[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/alt2007 correct1.pdf correct1.ppt correct2.pdf correct2.ppt graphing.bib graphing.tex incorrect1.pdf incorrect1.ppt incorrect2.pdf incorrect2.ppt
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/modules/gerd/alt2007 correct1.pdf correct1.ppt correct2.pdf
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incorrect1.pdf incorrect1.ppt incorrect2.pdf
Alan's comments.
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Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/correct1.pdf
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/correct1.ppt
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/correct2.pdf
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/correct2.ppt
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib
diff -u modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib:1.5 modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib:1.6
--- modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib:1.5 Tue Mar 27 14:47:57 2007
+++ modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib Sat Mar 31 14:46:02 2007
@@ -209,17 +209,29 @@
- author="LON-CAPA Consortium",
- title="LON-CAPA User Institutions",
+ author="The LON-CAPA Academic Consortium",
+ title="LON-CAPA~User~Institutions~Listing",
- author="LON-CAPA Consortium",
- title="LON-CAPA Shared Content Repository",
+ author="The LON-CAPA Academic Consortium",
+ title="LON-CAPA~Shared~Content~Repository~Statistics",
+ author="OSFlash",
+ title="Open~Source~Flash~Server",
+ howpublished="\url{http://www.osflash.org/red5}"
+ author="U.S. General Services Administration",
+ title="Rehabilitation Act, Section 508",
+ howpublished="\url{http://www.section508.gov/}"
author="Michigan State University Usability and Accessibility Center",
title="Facilities Description",
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.8 modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.9
--- modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.8 Sat Mar 31 09:54:54 2007
+++ modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex Sat Mar 31 14:46:02 2007
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
\section{Relevant Results from Related Projects}
\subsection{Relevant Results from Prior NSF Support to the PIs}
\caption{Two versions of the same problem in LON-CAPA. Different students would see different currents as a function of time in coil 1, and need to identify the corresponding induced voltage in coil 2. In this scenario, it is simply $V_2(t)=M\frac{dI_1(t)}{dt}$, with $V_2(t)$ being the induced voltage in coil 2, $I_1(t)$ being the current in the first coil, and and $M$ being the mutual inductance factor between the coils. The second and third part of the question are multiple choice and numerical response (with physical units), respectively.\label{induction}}
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
-\caption{Examples of acceptable solutions (blue) for the example problem described in section~\ref{potproblem}. The system provides a graph of a potential versus location along an axis that has two charges placed on it (black). The electric field is given by $\vec E=-\nabla V$.\label{potentialcorrect}}
+\caption{Examples of acceptable solutions (blue, solid) for the example problem described in section~\ref{potproblem}. The system provides a graph of a potential versus location along an axis that has two charges placed on it (black, dashed). The electric field is given by $\vec E=-\nabla V$.\label{potentialcorrect}}
The graphs in Fig.~\ref{potentialincorrect} are not correct because of a sign error and the assumption that the field is zero where the potential is zero, respectively.
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@
When the system evaluates a student-provided graph, it is important to distinguish significant from spurious graph features. Examples for significant features might include:
\item linear versus non-linear\vspace*{-2mm}
-\item asymptotic behavior at infinity or possibly certain points\vspace*{-2mm}
-\item approximate position of maxima or minima\vspace*{-2mm}
-\item approximate position of axis intercepts\vspace*{-2mm}
+\item asymptotic behavior at infinity or other points\vspace*{-2mm}
+\item approximate positions of maxima and minima\vspace*{-2mm}
+\item approximate positions of axis intercepts\vspace*{-2mm}
\item curvature (convex/concave)
Spurious features might include:
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
Subsequent Interval&&&&&$f>0$\\\hline
Subsequent Interval&&&0&&$\displaystyle\frac{df}{dx}=0$\\\hline
-\caption{Example for a possible rule set for the acceleration problem~\ref{accproblem}\label{accrule}}
+\caption{Example of a possible rule set for the acceleration problem of section~\ref{accproblem}\label{accrule}}
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
Subsequent Interval&&&&&$f>0$; $\displaystyle\frac{df}{dx}<0$; $\displaystyle\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}\le0$\\\hline
Optional Subsequent Interval&&&&&$f>0$; $\displaystyle\frac{df}{dx}<0$; $\displaystyle\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}\ge0$\\\hline
-\caption{Example for a possible rule set for the potential problem~\ref{potproblem}. The variables \$pos1 and \$pos2 denote the positions of the charges and are determined by the randomization of the problem. The variable \$zerofield denotes the axis intercept and is calculated by the problem.\label{potrule}}
+\caption{Example of a possible rule set for the electric potential problem of section~\ref{potproblem}. The variables \$pos1 and \$pos2 denote the positions of the charges and are determined by the randomization of the problem. The variable \$zerofield denotes the axis intercept and is calculated by the problem.\label{potrule}}
Instead of applying tolerances to parameters, the system now needs to allow for degrees of ``fuzziness'' in the application of the rules: sketches are not plots, and students who correctly sketch the significant features of the graph need to receive credit. One of the values of the tool is that it starts from the students' thinking and not from the instructors'. The students draw what they think; they don't choose from options the instructors selected. It will be very important to have a large enough fuzziness so that the students are not too restricted by the instructors' categories. To ensure this, student input from the sketching client needs to be processed server-side and appropriate fuzzy algorithms need to be developed to apply the rules. Figure~\ref{processing} shows a possible sequence of processing steps. The server receives raw data of the student sketch, in this example, the current in an RLC-circuit (blue) and the enveloping exponential decay functions (red and green). In the next step, several of these artifacts are removed by applying a smoothing algorithm to the data. In a subsequent step, the data is fit by a function. As it turns out, in this freehand drawing, while being a correct sketch, the frequency increases slightly with time, so if in the last step, the differential equation itself is used to verify the function, sufficient fuzziness needs to be applied to accept the sketch.
