[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/alt2007 graphing.bib graphing.tex

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    /modules/gerd/alt2007	graphing.bib graphing.tex 
  More comments from David
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Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib
diff -u modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib:1.4 modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib:1.5
--- modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib:1.4	Mon Mar 26 17:48:43 2007
+++ modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.bib	Tue Mar 27 14:47:57 2007
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    title="Helping physics students learn about learning"     
+   author="David P. Maloney and Thomas L. O'Kuma and Curtis J. Hieggelke and Alan Van Heuvelen",
+   year="2001",
+   journal="Am. J. Physics",
+   volume="69",
+   pages="S12-S23",  
+   title="Surveying students' conceptual knowledge of electricity and magnetism"     
    author = "Ibrahim Halloun and Richard R. Hake and E. P. Mosca and David Hestenes",
    howpublished= "\url{http://modeling.la.asu.edu/R\&E/Research.html}",
Index: modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.5 modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.6
--- modules/gerd/alt2007/graphing.tex:1.5	Mon Mar 26 17:48:43 2007
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 Only too often, instead the problems given in physics courses focus on numerical calculations, e.g., ``A car accelerates from rest with $2 m/s^2$ for 10 seconds, what is the distance covered?'' -- students can ``solve'' these problems without any understanding of the underlying concepts~\cite{lin,heuvelen}. 
 Going beyond these types, there may be problems that require selecting from a series of possible graphical answers in a multiple choice setting, inputting an equation and having the software sketch it~\cite{kennedy04}, or plotting a given function or set of data. It was found however that these traditional representation-translation problem types do not lead to significantly increased conceptual or less procedural solution strategies~\cite{kortemeyer05ana}, i.e., they do not lead students to construct any new knowledge in a manner different from numerical or other multiple-choice problems. 
-The sketching of graphs is an example of a more constructivist approach to teaching concepts, as well as representation-translation and visualization skills. The students need to make a number of decisions:
+The sketching of graphs is an example of a more constructivist approach to teaching physics concepts, as well as representation-translation and visualization skills. The students need to make a number of decisions:
 \item Where does the graph start (is the start point known and/or significant)?
 \item Where does the graph finish (is the end point known and/or significant)?
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  (list expanded from \cite{kennedy04}). Students need to construct the curve, not reproduce it or select it from a set of prefabricated solutions.
-Sketching is an activity that should be manageable with just a few strokes to express a general relationship. Within this project, we will develop an online assessment tool for graph sketching, which will provide randomized scenarios and immediate feedback to graph sketches entered online with a mouse or trackpad. We will evaluate usability for both faculty and students, as well as impact on student problem solving strategies and conceptual learning.
+Sketching is a skill that allows one to express general relationships with just a few strokes. In this project we will develop an online assessment tool for graph sketching, which will provide randomized scenarios and immediate feedback to graph sketches entered online with a mouse or trackpad. We will evaluate usability for both faculty and students, as well as impact on student problem solving strategies and conceptual learning.
 The tool will be developed on top of an existing course and learning content management system in order to minimize overhead. However, both the algorithms and the code will be made freely available, so they can be incorporated into other systems.
 \subsection{Learning Goals}
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 Fitting the data to functions. This step will likely be accomplished by the system piecewisely fitting a set of trial functions (including simple splines) to the smoothed data. At the end of this step, the data is represented by a piecewise set of analytic functions with known derivatives.
-Applying rules. The rule set in this example is simply the differential equation governing damped harmonic oscillation. The parameters $c_1$ and $c_2$ in the differential equation need to be fit to the graph, since the problem itself does not specify their values. In this example, the difference to the parametric spline approach of~\cite{kennedy04,kennedy98} is particularly prominent.&{\small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|p{1.5in}|}\hline
+Applying rules. The rule set in this example is simply the differential equation governing damped harmonic oscillation. The parameters $c_1$ and $c_2$ in the differential equation need to be fit to the graph, since the problem itself does not specify their values. In this example, the difference to the parametric spline approach of~\cite{kennedy04,kennedy98} is particularly prominent.&{\small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|p{1.4in}|}\hline
 {\bf Type}&{\bf From $x$}&{\bf To $x$}&{\bf From $y$}&{\bf To $y$}&{\bf Rules}\\\hline
 Interval&0&&\$i0&&$\displaystyle f+c_1\frac{df}{dx}+c_2\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}=0$;\newline $c_1>0$; $c_2>0$\\\hline\end{tabular}}
 \caption{Server-side processing of sketches\label{processing}}
+\subsection{Rules for Conditional Feedback to the Learner}\label{adaptive}
+The LON-CAPA problem engine allows for conditional feedback to the learner, based on the learner's input. Anywhere in a problem, the author cannot only specify the expected correct answer, but also expected incorrect answers, and display adaptive feedback or follow-up questions. In the graphing tool, the author will thus be able to also specify rules that correspond to anticipated or observed misconceptions by the learners.
