[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /help course.manual.texxml loncom/html/adm/help/png grds.png loncom/html/adm/help/tex Course_Coordination_Intro.tex Course_Environment.tex Course_Problem_Weight.tex Course_Setting_Parameters.tex Course_User_Parameter.tex GradingOptions.tex Helper_Course_Initialization.tex Parameter_Manager.tex Prefs_Forwarding.tex Prefs_Notification.tex Quick_Grades_Description.tex Roles_Screen.tex Spreadsheet_Parms.tex Table_Mode.tex

riegler riegler@source.lon-capa.org
Mon, 23 Aug 2010 11:37:30 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

riegler		Mon Aug 23 11:37:30 2010 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /loncom/html/adm/help/png	grds.png 

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/html/adm/help/tex	Spreadsheet_Parms.tex 
                             	Table_Mode.tex Course_Problem_Weight.tex 
                             	Prefs_Notification.tex Roles_Screen.tex 
    /doc/help	course.manual.texxml 
  updating chapter 8 of cc manual
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="riegler-20100823113730.txt"

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Spreadsheet_Parms.tex
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--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Spreadsheet_Parms.tex:1.1	Fri Jul 26 19:53:59 2002
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Spreadsheet_Parms.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-If you set a course parameter (via the \textbf{PARM} button on the remote),
+If you set a course parameter \ref{Course_Setting_Parameters},
 you can access this parameter in the spreadsheet
 \index{spreadsheet, course parameter in}. To access the
 parameter 'testparm' use 
-in a cell of your spreadsheet. 
\ No newline at end of file
+in a cell of your spreadsheet. 
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Environment.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Environment.tex:1.3 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Environment.tex:1.4
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Environment.tex:1.3	Tue Jul 18 17:21:52 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Environment.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-The \fbox{Course Environment} button on the Parameters Screen will
-take you to your course settings that you originally set with the
-Course Initialization Helper (\ref{Helper_Course_Initialization}) that you saw when you first viewed your
+To set parameters which do not apply to resources but to a course as a whole 
+\textbf{Modify course configuration} on the Main Menu. This will bring you to the \textbf{Course Configuration} screen.
+On the \textbf{Course Configuration} screen check one or more settings you want to change and hit \fbox{Display}. On the \textbf{Display/Edit Settings} change the selected settings as desired and press \fbox{Save Changes}.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Parameter_Manager.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Parameter_Manager.tex:1.2 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Parameter_Manager.tex:1.3
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Parameter_Manager.tex:1.2	Tue Aug  7 21:29:16 2007
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Parameter_Manager.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-The Parameter Manages allows you to control settings for your course and 
-your resources.
+The \textbf{Parameter Manager} screen allows you to control settings for your course and your resources.
-From this screen, you can set the course environment parameters\ref{Course_Environment}, such as who receives feedback messages\ref{Course_Feedback_Addresses}, 
-how grading is done\ref{GradingOptions}, etc. You can also set which cataloging metadata users can associate with their portfolio files.
+From this screen, you can set the 
+resource parameters and their default actions.
+You can also set which cataloging metadata users can associate with their portfolio files.
-Many course coordinators will make extensive use of setting parameters for problems, in particular problems. There are a number of modes available. The easiest is probably the helper mode\ref{Parameter_Helper}, which guides you through the process. Once you have some experience with the system, you might use the overview\ref{Parameter_Overview} and table modes\ref{Table_Mode} more frequently. Several of these actions can be partially automated by setting Parameter Setting Default Actions.
+Many course coordinators will make extensive use of setting parameters for problems, in particular problems. There are a number of modes available. The easiest is probably the helper mode \ref{Parameter_Helper}, which guides you through the process. Once you have some experience with the system, you might use the overview \ref{Parameter_Overview} and table modes \ref{Table_Mode} more frequently. Several of these actions can be partially automated by setting Parameter Setting Default Actions.
-For setting problem parameters, another convenient mode outside the Parameter Manager is navigating to the problem and using the PPRM (Problem Parameter) button\ref{Problem_Parameters).
+For setting problem parameters, another convenient mode outside the Parameter Manager is navigating to the problem and using the 
+\textbf{Modify parameter settings for this resource} functionality \ref{Problem_Parameters}.
 Finally, you can list all parameters that have already been set in overview mode, and see a log of all changes.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Setting_Parameters.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Setting_Parameters.tex:1.9 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Setting_Parameters.tex:1.10
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Setting_Parameters.tex:1.9	Mon Jul 31 19:14:49 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Setting_Parameters.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -1,28 +1,5 @@
-As Course Coordinator, select \textbf{PARM} on the Remote Control or Main Menu to set your course
-parameters. From that screen, you can either edit the course
-environment or the course parameters. 
-The course environment contains several parameters that apply directly
-to the course as a whole.
