   
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="raeburn-20110526010547.txt"

Index: doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml
diff -u doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml:1.31 doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml:1.32
--- doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml:1.31	Sun Feb 27 18:54:59 2011
+++ doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml	Thu May 26 01:05:41 2011
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <!-- webserver.piml -->
-<!-- $Id: webserver.piml,v 1.31 2011/02/27 18:54:59 raeburn Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: webserver.piml,v 1.32 2011/05/26 01:05:41 raeburn Exp $ -->
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 <target dist='suse9.2 suse9.3 sles9'>/etc/httpd/httpd.conf</target>
 <target dist='sles10 sles11 suse10.1 suse10.2 suse10.3 suse11.1 suse11.2 suse11.3 suse11.4'>/etc/apache2/default-server.conf</target>
 <target dist='debian5 debian6 ubuntu6 ubuntu8 ubuntu10'>/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa</target>
-<note>This is for Apache 1.X for Red Hat, Fedora 2,3 and 4, and SusSE 9.2, 9.3 and SLES 9 distributions. This is for Apache 2.X for Fedora 5 and later, and SuSE 10.X, 11.X and SLES 10 distributions, and Debian 5, Ubuntu 6 and Ubuntu 8 LTS distributions</note>
+<note>This is for Apache 1.X for Red Hat 4ES, Fedora 2, 3 and 4, SusSE 9.2 and 9.3, and SLES 9 distributions. This is for Apache 2.X for Fedora 5, Red Hat 5, CentOS 5, Scientific Linux 5, SuSE 10.1, SLES 10, Debian 5, Ubuntu LTS 8 and later distributions</note>
 <dependencies dist='default'>
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@
 else {
-  # Append loncapa_apache.conf inclusion to httpd.conf (or sites/available/loncapa) if not present.
+  # Append loncapa_apache.conf inclusion to httpd.conf 
+  # (or sites-available/loncapa) if not present.
   open(IN,'&lt;<TARGET />');
   while (&lt;IN&gt;) { 
@@ -126,15 +127,69 @@
   if ($scriptalias_flag==1) {
-    print('**** ERROR **** /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf has an overlapping definition of '.
-          'ScriptAlias (it is incorrectly set to '.$scriptalias.').'."\n".
-          'This conflicts with loncapa_apache.conf.'."\n");
+      my $conffile = '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf';
+      if ('<DIST />' eq 'suse9.2' || '<DIST />' eq 'suse9.3' 
+          || '<DIST />' eq 'sles9') {
+          $conffile =  '/etc/httpd/httpd.conf';
+      } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(suse|sles)/) {
+          $conffile = '/etc/apache2/default-server.conf';
+      } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(debian|ubuntu)/) {
+          $conffile = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa';
+      }
+      print('**** ERROR **** '.$conffile.' has an overlapping definition of '.
+            'ScriptAlias (it is incorrectly set to '.$scriptalias.').'."\n".
+            'This conflicts with loncapa_apache.conf.'."\n");
   if ($documentroot_flag==1) {
-    print('**** ERROR **** /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf has an overlapping definition of '.
-          'DocumentRoot (it is incorrectly set to '.$documentroot.').'."\n".
-          'This conflicts with loncapa_apache.conf.'."\n");
+      print('**** ERROR **** '.$conffile.' has an overlapping definition of '.
+            'DocumentRoot (it is incorrectly set to '.$documentroot.').'."\n".
+            'This conflicts with loncapa_apache.conf.'."\n");
+# Checking for rewrites of http:// to https://
+    my $rewrite_dir = '/etc/httpd/conf/rewrites';
+    my $curr_rewrite = '/etc/httpd/conf/loncapa_rewrite.conf';
+    if ('<DIST />' eq 'suse9.2' || '<DIST />' eq 'suse9.3'
+        || '<DIST />' eq 'sles9') {
+        $rewrite_dir = '/etc/httpd/rewrites/';
+        $curr_rewrite = '/etc/httpd/loncapa_rewrite.conf';
+    } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(suse|sles|debian|ubuntu)/) {
+        $rewrite_dir = '/etc/apache2/rewrites';
+        $curr_rewrite = '/etc/apache2/loncapa_rewrite.conf';
+    }
+    my $rewrite_off = $rewrite_dir.'/loncapa_rewrite_off.conf';
+    my $rewrite_on = $rewrite_dir.'/loncapa_rewrite_on.conf';
+    if (!-e $curr_rewrite) { 
+        system("cp $rewrite_off $curr_rewrite");
+        chmod(0644, $curr_rewrite);
+    } else {
+        my ($not_rewrite_on,$not_rewrite_off);
+        if (open(PIPE, "diff --brief $rewrite_off $curr_rewrite |")) {
+            my $diffres = &lt;PIPE&gt; ;
+            close(PIPE);
+            chomp($diffres);
+            if ($diffres) {
+                $not_rewrite_off = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (open(PIPE, "diff --brief $rewrite_on $curr_rewrite |")) {
+            my $diffres = &lt;PIPE&gt; ;
+            close(PIPE);
+            chomp($diffres);
+            if ($diffres) {
+                $not_rewrite_on = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        unless ($not_rewrite_off || $not_rewrite_on) {