 Authoring an appropriate rule set is likely going to be a task that is perceived by the average faculty author as too complex. We are thus going to implement two sets of tools to facilitate authoring:
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 An even harder task may be the determination of the appropriate fuzziness. To this end, after the specification of the rule set, the author will be asked to provide a number of correct sketches for different randomizations of the problem. The system will then either determine the appropriate fuzziness or reject the rule set, in which case the author will be asked to modify it.
 \subsection{Refining the Rule Set}
-LON-CAPA has a built-in feedback system. When a student sends a message using this system, faculty is provided with complete contextual information, i.e., the version of the problem that the student had, and his or her previous attempts~\cite{kortemeyer05feedback}. As students are working on problems, they frequently contact instructors with questions why their solution is wrong, and at times, errors in problems get detected this way. In such cases, the instructor can manually give credit and notify the author. We will enhance this author feedback loop such that student solutions can be used to adjust the rule set or fuzziness of problems.
+LON-CAPA has a built-in feedback system to the instructors and authors. When a student sends a message using this system, faculty is provided with complete contextual information, i.e., the version of the problem that the student had, and his or her previous attempts~\cite{kortemeyer05feedback}. As students are working on problems, they frequently contact instructors with questions why their solution is wrong, and at times, errors in problems get detected this way. In such cases, the instructor can manually give credit and notify the author. We will enhance this author feedback loop such that student solutions can be used to adjust the rule set or fuzziness of problems. In addition, authors, since they will be able to see the student input, can use it to define conditional student feedback rules (section~\ref{adaptive}), and thus close the feedback loop.
 \section{Tool Development}\label{tool}
 Most of the infrastructure for the sketching tool is already in place, including all of the content and course management features. We will need to develop
 a client-side tool that can take the graph input and the server-side functionality that is to be used to author and evaluate the rule sets.
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 In addition, a small number of training problems will be authored to familiarize the students with the tool. In these problems, the solution will be given, for example, students will be asked to sketch a parabola or copy a given sketch. This practice has been successful with other problem types, e.g., symbolic formula input, scientific notation, and the input of physical units, since it allows students to practice mastery of the tool before embarking into more complex tasks, where they may not be able to distinguish between mastery of the tool and mastery of the physics.
 \section{Evaluation of Educational Effectiveness}\label{education}
 We will evaluate the impact that the tool has on studentsŐ: A) sketching of graphs of physical phenomena, B) holistic reading of graphs, and C) conceptual understanding of selected physics topics.  We will also study the cognitive processes involved in sketching graphs from textual descriptions of physical phenomena.
 We will use three instruments to gather the data needed to resolve the aforementioned issues:
 \item[\rm{1.}]	A written sketching test that will consist of two kinds of items: A) Students will be required to sketch a graph that matches a textual description of a physical phenomenon; B) Students will be required to write a verbal description of a physical phenomenon that is represented by a graph. 
-\item[{\rm 2.}]	A written physics content test that assesses studentsŐ conceptual understanding of phenomena similar to those used in the sketching test. We currently plan on using the Force Concept Inventory (FCI)~\cite{fci}, for which already several years of pre- and post-test scores exist for the course initially under investigation.
+\item[{\rm 2.}]	A written physics content test that assesses studentsŐ conceptual understanding of phenomena similar to those used in the sketching test. We currently plan on using the Force Concept Inventory (FCI)~\cite{fci} in the first semester (several years of pre- and post-test scores already exist for the course initially under investigation), and the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism 
+(CSEM)~\cite{csem} for the second semester (baseline data will need to be collected in the first year of the project before the introduction of the tool).
 Both tests will address some physics concepts that were learned in conjunction with sketching skills and some that were learned with no connection to sketching.