-The other parameters in the course apply with varying granularities to
-the components of the course (ie maps, problems, and students).
-You can display parameters for the entire course (top-level
-map) or just select the enclosing map.  After the parameters display,
-you can choose to set parameters (example: due dates) on three
-\item Entire course. Everything in the top-level sequence. Click on the
-asterisk (if no current entry exists) or on the entry in any of the problems under the \textbf{general} heading.
-\item Enclosing map.  Click on the asterisk or entry in one of the problems in the
-enclosing map under \textbf{for Enclosing Map} heading.
-\item One particular resource. Click on the asterisk or entry in the particular
-problem you want to set parameters for, under the \textbf{for Resource} heading.
-The last heading says \textbf{Parameter in Effect}. 
-Under this heading is the actual parameter being used. The \emph{most
-  specific} parameter is what will be used for any given resource.
+As Course Coordinator, select 
+\textbf{Modify parameter settings (due dates, etc) for resources and the course}
+on Main Menu to set your course parameters.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Table_Mode.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Table_Mode.tex:1.5 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Table_Mode.tex:1.6
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Table_Mode.tex:1.5	Wed Aug 18 13:49:57 2010
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Table_Mode.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
-Select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{parm}
-\textbf{Modify parameter settings (due dates, etc) for resources and the course
-} on the Main Menu to set your course parameters. This will bring you to the
+\textbf{Modify parameter settings (due dates, etc) for resources and the course}
+on Main Menu to set your course parameters. This will bring you to the
 \textbf{Parameter Manager} screen.
 From that screen, choose 
 \textbf{Edit Resource Parameters - Table Mode}. 
-The other parameters in the course apply with varying granularities to
-the components of the course, such as folders (maps/sequences/pages), problems, and students.
 You can display parameters for the entire course or just select the 
 enclosing folder (map).  Then choose which of the three levels you want to
 set parameters for.  
 The three cascading levels (\ref{Cascading_Parameters}) are:
@@ -24,13 +21,15 @@
 particular folder or map, and will override the course defaults.
 \item Resource level: Parameters apply only to one particular problem and those parameters 
 override the map/folder level and course level parameters.  You may want to 
-use the Problem Parameter functionality (PPRM) instead (\ref{Problem_Parameters}).
+use the Problem Parameter functionality instead (\ref{Problem_Parameters}).
 If you choose the map/folder level or resource level, you will be given options to 
 choose which folder/map you want to display.
+Select the parameters you want to view in table mode. Optionally, you can specify a single user or groups or sections of users for which you want to set parameters.
 To set parameters, click on the underscore link in the appropriate
 location to add your parameter. \emph{Note, when setting resource
 level parameters, you must make changes under the ''for Resource''
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Problem_Weight.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Problem_Weight.tex:1.6 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Problem_Weight.tex:1.7
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Problem_Weight.tex:1.6	Mon Aug  7 18:05:54 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Problem_Weight.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -5,13 +5,11 @@
 button, then those parts behave as if they were separate problems,
 and each one has its own weight.
-If you want to edit the default (i.e award points based on problem weight and 
-tries), you will need to edit the LON-CAPA Spreadsheet \ref{Spreadsheet_About}
-and the change the Course Environment Parameters \ref{GradingOptions}. In this 
-case, you may want to think of a problem's weight in proportion to other 
-problems.  For example, if all problems have a weight of 1, then both easy and
-difficult problems have the same weight.  If you choose to customize the 
-spreadsheet, then the problem weight and points may not equal each other for 
+If you want the change the default,
+you may want to think of a problem's weight in proportion to other 
+problems.  For example, if all problems have a weight of 1,changethen both easy and
+difficult problems have the same weight.  If you choose to change the 
+weight, then the problem weight and points may not equal each other for 
 your course. 
 The default weight of all problems and problem parts is 1.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Forwarding.tex
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--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Forwarding.tex:1.14	Tue Jan 22 07:16:29 2008
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Forwarding.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
 To forward messages do the following:
-\item Click "Set my user Preferences" (\includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{pref}
-\textbf{PREF}) on the Main Menu, or the remote control (if used).
-\item At the \textbf{Change Preferences} screen, click the
-  \underbar{Change Message Forwarding and Notification Addresses} link.
-\item In the \textbf{Forwarding Address(es)} section, type your desired forward address in the text field labeled ``Forwarding Address(es)''.
+\item Click
+\textbf{Set my user preferences} on the Main Menu.
+\item At the \textbf{Set User Preferences} screen, select
+\textbf{Messages \& Notifications}.
+\item In the \textbf{Forwarding messages} section, type your desired forward address in the text field labeled ``Forward to account(s)''.
   This should be one or more LON-CAPA addresses, in the form: ``user:domain'', separated by commas.
