[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /debugging_tools get_version.pl

albertel lon-capa-cvs-allow@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 06 Jun 2007 20:04:47 -0000

albertel		Wed Jun  6 16:04:47 2007 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/debugging_tools	get_version.pl 
  - added distprobe gather, and 64bitedness gathering, and some other reporting modes
Index: loncom/debugging_tools/get_version.pl
diff -u loncom/debugging_tools/get_version.pl:1.2 loncom/debugging_tools/get_version.pl:1.3
--- loncom/debugging_tools/get_version.pl:1.2	Tue Oct 17 11:00:07 2006
+++ loncom/debugging_tools/get_version.pl	Wed Jun  6 16:04:47 2007
@@ -1,25 +1,113 @@
+if (!-e 'secure_args') {
+    die("Unable to find security arguments for grabbing lon-status");
+my $secure_args = `cat secure_args`;
+$secure_args =~ s/^\s*//x;
+$secure_args =~ s/\s*$//x;
 my $i++;
 my %vers;
+my %distvers;
+my %arch;
 my %done;
+my %combo1;
+my %combo2;
 while(my $line=<HOST>) {
     if ($line=~/^\#/) { next; }
     my $host=(split(':',$line))[3];
     if (!$host || exists($done{$host})) { next; }
+    my $roles=`curl --max-time 15 --connect-timeout 5 -s http://$host/adm/login  `;
+    if ($roles eq '') {
+        $roles=`curl --insecure --max-time 15 --connect-timeout 5 -s https://$host/adm/login `;
+    }
+#-- lon-capa version
     print($host." -> ");
     my $ver=`curl --max-time 15 --connect-timeout 5 -s http://$host/adm/login | grep -- -200 | tr ">" "\n" | tail -1 `;
     $ver=~s/ //g;
-    if ($ver eq "") { print("\n"); }
+    if ($ver eq "") {
+	print(" https -> ");
+        $ver=`curl --insecure --max-time 15 --connect-timeout 5 -s https://$host/adm/login | grep -- -200 | tr ">" "\n" | tail -1 `;
+    }
+    $ver=~s/&nbsp;//g;
+    $ver=~s/ //g;
+    if ($ver eq "") {
+	if ($roles eq '') { $ver="dead\n"; } else { $ver = "old\n" }
+    }
+    print(' 'x(length($host)).' -> ');
+    my $lonstatus=`curl $secure_args --max-time 15 --connect-timeout 5 -s http://$host/lon-status/ `;
+    if ($lonstatus !~ /LON Status Report/) {
+	print(" https -> ");
+        $lonstatus=`curl --insecure $secure_args --max-time 15 --connect-timeout 5 -s https://$host/lon-status/  `;
+    }
+    if ($lonstatus =~ /LON Status Report/) {
+	print(" lon-status \n");
+    }
+#-- OS 
+    my $dist = $lonstatus;
+    print(' 'x(length($host)).' -> ');
+    my $re = '.*distprobe.*?<pre>(.*?)</pre>.*';
+#    my $re = '.*?<h1>.*?</h1>.*?<h2>(.*?)</h2>.*';
+    if ($dist =~ m{$re}sx) {
+	$dist=~s{$re}{$1}sx;
+	print($dist);
+    } else {
+	undef($dist);
+    }
+    print("\n");
+    push(@{$distvers{$dist}},$host);
+#-- arch
+    my $arch = $lonstatus;
+    print(' 'x(length($host)).' -> ');
+    my $re = '.*?Detected\s+64bit\s+platform\s*\((\d*)\).*';
+    if ($arch =~ m{$re}sx) {
+	$arch=~s{$re}{$1}sx;
+	print($arch);
+    } else {
+	undef($arch);
+    }
+    print("\n");
+    push(@{$arch{$arch}},$host);
+    $combo1{"$ver,$dist,$arch"}++;#.=$host.', ';
+    $combo2{"$dist,$arch"}++;#.=$host.', ';
 #    if ($i++==14) { last; }
+print("LON-CAPA Versions\n");
 foreach my $key (sort(keys(%vers))) {
-    print($key." -> \n");
-    print("     ".join("\n     ",@{$vers{$key}})."\n");
+    print($key." -> ".scalar(@{$vers{$key}})." machines\n");
+    print("     ".join("\n     ",sort(@{$vers{$key}}))."\n");
+print("OS Versions\n");
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%distvers))) {
+    print($key." -> ".scalar(@{$distvers{$key}})." machines\n");
+    print("     ".join("\n     ",sort(@{$distvers{$key}}))."\n");
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%arch))) {
+    print($key." -> ".scalar(@{$arch{$key}})." machines\n");
+    print("     ".join("\n     ",sort(@{$arch{$key}}))."\n");
+print("Combo 1?\n");
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%combo1))) {
+    print($key." -> ".$combo1{$key}." machines\n");
+print("Combo 2?\n");
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%combo2))) {
+    print($key." -> ".$combo2{$key}." machines\n");