[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/alt2007 graphing.tex

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Thu, 05 Apr 2007 01:34:15 -0000

www		Wed Apr  4 21:34:15 2007 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /modules/gerd/alt2007	graphing.tex 
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.10 modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.11
--- modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.10	Wed Apr  4 21:29:44 2007
+++ modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex	Wed Apr  4 21:34:15 2007
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 \item artifacts from inputting the graph using a mouse or trackpad\vspace*{-2mm}
 \item exact position of axis intercepts, minima and maxima\vspace*{-2mm}
-Which features are significant, and to what degrees, depends on the problem posed. Also, features that the instructor might characterize as spurious may not be seen as such by the students - ignoring this possibility may lead authors to miss some key difficulties that students face. Thus, the problem-specific list of spurious features may need to be evaluated and revised based on the study's findings. For example, for the acceleration problem in section~\ref{accproblem} the exact shape of the graph is irrelevant, as long as the graph starts with zero and ends with zero, and is positive for a finite intermediate time. In the potential versus field problem of Section~\ref{potproblem} on the other hand, the asymptotic behavior at certain positions and the position of crossing axes is important. 
+Which features are significant, and to what degrees, depends on the problem posed. Also, features that the instructor might characterize as spurious may not be seen as such by the students - ignoring this possibility may lead authors to miss some key difficulties that students face. Thus, the problem-specific list of spurious features may need to be evaluated and revised based on the study's findings. For example, for the acceleration problem in section~\ref{accproblem} the exact shape of the graph is irrelevant, as long as the graph starts with zero and ends with zero, and is positive for a finite intermediate time. In the potential versus field problem of section~\ref{potproblem} on the other hand, the asymptotic behavior at certain positions and the position of crossing axes is important. 
 Rather than constructing the graph using B\'ezier curves and checking if the parameters are within acceptable tolerance~\cite{kennedy04}, we propose to evaluate the graphs using rule sets for the function itself and its derivatives. Figures~\ref{accrule} and \ref{potrule} show examples for what these rules might look like.
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
 Research results will be published in the standard journals, including The Physics Teacher for application studies, and the American Journal of Physics or the Physical Review ST-PER cognitive studies. Presentations will be given at the American Association of Physics Teachers conferences and associated PER conferences.
 \section{Project Management}
-The primary project responsibility will be with the PI, Gerd Kortemeyer. Dr.~Fortus will coordinate the educational research component, and together with and Dr.~Kortemeyer  supervise the postdoctoral associate in physics education research, who will assist in both the content development and the study of the educational effectiveness. Dr.~Kortemeyer and the postdoctoral associate will develop the problems in consultation with Dr.~Denton. Drs.~Kortemeyer and Denton will use the problems in their courses at MSU and NDSU, which will be the venues for the evaluation of the tool. Stuart Raeburn will be the lead programmer for the tool development. All coding efforts will be coordinated with the LON-CAPA Technical Director, Guy Albertelli.  Sarah Swierenga, Director of the Usability \& Accessibility Center at MSU, will be responsible for the direction of the usability and accessibility study.
+The primary project responsibility will be with the PI, Gerd Kortemeyer. Dr.~Fortus will coordinate the educational research component, and together with Dr.~Kortemeyer  supervise the postdoctoral associate in physics education research, who will assist in both the content development and the study of the educational effectiveness. Dr.~Kortemeyer and the postdoctoral associate will develop the problems in consultation with Dr.~Denton. Drs.~Kortemeyer and Denton will use the problems in their courses at MSU and NDSU, which will be the venues for the evaluation of the tool. Stuart Raeburn will be the lead programmer for the tool development. All coding efforts will be coordinated with the LON-CAPA Technical Director, Guy Albertelli.  Sarah Swierenga, Director of the Usability \& Accessibility Center at MSU, will be responsible for the direction of the usability and accessibility study.
 \section{Project Timeline}
 \item[Year 1]