 \item Click the \fbox{Change} button.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Helper_Course_Initialization.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Helper_Course_Initialization.tex:1.3 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Helper_Course_Initialization.tex:1.4
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Helper_Course_Initialization.tex:1.3	Wed Jul 12 19:03:55 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Helper_Course_Initialization.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@
 The first time you enter your course, you will see the
 Course Initialization Helper. Click the \fbox{Next} button on each
 screen to keep the LON-CAPA default settings. When you are done going
-through the Helper, click the \fbox{Finish} button, which takes you to the Main Menu page (even if you are using the Remote
+through the Helper, click the \fbox{Finish} button, which takes you to the Main Menu screen. 
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Notification.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Notification.tex:1.4 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Notification.tex:1.5
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Notification.tex:1.4	Fri Oct 23 15:03:53 2009
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Prefs_Notification.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
-\item Click "Set my user Preferences" (\includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{pref}
-\textbf{PREF}) on the Main Menu, or the remote control (if used).
+\item Clicek
+\textbf{Set my user preferences} on the Main Menu.
 \item At the \textbf{Change Preferences} screen, click the
   \underbar{Change Message Forwarding and Notification Addresses} link.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Roles_Screen.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Roles_Screen.tex:1.9 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Roles_Screen.tex:1.10
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Roles_Screen.tex:1.9	Sat May 22 21:51:32 2010
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Roles_Screen.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 see a screen where you can select your ROLE. LON-CAPA is a roles-based
 system. You can always use the same login even though your roles may
 change. You can be an instructor in one class, a TA for another class,
-and an author of resources -- all with the same username. Selecting \textbf{ROLES}
-on your Remote Control or on the Main Menu will bring you back to
+and an author of resources -- all with the same username. Selecting 
+on the Main Menu will bring you back to
 the \textbf{Roles} screen. 
 NOTE: If you only have one role, you will bypass this screen.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Coordination_Intro.tex
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--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Coordination_Intro.tex:1.3	Mon Dec 24 15:56:30 2007
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@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@
 \item \ref{What_Is_LON-CAPA} What is LON-CAPA?
 \item \ref{General_Intro} General Introduction
 \item \ref{course.manual.access.hlp} Course Coordination Manual Online
+\item Course Coordination Manual Online as PDF-Dokument, accessible at \texttt{<your-server-url/adm/help/course.manual.pdf}
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_User_Parameter.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_User_Parameter.tex:1.4 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_User_Parameter.tex:1.5
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_User_Parameter.tex:1.4	Sun Jun 19 17:58:59 2005
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_User_Parameter.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -4,46 +4,57 @@
-\item Click \textbf{PARM} on the remote control.
-\item Click on the link to use the \underbar{Table Mode}.
-\item At the \textbf{Set Course Parameter} screen, type the
-  \textbf{username} or \textbf{id} of the desired user. If you do not 
-know the username or id, then click the \textbf{Select User} link.
-\item Select the \textbf{Parameter level} from the pull down menu. (See discussion
-of parameter levels in \ref{Course_Parameter_Table_Mode}.)
-\item Select the enclosing map or folder from the pull down menu. If you choose 
+\item Select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{parm}
+\textbf{Modify parameter settings (due dates, etc) for resources and the course
+} on the Main Menu.
+\item On the \textbf{Parameter Manager} screen select
+\item Select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{edit-copy}
+\textbf{Edit Resource Parameters - Table Mode}.
+\item At the \textbf{Table Mode} screen 
+select the \textbf{Parameter Level} from the pull down menu. 
+(See discussion of parameter levels in \ref{Course_Parameter_Table_Mode}.)
+\item Screen select the enclosing map or folder 
+from the pull down menu. If you choose 
 course level you will skip this step.
-\item Click \textbf{Set Course Assessment Parameters}.
+\item In the section headlined \textbf{User Specification (optional)}, type the
+  username or id of the desired user. If you do not 
+know the username or id, then click the \underbar{Select User} link.
+\item Click \fbox{Update Parameter Display}.
 \item For \textbf{Course Level} and \textbf{Map Level} parameters: 
-\item At the default value column, click "\textbf{-}" for the parameter you want to set for
-the selected user. A new window will open.
+\item At the default value column, 
+click on the link for the 
+parameter setting you want to assign (note that parameters without assigned values are represented by \underbar{*}). A new window will open.
 \item Update the selected parameter.
-\item Click \textbf{Store}.
+\item Click \underbar{Save}.
 The default value will now reflect the new parameter setting for the selected 
 user. \textbf{Parameter in Effect} will reflect the parameter settings for all other
-users in the course. Repeat the previous three steps as necessary.
+users in the course. 
+Repeat the previous three steps as necessary.
 \item For \textbf{Resource Level}:
-\item Within the \textbf{User \_\_\_\_ at Domain \_\_\_\_} column, click on the "\textbf{-}" for the 
-parameter setting you want to assign. A new window will open.