+            print('**** WARNING **** '.$curr_rewrite.' does not match '.
+            'either: '.$rewrite_on.' - the file used to enable rewriting '.
+            'of requests for http:// to https:// or: '.$rewrite_off.
+            ' - the file used to disable such rewriting'."\n\n".
+            'This may be because '. $curr_rewrite.' has been '. 
+            'previously customized, or it may be because of a change '.  
+            'to the files in '.$rewrite_dir."\n");
+        }
+    }
Index: doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml
diff -u doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.748 doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.749
--- doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.748	Tue May 24 14:13:24 2011
+++ doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml	Thu May 26 01:05:41 2011
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <!-- loncapafiles.lpml -->
-<!-- $Id: loncapafiles.lpml,v 1.748 2011/05/24 14:13:24 raeburn Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: loncapafiles.lpml,v 1.749 2011/05/26 01:05:41 raeburn Exp $ -->
@@ -250,10 +250,22 @@
 <directory dist='default'>
   <targetdir dist='default'>etc/httpd/conf</targetdir>
+  <targetdir dist='suse9.2 suse9.3 sles9'>etc/httpd</targetdir>
+  <targetdir dist='debian5 debian6 ubuntu6 ubuntu8 ubuntu10 suse9.2 suse9.3 sles9 sles10 sles11 suse10.1 suse10.2 suse10.3 suse11.1 suse11.2 suse11.3 suse11.4'>etc/apache2</targetdir>
   <description>web configuration files</description>
 <directory dist='default'>
+  <protectionlevel>modest_delete</protectionlevel>
+  <targetdir dist='default'>etc/httpd/conf/rewrites</targetdir>
+  <targetdir dist='suse9.2 suse9.3 sles9'>etc/httpd/rewrites</targetdir>
+  <targetdir dist='debian5 debian6 ubuntu6 ubuntu8 ubuntu10 suse9.2 suse9.3 sles9 sles10 sles11 suse10.1 suse10.2 suse10.3 suse11.1 suse11.2 suse11.3 suse11.4'>etc/apache2/rewrites</targetdir>
+  <categoryname>standard</categoryname>
+  <description>
+  default configuration files to enable/disable http:// -> https:// rewrites
+  </description>
+<directory dist='default'>
   <targetdir dist='default'>etc/pam.d</targetdir>
@@ -1006,6 +1018,28 @@
+<target dist='default'>etc/httpd/conf/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_on.conf</target>
+<target dist='sles9'>etc/apache/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_on.conf</target>
+<target dist='sles10 sles11 suse10.1 suse10.2 suse10.3 suse11.1 suse11.2 suse11.3 suse11.4 debian5 debian6 ubuntu6 ubuntu8 ubuntu10'>etc/apache2/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_on.conf</target>
+<categoryname>static conf</categoryname>
+File to copy to /etc/apache2/loncapa_rewrite.conf (SuSE/SLES/Debian/Ubuntu LTS) or to  /etc/httpd/conf/loncapa_rewrite.conf to enable rewriting of
+external requests for http:// to https:// 
+<target dist='default'>etc/httpd/conf/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_off.conf</target>
+<target dist='sles9'>etc/apache/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_off.conf</target>
+<target dist='sles10 sles11 suse10.1 suse10.2 suse10.3 suse11.1 suse11.2 suse11.3 suse11.4 debian5 debian6 ubuntu6 ubuntu8 ubuntu10'>etc/apache2/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_off.conf</target>
+<categoryname>static conf</categoryname>
+File to copy to /etc/apache2/loncapa_rewrite.conf (SuSE/SLES/Debian/Ubuntu LTS) or to  /etc/httpd/conf/loncapa_rewrite.conf to disable rewriting of
+external requests for http:// to https:// 
 <target dist='default'>home/httpd/lonTabs/thesaurus.db</target>
 <categoryname>system file</categoryname>
Index: loncom/loncapa_apache.conf
diff -u loncom/loncapa_apache.conf:1.203 loncom/loncapa_apache.conf:1.204
--- loncom/loncapa_apache.conf:1.203	Sat Apr 23 16:02:27 2011
+++ loncom/loncapa_apache.conf	Thu May 26 01:05:47 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## loncapa_apache.conf -- Apache HTTP LON-CAPA configuration file
-## $Id: loncapa_apache.conf,v 1.203 2011/04/23 16:02:27 www Exp $
+## $Id: loncapa_apache.conf,v 1.204 2011/05/26 01:05:47 raeburn Exp $
@@ -1569,6 +1569,9 @@
+# ====================================== Include support for SSL rewrites
+Include conf/loncapa_rewrite.conf
 # ====================================== Include machine-specific configuration

Index: loncom/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_on.conf
+++ loncom/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_on.conf
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST}
    RewriteRule (.*) - [L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R,L]

Index: loncom/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_off.conf
+++ loncom/rewrites/loncapa_rewrite_off.conf
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine off
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST}
    RewriteRule (.*) - [L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R,L]
