[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /loncapafiles ntpcheck.piml

raeburn raeburn@source.lon-capa.org
Tue, 14 Jul 2009 13:13:26 -0000

raeburn		Tue Jul 14 13:13:26 2009 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /doc/loncapafiles	ntpcheck.piml 
  - For Debian/Ubuntu sysv-rc-conf is used in place of chkconfig. 
Index: doc/loncapafiles/ntpcheck.piml
diff -u doc/loncapafiles/ntpcheck.piml:1.9 doc/loncapafiles/ntpcheck.piml:1.10
--- doc/loncapafiles/ntpcheck.piml:1.9	Fri Sep 15 20:54:55 2006
+++ doc/loncapafiles/ntpcheck.piml	Tue Jul 14 13:13:26 2009
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <!-- ntpcheck.piml -->
 <!-- Matthew Hall -->
-<!-- $Id: ntpcheck.piml,v 1.9 2006/09/15 20:54:55 raeburn Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: ntpcheck.piml,v 1.10 2009/07/14 13:13:26 raeburn Exp $ -->
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-<target dist="default">/home/httpd/lonUsers</target>
+<target dist="default"></target>
 <perlscript mode="fg">
 print "Checking to be sure the Network Time Protocol is running properly.\n";
 print "For more information on ntpd please see http://www.ntp.org/\n";
@@ -53,22 +53,29 @@
     print "WARNING: ntp is installed but is not currently running.\nPlease verify the configuration of ntp in /etc/ntp.conf and /etc/ntp/step-tickers\nStart ntp by executing\n /etc/init.d/$NTPD start\n";
 # chkconfig barfs to stderr if the target isn't set up right.
-my $restartchk = `/sbin/chkconfig --list $NTPD 2>/dev/null`;
+my $checking_bin;
+my $restartchk;
+if ('<DIST />' eq 'debian5' || '<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu6' || '<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu8') {
+    $checking_bin = '/usr/sbin/sysv-rc-conf';
+} else {
+    $checking_bin = '/sbin/chkconfig';
+$restartchk = `$checking_bin --list $NTPD 2>/dev/null`;
 if ($restartchk eq '') {
     print "**** WARNING: ntpd is either not installed or not configured to run at boot.\n";
 if ($restartchk =~ /^error reading information on service / ||
     $restartchk !~ /\d:(on|off)/) {
-    print "**** WARNING: Unable to check status $NTPD with /sbin/chkconfig.\n";
+    print "**** WARNING: Unable to check status $NTPD with $checking_bin.\n";
 if ($restartchk !~ /\s3:on/) {
-    print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 3.  To correct this run:\n/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 $NTPD on\n";
+    print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 3.  To correct this run:\n$checking_bin --level 345 $NTPD on\n";
 if ($restartchk !~ /\s5:on/) {
-    print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 5.  To correct this run:\n/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 $NTPD on\n";
+    print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 5.  To correct this run:\n$checking_bin --level 345 $NTPD on\n";