[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /html/adm/help/tex Change_Discussion_Display.tex Course_Disable_Discussion.tex Course_Feedback_Addresses.tex Feedback_Author.tex Feedback_Content.tex Feedback_Discussion.tex Leaving_Feedback.tex Resource_Discussion.tex

riegler riegler@source.lon-capa.org
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 13:32:20 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

riegler		Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/html/adm/help/tex	Course_Feedback_Addresses.tex 
                             	Feedback_Content.tex Feedback_Author.tex 
  Updating chapter 11 of user manual
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="riegler-20100820133220.txt"

Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Feedback_Addresses.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Feedback_Addresses.tex:1.6 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Feedback_Addresses.tex:1.7
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Feedback_Addresses.tex:1.6	Mon Aug  7 19:05:38 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Feedback_Addresses.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-To specify who gets which feedback (\textbf{FDBK}) messages, do the following:
+To specify who gets which feedback messages, do the following:
-\item Select \textbf{PARM} on the Remote Control or Main Menu.
-\item At the \textbf{Set Course Parameters} screen, click the \fbox{Set Course Environment Parameters} button.
-\item Scroll down to each feedback type and enter a comma-separated list of 
-"username:domain", for example, "fred:msu,susie:ohiou". This will specify who 
-gets which feedback messages.
-\item Check the \textbf{set} field if not checked.
-\item Click the \fbox{Set Course Environment Parameters} button.
+\item Select 
+\textbf{Modify course configuration} on the Main Menu.
+\item At the \textbf{Course Configuration} screen check
+\textbf{Feedback Messages} and click \fbox{Display}.
+\item For each feedback type enter usernames as desired.
+You can also click the \underline{Select User} link.
+\item Click \fbox{Save Changes}.
-NOTE: Your changes will be visible the next time you log in, or by \fbox{re-initializing course} . 
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Disable_Discussion.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Disable_Discussion.tex:1.7 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Disable_Discussion.tex:1.8
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Disable_Discussion.tex:1.7	Mon Aug  7 19:05:37 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Disable_Discussion.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -7,16 +7,12 @@
 To disable discussion, do the following: 
-\item Select \textbf{PARM} on the Remote Control or Main Menu.
-\item At the \textbf{Set Course Parameters} screen, click the \fbox{Set Course Environment} button.
-\item Scroll down to \textbf{Disallow Resource Discussion for Roles}
-  or \textbf{Disallow Discussion for User}.
-\item To disallow resource discussion for specific roles, enter a
-comma-separated list of roles, for example: \texttt{st, ts}. This will
-disable course discussion for the specified roles. To disallow
-discussion for a specific user, enter \texttt{username:domain}. 
-\item Check the \textbf{Set} field if not checked.
-\item Click the \fbox{Set Course Environment} button.
+\item Select 
+\textbf{Modify course configuration} on the Main Menu.
+\item At the \textbf{Course Configuration} screen check
+\textbf{Discussion and Chat} and click \fbox{Display}.
+\item For each disabling mechanism select specific roles as desired.
+\item Click \fbox{Save Changes}.
-NOTE: Your changes will be visible the next time you log in, or by \fbox{re-initializing course} . 
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Discussion_Display.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Discussion_Display.tex:1.1 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Discussion_Display.tex:1.2
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Discussion_Display.tex:1.1	Fri Jul  9 21:05:14 2004
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Change_Discussion_Display.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -9,20 +9,23 @@
 to remain marked as 'NEW' until you explicitly mark them as read.
 You can set a personal preference that will apply to your display
-of \textbf{All} discussions in \textbf{All} courses.
+of \emph{all} discussions in \emph{all} courses.
 If you change the display settings in an individual board or 
-resource, by using the \textbf{Change} link beneath 
+resource, by using the \underline{Change} link beneath 
 the postings, those settings will override the default or a
-global preference you set using your Preferences screen. To 
+global preference you set using your \textbf{Set User Preferences} screen. To 
 set/change your global discussion display preferences:
-\item Click \textbf{PREF} on the remote control.
-\item At the \textbf{Change your Preferences} screen, click the 
-  \textbf{Change Discussion Display} link.
+\item Select \textbf{Preferences} on the Inline Menu or
+\textbf{Set user preferences} on the Main Menu.
+\item At the \textbf{Set User Preferences} screen, select
+\textbf{Discussion Display}.
 \item Check one or both 'Change' checkboxes in the \textbf{Action} column.
-\item Click \textbf{Store Changes} button.
+\item Click \textbf{Save}.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Discussion.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Discussion.tex:1.3 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Discussion.tex:1.4
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Discussion.tex:1.3	Wed Feb 25 10:30:49 2009
