[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/geogebra xml_draft.problem

www www@source.lon-capa.org
Mon, 04 Oct 2010 15:13:17 -0000

www		Mon Oct  4 15:13:17 2010 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /modules/gerd/geogebra	xml_draft.problem 
  Early draft for what the XML would look like

Index: modules/gerd/geogebra/xml_draft.problem
+++ modules/gerd/geogebra/xml_draft.problem

<script type="loncapa/perl">

$m = &random(.5,1.5,.1);
$b = &random(-2,2,.5);


<startouttext />
<p> blah </p>
<endouttext />

<functionplotresponse appletnumber="1" xmin="-10" xmax="10" ymin="-8" ymax="8" xaxisvisible="true" yaxisvisible="true" gridvisible="true">

<Background Equation="y=$m*x+$b" />
<Spline Label="A" PointsOnSpline="4" InitialPointLocation="(-1,2)" />
<Spline Label="B" PointsOnSpline="3" InitialPointLocation="(-1,0)" />


// xunc & yunc mean 5% of the total size of the graph.  So xunc is 5% of 20, and yunc is 5% of 16.  dyunc is (ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin) and dy2unc is (ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin)^2.
<rule initial="0" final="0" y="3" xunc="5%" yunc="5%"/>
<rule initial="-10" final="0" dy=">0" xunc="5%" />
<rule initial="-10" final="0" dy2="0" xunc="5%" dy2unc="10%"/>

<rule segment="1" beginsearch="0" dy="<0" endtrigger="dy=0"/>
<rule segment="2" beginsearch="segment1.endtrigger" dy="0" endtrigger="dy!="0" dyunc="10%"/>



<startouttext />
<p> blah blah </p>
<endouttext />
