[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /debugging_tools make_slots.pl

albertel lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Tue, 31 May 2005 21:35:53 -0000

albertel		Tue May 31 17:35:53 2005 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/debugging_tools	make_slots.pl 
  - added some documentation and some more slots to my example
Index: loncom/debugging_tools/make_slots.pl
diff -u loncom/debugging_tools/make_slots.pl:1.2 loncom/debugging_tools/make_slots.pl:1.3
--- loncom/debugging_tools/make_slots.pl:1.2	Mon Mar 28 16:51:21 2005
+++ loncom/debugging_tools/make_slots.pl	Tue May 31 17:35:51 2005
@@ -8,8 +8,40 @@
     warn "Unable to tie to $fname";
+slots can have these parts;:
+  starttime - unix time that a slot start
+  endtime - unix time that a slot ends
+  type - either 'preassigned' or 'scheduleable_student'
+         (controls whether slotrequest.pm will allow one to select it)
+  ip - comma seperated list of ip address or wildcard ranges or
+       wilcard hostnames, or [] style range of allowable client IP
+       addresses
+  proctor - comma seperated list of user@domain that can checkin a user
+  description - string that will displayed to people when talking about 
+                this slot
+  maxspace - integer (number of people that can schedule this space)
+             (if unspecfied no limit is used)
+Possibly Need: (but not yet supported)
+  symb - arrayref of symbs that can be scheduled to be done in this slot
+  uniqperiod - if the user has a reservation that has a uniqpersion
+               that overlaps this dn't allow them to schedule this
+               reservation
+	'type'      => 'preassigned',
 	'starttime' => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
 	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 01:00:00 2004","%s"),
 	'ip'        => "*albertelli.com",
@@ -17,6 +49,7 @@
+	'type'      => 'preassigned',
 	'starttime' => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2006","%s"),
 	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2006","%s"),
 	'ip'        => "*albertelli.com",
@@ -24,15 +57,41 @@
+	'type'      => 'preassigned',
+	'description' => 'slot3',
 	'starttime' => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
 	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2006","%s"),
+        'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
 	'ip'        => "",
+	'ip'        => "*albertelli.com",
 	'proctor'   => 'testuser@annarbor',
+	'type'      => 'preassigned',
+	'starttime' => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
+	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2006","%s"),
+	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
+	'ip'        => "*albertelli.com",
+	'proctor'   => 'testuser@annarbor',
+    });
+    &freeze_escape({
+	'type'      => 'schedulable_student',
+	'description' => 'Aug 30th 4 P.M., Room 123 Kedzie',
+	'starttime' => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
+	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2006","%s"),
+	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
+	'ip'        => "*albertelli.com",
+	'proctor'   => 'testuser@annarbor',
+    });
+    &freeze_escape({
+	'type'      => 'schedulable_student',
+	'description' => 'Aug 31th 4 P.M., Room 222 Computer Center',
 	'starttime' => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
 	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2006","%s"),
+	'endtime'   => &UnixDate("Aug 30th 00:00:00 2004","%s"),
 	'ip'        => "*albertelli.com",
 	'proctor'   => 'testuser@annarbor',