[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /droeschl/Wishlist wishlist_doku.doc wishlist_doku.pdf
Tue, 19 Oct 2010 08:41:07 -0000
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droeschl Tue Oct 19 08:41:07 2010 EDT
Added files:
/modules/droeschl/Wishlist wishlist_doku.doc wishlist_doku.pdf
Documentation for wishlist functionality by Juliane Wenzel.
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Index: modules/droeschl/Wishlist/wishlist_doku.doc
+++ modules/droeschl/Wishlist/wishlist_doku.doc
nt to the rest of the code (now the new module “lonwishlist” is in loncom/interface).A new name was chosen to differentiate the LON-CAPA-functionality from the web browser’s functionality. The name used on the user-interface can be changed with very less effort if necessary.Wishlist only for users with access to the resource-poolThe bookmark-collection was available for all users and in all roles. Users who don’t have rights to edit a course could use it just as they use the browser’s bookmarks (store links and view them). Users who have the right to edit a course could also import the stored links into their courses. The wishlist is only available for users who have access to the resource-pool, i.e. typically are editing courses. Users with other roles who just want to bookmark a link can do this by using the browser’s functionality. If there is a need to offer the wishlist-function to those users (for example students, because they could get a role with access to the resou!
rce-pool later on as, for example, as a Graduate Assistants), this will be easy to realize.Wishlist-functionsThe wishlist comes with some necessary basic functions which areAdding a new folder to the wishlist. Folders can be used to structure the list hierarchically. A folder has a title and an optional note. The note can be used to describe the content of the folder or the like.Adding a new link to the wishlist. A link has a title, a path (URL) and an optional note. Links can be added by manually inserting the required information in text-fields or, for links to LON-CAPA-resources in the resource pool, a link can be automatically set for the viewed resource by clicking the corresponding icon. When saving a link the user can decide whether the link should be saved in one of his/her created folders or on the top-folder-level of the wishlist. A link can be viewed by clicking on its title.Editing the information of links and folders. Titles and notes of folders and titles, pat!
hs and notes of links can be edited anytime after adding a folder or l
ink to the wishlist. Therefore the wishlist has an edit-mode.Sorting and moving links and folder. The wishlist don’t have a fixed structure. Links and folders can be sorted within a folder-level and they also can be moved from on level to another.Deleting links and folders. Created links and folders can be deleted at which deleting a folder means deleting all content within this folder.Importing stored links into a course. Therefore the user selects the links he/she wants to import by using the provided function in “Edit course”.Allowed links in wishlistUnlike the links that could be added to the bookmark-collection the wishlist doesn’t allow any link. All links whose paths start with “/res/” are allowed. It is supposed that a LON-CAPA-resource is meant. If a path doesn’t start with “/res/” it has to start with “http” or “https”. In this case all links to external websites (outside the LON-CAPA-network) are unproblematic, whereas links to pages within a LON-CAPA-course are d!
ifficult because they cause problems when importing into another course (as we don’t have the necessitated access right to view course-pages from one course when being in another one). The current solution to find out whether a link starting with “http” or “https” points to a page in a LON-CAPA-course is to look for a LON-CAPA-“data type” like .problem, .exam, etc. This isn’t optimal as “real” external websites could also contain one of these phrases in its URL. Currently all links whose paths start with “http” or “https” and match on of these phrases are not allowed to be saved in the wishlist.