[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /homework functionplotresponse.pm insertlist.xml /html/adm/help/tex Function_Plot_Response_Background_Plot.tex Function_Plot_Response_Elements.tex Function_Plot_Response_Evaluation_Rule.tex Function_Plot_Response_Question.tex Function_Plot_Response_Rule_Set.tex Function_Plot_Response_Spline.tex /license about.html doc/loncapafiles loncapafiles.lpml

www www@source.lon-capa.org
Fri, 14 Jan 2011 01:56:41 -0000

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www		Fri Jan 14 01:56:41 2011 EDT

  Added files:                 

  Modified files:              
    /doc/loncapafiles	loncapafiles.lpml 
    /loncom/homework	functionplotresponse.pm insertlist.xml 
    /loncom/license	about.html 
  Documentation for functionplotresponse
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Index: doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml
diff -u doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.718 doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.719
--- doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml:1.718	Mon Jan 10 21:24:33 2011
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 <!-- loncapafiles.lpml -->
-<!-- $Id: loncapafiles.lpml,v 1.718 2011/01/10 21:24:33 raeburn Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: loncapafiles.lpml,v 1.719 2011/01/14 01:56:28 www Exp $ -->
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Index: loncom/homework/functionplotresponse.pm
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--- loncom/homework/functionplotresponse.pm:1.49	Fri Dec  3 00:52:59 2010
+++ loncom/homework/functionplotresponse.pm	Fri Jan 14 01:56:32 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # option list style responses
-# $Id: functionplotresponse.pm,v 1.49 2010/12/03 00:52:59 www Exp $
+# $Id: functionplotresponse.pm,v 1.50 2011/01/14 01:56:32 www Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -816,7 +816,8 @@
        .'<tr><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Function Plot Question').'</span></td>'
        .'<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Delete?').' '
-       .&Apache::edit::insertlist($target,$token)
+       .&Apache::edit::insertlist($target,$token).'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+       .&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Function_Plot_Response_Question','Function Plot Responses')
@@ -1100,7 +1101,8 @@
         '<tr><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Function Plot Rule Set').'</span></td>'
        .'<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Delete?').' '
-        &Apache::edit::insertlist($target,$token)
+        &Apache::edit::insertlist($target,$token).'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+       .&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Function_Plot_Response_Rule_Set','Function Plot Rules')
@@ -1278,7 +1280,8 @@
         '<tr><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Function Plot Elements').'</span></td>'
        .'<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Delete?').' '
-        &Apache::edit::insertlist($target,$token)
+        &Apache::edit::insertlist($target,$token).'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+       .&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Function_Plot_Response_Elements','Function Plot Elements')
Index: loncom/homework/insertlist.xml
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+++ loncom/homework/insertlist.xml	Fri Jan 14 01:56:32 2011
@@ -27,12 +27,22 @@
+                <help>
+                        <file>Function_Plot_Response_Spline</file>
+                        <description>Splines</description>
+                </help>
         <tag name="backgroundplot">
                 <description>Background Function Plot</description>
+                <help>
+                        <file>Function_Plot_Response_Background_Plot</file>
+                        <description>Background Plot</description>
+                </help>
         <tag name="functionplotruleset">
                 <description>Function Plot Rule Set</description>
@@ -52,6 +62,11 @@
+                <help>
+                        <file>Function_Plot_Response_Evaluation_Rule</file>
+                        <description>Evaluation Rules</description>
+                </help>
 	<tag name="caparesponse::answergroup">
 		<description>Collection of Answers</description>
Index: loncom/license/about.html
diff -u loncom/license/about.html:1.32 loncom/license/about.html:1.33
--- loncom/license/about.html:1.32	Thu Aug 20 13:20:34 2009
+++ loncom/license/about.html	Fri Jan 14 01:56:41 2011
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
 <p>Guy Albertelli II, Guy Askenazi, Ray Batchelor,
 Richard Banghart, Felicia Berryman, Stefan Bisitz, Jeremy Bowers, Stefan Dr&ouml;schler, Phil Fazio, Ron Fox,
 Matthew Hall, Harsha Jagasia, Robert McQueen, Gerd Kortemeyer,
+James Laverty,
 Mark Lucas, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, 
 Hon-Kie Ng, Stuart Raeburn, Peter Riegler,
 Alexander Sakharuk, Jason Stredwick,

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Background_Plot.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Background_Plot.tex
``Function'' - Enter the function here.  An equals sign is not necessary.  Just give the right hand side of the function.  LON-CAPA variables are usable as well to allow individualized problems for each student.  The syntax must be syntax recognized by GeoGebra.  To test syntax for Geogebra directly, visit http://www.geogebra.org/webstart/geogebra.html .

``Initial x-value'' and ``Final x-value'' - The function does not need to span the entire graph.  It is possible to create a piecewise function by defining the x-values over which each function is to be shown.

``Label on Plot'' - To label the background function (for example, as "parabola"), enter it here.