@@ -249,31 +249,30 @@
\subsection{Rules for Conditional Feedback to the Learner}\label{adaptive}
The LON-CAPA problem engine allows for conditional feedback to the learner, based on the learner's input. Anywhere in a problem, the author cannot only specify the expected correct answer, but also expected incorrect answers, and display adaptive feedback or follow-up questions. In the graphing tool, the author will thus be able to also specify rules that correspond to anticipated or observed misconceptions by the learners.
-Authoring an appropriate rule set is likely going to be a task that is perceived by the average faculty author as too complex. We are thus going to implement two sets of tools to facilitate authoring:
+Authoring an appropriate rule set is likely a task that would be perceived by the average instructor as too complex. We will thus implement two sets of tools to facilitate authoring:
\item Templates: we will provide templates for functions that frequently appear in physics, mathematics, and engineering, such as linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, sinusoidal, etc. As in other parts of the LON-CAPA problem editor, authors can start from these templates and adapt them to their particular situation.
\item Graph-based rule editor: in this editor mode, the author will be asked to provide a number of correct graph responses. The system will then propose a set of 20 to 30 rules extracted from the sketches, each with checkboxes, so the author can selectively activate or deactivate the proposed rules. In addition, the author can adapt the rules.
An even harder task may be the determination of the appropriate fuzziness. To this end, after the specification of the rule set, the author will be asked to provide a number of correct sketches for different randomizations of the problem. The system will then either determine the appropriate fuzziness or reject the rule set, in which case the author will be asked to modify it.
\subsection{Refining the Rule Set}
-LON-CAPA has a built-in feedback system to the instructors and authors. When a student sends a message using this system, faculty is provided with complete contextual information, i.e., the version of the problem that the student had, and his or her previous attempts~\cite{kortemeyer05feedback}. As students are working on problems, they frequently contact instructors with questions why their solution is wrong, and at times, errors in problems get detected this way. In such cases, the instructor can manually give credit and notify the author. We will enhance this author feedback loop such that student solutions can be used to adjust the rule set or fuzziness of problems. In addition, authors, since they will be able to see the student input, can use it to define conditional student feedback rules (section~\ref{adaptive}), and thus close the feedback loop.
+LON-CAPA has a built-in feedback system to the instructors and authors. When a student sends a message using this system, the instructor is provided with complete contextual information, i.e., the version of the problem that the student had, and his or her previous attempts~\cite{kortemeyer05feedback}. As students are working on problems, they frequently contact instructors with questions why their solution is wrong, and at times, errors in problems get detected this way. In such cases, the instructor can manually give credit and notify the author. We will enhance this author feedback loop such that student solutions can be used to adjust the rule set or fuzziness of problems. In addition, authors, since they will be able to see the student input, can use it to define conditional student feedback rules (section~\ref{adaptive}), and thus close the feedback loop.
\section{Tool Development}\label{tool}
Most of the infrastructure for the sketching tool is already in place, including all of the content and course management features. We will need to develop
a client-side tool that can take the graph input and the server-side functionality that is to be used to author and evaluate the rule sets.
-\item For the client-side functionality, different technologies such as Java applets in connection with CGI-submissions or servlet communication, or Adobe Flash (for example in connection with red5), will be tested to maximize platform compatibility and bandwidth efficiency.
+\item For the client-side functionality, different technologies such as Java applets in connection with CGI-submissions or servlet communication, or Adobe Flash (for example in connection with red5~\cite{red5}), will be tested to maximize platform compatibility and bandwidth efficiency.
\item For the server-side functionality, we will work in the LON-CAPA open-source environment (Apache modperl), using appropriate mathematical libraries.
The initial coding will be carried out by members of the MSU LON-CAPA group and is expected to take approximately nine months. As the tool is refined, additional coding will be necessary.
\section{Usability Testing}
-The ease of authoring is crucial for the widespread adoption of the tool, and has been one of the limiting factors to the dissemination of the original Interactive Graphing Tool.~\cite{kennedy04}. The same is true for the student interface: a tool which students cannot use is likely not going to find wide adaption by instructors. In order to ensure that the graphing tool meets user expectations and that the interaction between the system and the user is optimized, user-centered design methodologies should be incorporated into the product development process. User-centered design means that products are developed such that they are easy, effective, accessible, and enjoyable to use from the {\it userÕs} perspective, supporting the tasks that they are trying to accomplish. We propose that conducting a usability evaluation (with representative end users) and a web accessibility evaluation will significantly enhance the toolÕs usability, thereby resulting in a more successful, usable, enjoyable product.