 Analysis of both data sources will allow us to determine whether difficulties student faced in the sketching test were due to limited sketching abilities or to a limited conceptual understanding of the physics involved.  It will allow us to determine whether skill at sketching is content-dependent and whether sketching practice had any impact on studentsŐ conceptual understanding.
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 deploy the Test of Understanding Graphs in Kinematics (TUG-K)~\cite{beichner} in consecutive semesters, both before and after introducing the problems
 \item analyze the online discussions around these different problem types, which are a rich source of information~\cite{kortemeyer05ana,kortemeyer07correl}. Using the same technique, it was found that different problem types lead to different student discussion behavior.
+The initial phases of the project will be carried out in an introductory calculus-based physics course taught by the PIs at Michigan State University and North Dakota State University. The course at MSU has regular lecture, lab, and recitation sessions, however, it does not use a textbook. Instead, all materials and homework are available online in LON-CAPA. The course at NDSU has a regular textbook, but already uses LON-CAPA for homework.
 The tool itself and its documentation will be included in the production version of LON-CAPA and thus become part of the regular distribution. The tool will be presented at the annual LON-CAPA conferences and included in the training workshops. 
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 Research results will be published in the standard journals, including The Physics Teacher for application studies, and the American Journal of Physics or the Physical Review ST-PER cognitive studies. Presentations will be given at the American Association of Physics Teachers conferences and associated PER conferences.
 \section{Project Management}
-The primary project responsibility will be with the PI, Gerd Kortemeyer. Dr. Kortemeyer will supervise the postdoctoral associate in physics education research, who will assist in both the content development and the study of the educational effectiveness. Stuart Raeburn will be the lead programmer for the tool development. All coding efforts will be coordinated with the LON-CAPA Technical Director, Guy Albertelli.  Sarah Swierenga, Director of the Usability \& Accessibility Center at MSU, will be responsible for the direction of the usability and accessibility study.
+The primary project responsibility will be with the PI, Gerd Kortemeyer. Dr.~Fortus will coordinate the educational research component, and together with and Dr.~Kortemeyer  supervise the postdoctoral associate in physics education research, who will assist in both the content development and the study of the educational effectiveness. Drs.~Denton and Kortemeyer will develop the problems and use them in their courses, which will be the venue for the evaluation of the tool. Stuart Raeburn will be the lead programmer for the tool development. All coding efforts will be coordinated with the LON-CAPA Technical Director, Guy Albertelli.  Sarah Swierenga, Director of the Usability \& Accessibility Center at MSU, will be responsible for the direction of the usability and accessibility study.
 \section{Project Timeline}
-\subsection{Year 1}
-The rule set format as well as the fuzziness algorithms are defined. Prototypes are implemented and tested, followed by the development of the production version (section~\ref{tool}).
-\subsection{Year 2}
+\item[Year 1]
+The rule set format as well as the fuzziness algorithms are defined. Prototypes are implemented and tested, followed by the development of the production version (section~\ref{tool}). Baseline data collection for the Test of Understanding Graphs in Kinematics(TUG-K)~\cite{beichner} and the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism 
+(CSEM)~\cite{csem} .
+\item[Year 2]
 The usability (section \ref{usability}) and accessibility (section~\ref{accessibility}) testing will be carried out, as well as an initial formative educational evaluation of the tool in focus group settings 
 (section~\ref{education}). In parallel, content for the tool is developed (section~\ref{content}).
-\subsection{Year 3}
+\item[Year 3]
 The tool becomes part of the LON-CAPA production releases.
-The assessment of its educational effectiveness (section \ref{education}) in carried out in a production setting. Results are analyzed and published, as well as presented at conferences (section~\ref{dissemination}).
+The summative assessment of its educational effectiveness (section \ref{education}) is carried out in a production setting. Results are analyzed and published, as well as presented at conferences (section~\ref{dissemination}).
 \section{Qualifications of the PIs}
 \item[Gerd Kortemeyer] is an assistant professor of physics education at Michigan State University. He has taught introductory calculus-based physics for a number of years. He is the Principal Investigator of the LON-CAPA Project (section~\ref{loncapa}), has contributed to its code base, and has authored more than 1200 online resources (problems, text pages, and images) within the system. In addition, he is currently authoring problem for the Serway physics textbook~\cite{serway}, and authored a book on numerical coprocessors with a significant portion devoted to discrete signal processing~\cite{copro}.