``Color'' - To change the color of the background function, enter the hex code for that color here.  The default is 000000 (black).  It is recommended to choose a color other than green, since it is easily confused with being the answer.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Elements.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Elements.tex

There are two elements that can be added to the graph area.

The first is a Spline.  At least one spline is necessary for the problem to work.  These splines are what will be adjusted and analyzed to solve the problem.

The second is a Background Plot.  This places a static curve on the graph.  This curve can change between individual problems, but the student will not be able to move it in any way.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Evaluation_Rule.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Evaluation_Rule.tex

Overview - This box is used to create a rule that determines whether or not a submitted answer is correct.  In general, it takes the form of testing the function, its integral, or its first or second derivative over a given set of x-values.  The test can be to see if it equals, is greater than, or less than a specified value.  Anywhere a number is needed, a variable can also be used.

``Index/Name" - This is an internal label for the rule.  Something must be entered here, and it must be different for each rule.  This same value will be used to add a conditional hint.

``Function" - This determines what the server will be testing.  For instance, choose 'First derivative' causes the server to evaluate the derivative of the entered answer over the given domain.

``Initial x-value'' and ``Initial x-value label'' - A value must be entered for one of these.  Either choose a numerical value for x (the first option), or choose the beginning of the submitted answer, the end, or a previously chosen named point (see below).

``Final x-value'' and ``Final x-value label'' - This determines the end of the domain over which the rule examines.  To test only a single point (the initial value), leave these blank.  If a label is entered, such as 'positive', the point at which the rule fails will be given this special label.  This label can then be used in subsequent rules as an 'Initial x-value label'.

``Minimum length for range'' - This tests that the difference between the initial and final x-values are at least a certain length apart.  This is only useful if there is at least one label.

``Maximum length for range'' - This tests that the difference between the initial and final x-values are at most a certain length apart.  This is only useful if there is at least one label.

``Relationship''  - The heart of the rule.  This choice determines whether the chosen 'Function' is greater than, less than, equal to, etc. a certain 'value'.

``Value'' - See above.  It is also possible to choose 'not defined', in the event the answer should not have a value for the given domain.

``Percent error'' - This allows for a margin of error in the y-direction.  For instance, if the rule requires that the derivative be equal to 5, the server will accept values close enough to 5 that are within the percent error defined here. Note: Choosing 10\% would not mean that the answer is correct as long as it is within the range 4.5-5.5.  Instead, the percent corresponds to the total size of the graph.  For the function itself, the 'percent error' is multiplied by the ymax-ymin; for the first derivative, it's multiplied by (ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin); for the second derivative, it's multiplied by (ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin)^2; and for the integral, it's multiplied by (ymax-ymin)*(xmax-xmin).

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Question.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Question.tex

``Label x-axis'' and ``Label y-axis'' - Enter the label and/or units for the axes on the graph.  Leaving them blank will result in no axis labels.

``Minimum x-value'', ``Maximum x-value'', ``Minimum y-value'', and ``Maximum y-value'' - Entering values here will set the value of the graph at the left, right, bottom, and top edges (respectively).  Default is -10, 10, -10, and 10 respectively.

``x-axis visible'' and ``y-axis visible'' - This allows for each axis to be turned on or off.

``Grid visible'' - This determines whether or not the grid is on the graph.

``Background plot(s) for answer'' - This is a green curve the computer will display once the correct answer has been submitted.  It is static, and can be given as a piecewise function.  Since some problems will have multiple correct answers, this necessarily will only be a possible answer.  Only the left hand side of the equation is necessary.  For example, entering $x+2$ will display the line $y=x+2$.  The syntax must be syntax recognized by GeoGebra.  To test syntax for Geogebra directly, visit http://www.geogebra.org/webstart/geogebra.html .

The tag should include
\item Response Elements
\item Rule Set

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Rule_Set.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Rule_Set.tex
This is where the rules are defined.  These rules will determine whether or not an entered answer is correct or not.  If there are no rules, any answer will be deemed correct.  If there is more than one rule, when an answer is submitted, the server will analyze them in order until one of them is broken (of course, if it's a correct answer, it will go through all of them and return a green box).  In such an event, any subsequent rules will be ignored.  If conditional hints related to these rules are added, only the first broken rule's hint will be shown, even if all rules are broken.

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Spline.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Spline.tex
``Index" - This is the label assigned to the spline.  In general, it's simplest just to label them A, B, C etc.

``Order'' - This determines the number of Control Points on the spline.  For example, selecting '3' means there will be 3 points on the spline that can be moved, as well as 3 points off the spline that will control the slope.

``Initial x-value'' and ``Initial y-value'' - These values determine where the left most Control Point will be.

``Scale x'' - This determines the right most location of the Control Points (on the spline).  To figure out where this point will be, add 'Initial x-value' to 'Scale x'.

``Scale y'' - This determines the distance (in the y-direction) between the Control Points on the spline, and the ones that control the slope.
