[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/roleclicker description.tex

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Mon, 23 May 2005 13:06:38 -0000

www		Mon May 23 09:06:38 2005 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /modules/gerd/roleclicker	description.tex 
  Eric and Martin changes
Index: modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.82 modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.83
--- modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.82	Sun May 22 22:32:34 2005
+++ modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex	Mon May 23 09:06:37 2005
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 We will initially focus on physics content, where a broad research base on existing techniques already exists, and where research-based content for Peer Instruction using clickers is readily available. 
 We will work with undergraduate students in introductory algebra- and calculus-based physics courses at a spectrum of institutions. In the final phase of the project, we will expand into a 600 student
-introductory biology course at MSU in order to test the transferability of our results and the scalability of our implementation.
+introductory biology course at MSU, which is already using clickers for Peer Instruction and LON-CAPA for homework and materials, in order to test the transferability of our results and the scalability of our implementation.
 \subsection{Project Partners}
 \item Gerd Kortemeyer (Physics), Guy Albertelli (Instructional Technology), Mark Urban-Lurain (Science Education), Edwin Kashy (Physics), Wolfgang Bauer (Physics), Gary Westfall (Physics), Walter Benenson (Physics), and John Merrill (Director, Biological Sciences Program) at Michigan State University
@@ -368,47 +368,75 @@
 Table~\ref{timeline} provides an overview of the proposed project activities across years and participating institutions.
 \caption{\small Proposed timeline by year and institution\label{timeline}}
-Year 1&System Integration ILT/BQ to LT3\newline
-LT3 seating map \newline
-System integration LT3/LON-CAPA \newline
-Baseline data collection; traditional PI
-&Translation of ConcepTest Library into LON-CAPA format
-System Integration LT3/LON-CAPA\newline
-Baseline data collection, traditional PI \newline
-&System Integration ILT/BQ to LT3\newline
-LT3 seating map \newline
-Baseline data collection, traditional PI
+Year 1&
+\item System Integration ILT/BQ to LT3
+\item LT3 seating map
+\item System integration LT3/LON-CAPA
+\item Baseline data collection; traditional PI
+\item Translation of ConcepTest Library into LON-CAPA format
+\item System Integration LT3/LON-CAPA
+\item Baseline data collection, traditional PI 
+\item System Integration ILT/BQ to LT3
+\item LT3 seating map
+\item Baseline data collection, traditional PI
 Year 2&
-Data collection: non-randomized questions, guided group formation\newline
-Test and improvement of software integration
-& Data collection: randomized questions, different question types \newline
-Test and improvement of software integration
-& Data collection: non-randomized question, guided group formation \newline
-Test and improvement of software integration 
+\item Data collection: non-randomized questions, guided group formation
+\item Test and improvement of software integration
+\item Preliminary data analysis from all three institutions, refinement of procedure
+\item Data collection: randomized questions, different question types
+\item Test and improvement of software integration
+\item Data collection: non-randomized question, guided group formation
+\item Test and improvement of software integration
-Year 3&Dissemination \newline
-Data collection: randomized questions, non-randomized questions, guided group formation \newline
-Test and improvement of software integration
-&Dissemination \newline
-Data collection: randomized questions, non-randomized questions, guided group formation,
-including additional large enrollment courses.\newline
-Test and improvement of software integration 
-&Dissemination \newline
-Data collection: randomized questions, non-randomized questions, guided group formation \newline
-Test and improvement of software integration 
+Year 3&
+\item Dissemination
+\item Data collection: randomized questions, non-randomized questions, guided group formation
+\item Test and improvement of software integration
+\item Data analysis
+\item Dissemination
+\item Data collection: randomized questions, non-randomized questions, guided group formation,
+including additional large enrollment courses.
+\item Test and improvement of software integration
+\item Dissemination
+\item Data collection: randomized questions, non-randomized questions, guided group formation 
+\item Test and improvement of software integration
 \subsection{Year 1}
-Dr. Kortemeyer will work with the Harvard group to migrate the CT content library from the ILT to the LON-CAPA system. 
+Dr. Kortemeyer will work with the Harvard group to migrate the CT content library from the ILT to the LON-CAPA system, so that the same set of questions can be used at all three institutions. 
 Drs.~Kortemeyer and Kashy will use part of the summer of the first year to derive different response-type and randomizing versions of ConcepTest questions, see Figs.~\ref{repre} and \ref{rando}.
 The Harvard and Erskine groups will finish the 
 integration of the ILT and the BQ program (LT3) and implement a seating map for Computer-Guided Group Formation. All three groups will collect baseline data using the traditional form
@@ -420,12 +448,13 @@
 The Harvard and Erskine groups will work with the MSU group to extend the integration to make randomization possible in both systems. In turn, all teams will
 work together to implement a seating map within the LON-CAPA framework. 
  The system integration carried out in Year 1 will be  tested and used to collect data as described in
-Section~\ref{method}. In addition, student assistants will continue their data collection of student discussions. A comparative study will be carried out and analyzed in cooperation with
+Section~\ref{method}. MSU will perform a preliminary data analysis from data gathered at all three institutions, and refine the procedure used by the student assistants, which will continue their data collection of student discussions. A comparative study will be carried out and analyzed in cooperation with
 the education PIs.
 \subsection{Year 3}
 On the basis of the research in the previous two years, the most successful parts of the three software components will be tightly integrated into one software package.
-All three groups collect data as described in Section~\ref{method}, now including the large enrollment biology course as well as additional physics courses at MSU (total enrollment: 1400).  
+All three groups collect data as described in Section~\ref{method}, now including the large enrollment biology course as well as additional physics courses at MSU (instructors: Wolfgang Bauer, Gary Westfall, and John Merrill;
+total enrollment: 1400).  
 The comparative study will be completed and analyzed in cooperation with the education PIs. The software platform will be prepared for broad application. The results will
 be disseminated through publications and talks.