+\item Within the \textbf{User \_\_\_\_ at Domain \_\_\_\_} column, 
+click on the link for the 
+parameter setting you want to assign (note that parameters without assigned values are represented by \underbar{*}). A new window will open.
 \item Update the selected parameter.
-\item Click \textbf{Store}.
+\item Click \underbar{Save}.
-The Parameter in Effect column reflects the parameter setting that is in effect
+The \textbf{Parameter in Effect} column reflects the parameter setting that is in effect
 for the selected user. The last column reflects the value for your user name
 and does incorporate complete cascading within a problem for your user name. 
 Repeat the previous three steps as necessary.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/GradingOptions.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/GradingOptions.tex:1.5 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/GradingOptions.tex:1.6
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/GradingOptions.tex:1.5	Wed Jul 12 17:28:31 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/GradingOptions.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
-Click PARM on the Remote Control or Main Menu.  Then click the \underbar{Course Environment} link.  Edit the course parameter variable \textbf{grading options\index{grading options}}. This course environment variable can take three values:
+\textbf{Modify course configuration}
+on the Main Menu.  
+On the \textbf{Course Configuration} screen check \textbf{Grading} and hit 
+Edit the course parameter variable \textbf{Grading\index{grading options}}. This variable can take three values:
 \item{\bf\tt standard}: the points for every problem part are partial credit factor times weight
-\item no \underbar{detailed scores} link provided to students on the GRDS page
-\item the GRDS page uses the word ''points''
+\item no \underbar{detailed score sheet} link provided to students on the \textbf{Points Display} screen page
+\item the \textbf{Points Display} screen page uses the word ''points''
-\item{\bf\tt external}: grade information screens are hidden, usually because grades are calculated external to LON-CAPA
+\item{\bf\tt external}: grading information screens are hidden, usually because grades are calculated external to LON-CAPA
-\item no \underbar{detailed scores} link is provided to students on the GRDS page
-\item the GRDS page does not use the word ''points,'' but rather shows the number of completed parts
+\item no \underbar{detailed score sheet} link is provided to students on the \textbf{Points Display} screen page
+\item the \textbf{Points Display} screen page does not use the word ''points,'' but rather shows the number of completed parts
 \item{\bf\tt spreadsheet}: the full spreadsheet is used for grade calculations
-\item the \underbar{detailed scores} link is provided on the GRDS page
-\item the GRDS page does not use the word ''points,'' but rather shows the number of completed parts
+\item the \underbar{detailed score sheet} link is provided on the \textbf{Points Display} screen page
+\item the \textbf{Points Display} screen page does not use the word ''points,'' but rather shows the number of completed parts
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Quick_Grades_Description.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Quick_Grades_Description.tex:1.2 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Quick_Grades_Description.tex:1.3
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Quick_Grades_Description.tex:1.2	Tue Aug  8 17:47:26 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Quick_Grades_Description.tex	Mon Aug 23 11:37:23 2010
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
-Students have a button labeled GRDS instead of the SPRS button on
-the Remote Control or Main Menu. Students can click on this button
-and see a summary of all of their scores. By default, the problem
+On the Main Menue students can access
+\textbf{View current problem status and grading information}
+instead of the 
+\textbf{View calculated grades (Spreadsheet)}.
+There students will see a summary of all of their scores. By default, the problem
 weight you assign to each resource is the problem score. However,
 if you changed your Course Environment's grading specification to
 ''spreadsheet,'' your students will have access to their student spreadsheet 
-with their scores based upon your spreadsheet via a \underbar{detailed scores} 
+with their scores based upon your spreadsheet via a \underbar{detailed score sheet} 
 link. The use of the term ''score'' is also changed to the phrase ''parts done''
-on the student Grade Screen. There are three different ways the Student
-Grades Screen can appear based upon the course environment.
+on the student \textbf{Points Display} screen. There are three different ways the 
+\textbf{Points Display} screen can appear based upon the course environment.
Index: doc/help/course.manual.texxml
diff -u doc/help/course.manual.texxml:1.30 doc/help/course.manual.texxml:1.31
--- doc/help/course.manual.texxml:1.30	Sat Aug 21 20:43:17 2010
+++ doc/help/course.manual.texxml	Mon Aug 23 11:37:29 2010
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
 <section name="Course Parameters">
 	<file name="Course_Setting_Parameters.tex" />
+	<file name="Parameter_Manager.tex" />
 	<subsection name="Parameter Helper">
 		<file name="Parameter_Helper.tex" />
 		<subsubsection name="Open Date">
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@
 			<file name="Course_User_Parameter.tex" />
-	<subsection name="Course Environment">
+	<subsection name="Course Configuration">
 		<file name="Course_Environment.tex" />