+The ease of authoring is crucial for the widespread adoption of the tool, and has been one of the limiting factors to the dissemination of the original Interactive Graphing Tool.~\cite{kennedy04}. The same is true for the student interface: a tool that students cannot use is not likely going to find wide adoption by instructors. In order to ensure that the graphing tool meets user expectations and that the interaction between the system and the user is optimized, user-centered design methodologies should be incorporated into the product development process. User-centered design means that products are developed such that they are easy, effective, accessible, and enjoyable to use from the {\it users'} perspective, supporting the tasks that they are trying to accomplish. We propose that conducting a usability evaluation (with representative end users) and a web accessibility evaluation will significantly enhance the toolÕs usability, thereby resulting in a more successful, usable, enjoyable product.
\subsection{Testing Facility}\label{uac}
The usability evaluation and/or usability focus group would be conducted at the MSU Usability \& Accessibility Center. The facility is equipped with Internet connectivity and video recording equipment, operated from a separate control room. The facility enables both the recording of one-on-one usability sessions and/or focus groups, as well as their live observation from a separate area~\cite{msuusabilitylab}.
\subsection{Usability Evaluation}\label{usability}
-Usability specialists will conduct two usability evaluations: Faculty user group, consisting of 10 representative faculty members, and a Student user group comprised of 10 representative college students. The goal of the user experience testing is to assess the degree to which the product matches the way that they expect to interact with the graphing tool based on their background and experience. This study would involve conducting one-on-one user experience sessions lasting 1-1/2 hours each. Additionally, the session will consist of users performing 5-6 task scenarios that concentrate on the core functionality of the product. For the Faculty group, the tasks will include general problem editing, specifying which characteristics of the graphs are important, using the tool to test problems, and working with student results. The tasks for the Student group will concentrate on inputting their graphs, making corrections to graphs, and the quality of the feedback by the system. Key usability goals would include effectiveness, which refers to how well a system does what it is supposed to do (measures: percentage of tasks completed successfully; number and types of errors); efficiency, or the way a system supports users in carrying out their tasks (measure: time to perform a particular task successfully); and satisfaction which relates to the subjective responses users have to the system (measures: user satisfaction ratings; verbal and written feedback). This usability evaluation will save time and reduce development costs by anticipating user expectations and reactions before the product design or redesign is finalized. We will produce detailed usability report with actionable recommendations.
-\subsection{Web Accessibility Compliance Inspection}\label{accessibility}
-Accessibility experts will evaluate the graphing tool and identify the improvements needed to ensure legal compliance with Section 508 standards. Coding the tool with accessibility design principles in mind will enhance the user experience of customers who use assistive technology as they interact with the product, thus increasing the ability to reach and satisfy the broadest possible audience. Additionally, including common accessibility features would dramatically improve the user experience for customers using mobile phone browsers, personal digital assistants, and even low-bandwidth connections. We will provide with a detailed report outlining the accessibility standards, whether they have been met, the code examples, and other helpful information.
+Usability specialists will conduct two usability evaluations: Faculty user group, consisting of 10 representative faculty members, and a Student user group comprised of 10 representative college students. The goal of the user experience testing is to assess the degree to which the product matches the way that they expect to interact with the graphing tool based on their background and experience. This study would involve conducting one-on-one user experience sessions lasting 1-1/2 hours each. Additionally, the session will consist of users performing 5-6 task scenarios that concentrate on the core functionality of the product. For the Faculty group, the tasks will include general problem editing, specifying which characteristics of the graphs are important, using the tool to test problems, and working with student results. The tasks for the Student group will concentrate on inputting their graphs, making corrections to graphs, and the quality of the feedback by the system. Key usability goals would include effectiveness, which refers to how well a system does what it is supposed to do (measures: percentage of tasks completed successfully; number and types of errors); efficiency, or the way a system supports users in carrying out their tasks (measure: time to perform a particular task successfully); and satisfaction which relates to the subjective responses users have to the system (measures: user satisfaction ratings; verbal and written feedback). This usability evaluation will save time and reduce development costs by anticipating user expectations and reactions before the product design or redesign is finalized. \subsection{Web Accessibility Compliance Inspection}\label{accessibility}
+Accessibility experts will evaluate the graphing tool and identify the improvements needed to ensure legal compliance with Section 508 standards~\cite{section508}. Coding the tool with accessibility design principles in mind will enhance the user experience of customers who use assistive technology as they interact with the product, thus increasing the ability to reach and satisfy the broadest possible audience. Additionally, including common accessibility features would dramatically improve the user experience for customers using mobile phone browsers, personal digital assistants, and even low-bandwidth connections.
\section{Initial Content Development}\label{content}
Content will initially be developed in areas where there is already existing LON-CAPA content that uses representation translation, e.g.,
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/incorrect1.pdf
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/incorrect1.ppt
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/incorrect2.pdf
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/incorrect2.ppt