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Discussion.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 and Instructors can hide or delete discussion postings. The student's
 name in the posting is a link to his or her personal information page. Everyone in the
 class is notified of new discussion with a little bubble icon next
-to the problem name on the Navigation Screen.
+to the problem name on the \textbf{Course Contents} screen.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Content.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Content.tex:1.3 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Content.tex:1.4
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Content.tex:1.3	Mon Aug  7 18:05:54 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Content.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 content questions. If no instructor is defined in the Course Environment,
 this option does not appear in the feedback window. The instructor
 is notified that a question is waiting by the appearance of a little envelope
-link near the problem on the Navigation Screen. The instructor can
-also see the message from the Communication Screen. The student's
-version of the problem, along with previous submissions, is attached
-to the message. When the instructor replies to the message, the student
+link near the problem on the \textbf{Course Contents} screen. The instructor can
+also see the message from the \textbf{Communication/Messages} screen. 
+The student's version of the problem, along with previous submissions, is 
+attached to the message. When the instructor replies to the message, the student
 is notified that a reply is waiting by that same envelope
-link next to the problem name on the Navigation Screen.
+link next to the problem name on the \textbf{Course Contents} screen.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Author.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Author.tex:1.2 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Author.tex:1.3
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Author.tex:1.2	Mon Aug  7 18:05:54 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Feedback_Author.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 Only the author of the resource can view this feedback. The author
-receives the feedback as a message on their Communication Screen.
+receives the feedback as a message on their 
+\textbf{Communication/Messages} screen.
 The feedback automatically becomes part of the problem's metadata.
 Feedback understands smilies, \LaTeX{}, and HTML. Instructors can
 change feedback and discussion options within the course environment.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Leaving_Feedback.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Leaving_Feedback.tex:1.6 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Leaving_Feedback.tex:1.7
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Leaving_Feedback.tex:1.6	Mon Aug  7 18:05:54 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Leaving_Feedback.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
 \item Open the resource page where you want to submit feedback.
-\item Click \textbf{FDBK} on remote control.
-\item At the \textbf{Resource and Feedback Discussion} screen, check at least one of the 
+\item Click \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{feedback} 
+\textbf{Send Feedback} at the buttom of this resource.
+\item At the \textbf{Resource and Feedback Discussion} screen, check one of one of the 
 listed feedback types to direct where your feedback is sent (see \ref{Feedback_Author}, \ref{Feedback_Content}, \ref{Feedback_Policy}, \ref{Feedback_Discussion}, and \ref{Feedback_Discuss_Anon} for further explanation).
 \item Type your feedback, comment, or question in text box.
 \item If applicable, add an attachment.
 \item Click \textbf{Send}.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Resource_Discussion.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Resource_Discussion.tex:1.4 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Resource_Discussion.tex:1.5
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Resource_Discussion.tex:1.4	Mon Aug  7 18:05:54 2006
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Resource_Discussion.tex	Fri Aug 20 13:32:20 2010
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
 Unless banned by an instructor, all resources in the course can host
-discussion, which means students may post comments that will appear to all viewers. Course members will see new discussion
-on their Navigation screens. Instructors may allow course members
+discussion, which means students may post comments that will appear to all viewers. 
+For all course members a \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{chat} icon appears on the \textbf{Course Contents} screen next to any resource with new discussion postings. 
+In addition, course members will see new discussion 
+on their \textbf{What's New?} screens within the box headlined 
+\textbf{Unread course discussion posts}. 
+Instructors may allow course members
 to post anonymously or not, and course personnel can still see who posted
 the anonymous messages. "Anonymous" only prevents students from knowing who posted. (Sometimes instructors or TAs post anonymously to discreetly
 help the students.) Course personnel may hide or delete inappropriate
-To participate in a discussion on the a resource, click the \underbar{Post Discussion} link at the bottom of a resource.  If you want to reply back to a particular post, then click the appropriate \underbar{Reply} link.
+To participate in a discussion on the a resource, click 
+\includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{chat} \textbf{Post Discussion} 
+at the bottom of a resource.  If you want to reply back to a particular post, then click the appropriate \underbar{Reply} link.
