[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/roleclicker description.tex

mvogt lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Thu, 19 May 2005 20:55:49 -0000

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    /modules/gerd/roleclicker	description.tex 
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Index: modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.73 modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.74
--- modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.73	Thu May 19 14:05:07 2005
+++ modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex	Thu May 19 16:55:47 2005
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 In the initial phase, the Interactive Learning Toolkit will be integrated with BQ, forming a new software package called LT3 (Learning Together Through Technology).  At the moment, the
 combined software already allows to collect and analyze the PRS responses from Peer Instruction using BQ in class.
-Instructors will be able to run LT3 in three formats: (a) completely off a server, (b) completely off the instructors server or (c) in a modularized from, where the 
+Instructors will be able to run LT3 in three formats: (a) completely off a server, (b) completely off the instructors computer or (c) in a modularized from, where the 
 ILT functionality is kept on a server and the Interactive Classroom component is running off a computer in the classroom. After initial tests, option (c) has been
 found to be the most optimal solution for a large classroom environment. In this solution, instructors continue to prepare the content for the class by browsing
 the CT data base and integrate CTs into a given lecture. The CTs are then uploaded to the computer running the Interactive Classroom portion of the LT3. After each
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
 LON-CAPA currently has the ability to present a wide variety of question types, which however require more advanced client-functionality (Fig.~\ref{pdaview}). The main testbed for this functionality will be at MSU, where
-a classroom will be outfit with 120 Dell Axim X3 PDAs (purchased by MSU). LON-CAPA in the past has shown to be scalable enough to handle the ensuing peak workloads. We will classify the question types as follows
+a classroom will be outfit with 120 Dell Axim X3 PDAs (purchased by MSU). The Erskine College group will use laptops/desktops/thin clients (purchased by the college). LON-CAPA in the past has shown to be scalable enough to handle the ensuing peak workloads. We will classify the question types as follows
  (adapted from Redish~\cite{redish}):
 \noindent{\it Single-Response Multiple-Choice:} The most basic and most easily computer-evaluated type of question, where only one option is correct,
@@ -577,176 +577,9 @@
 \bibitem{johnson} D. W. Johnson, R. T. Johnson, E. Holubec, {\it Circles of Learning: Cooperation in the Classroom}, Interaction Book Company (1990).
 \bibitem{pascarella02} Andrea M. Pascarella, {\it CAPA (Computer-Assisted Personalized Assignments) in a Large University Setting}, Ph.D. (Physics) dissertation, 
 University of Colorado (2002).
-% Currently unused ======================================================                                                                                                                                        
-% Question types
-Deborah A. Kashy, Guy Albertelli, Guy Ashkenazi, Edwin Kashy, Hon-Kie Ng, and Michael Thoennessen,
+\bibitem{kashyd01}Deborah A. Kashy, Guy Albertelli, Guy Ashkenazi, Edwin Kashy, Hon-Kie Ng, and Michael Thoennessen,
 {\it Individualized interactive exercises: a promising role for network technology},
 Proc. Frontiers in Education, ISBN 0-7803-6669-7, 31, 1073-1078 (2001)
-Richard N. Steinberg and Mel S. Sabella,
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-Phys. Teach., 35, 150-155 (1997)
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-\bibitem{physlets} Wolfgang Christian et al., {\it Physlets}, http://webphysics.davidson.edu/Applets/Applets.html
-% Quantitative
-\bibitem{mref19} Dougherty, R.C., C.W. Bowen, T. Berger, W. Rees, E.K. Melton, and E. Pulliam,
-{\it Cooperative learning and enhanced communication: Effects on student performance,
-retention, and attitudes in general chemistry}, Journal of Chemical Education, 72 (9), 793-
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-Chemical Education 76 (1), 120-124 (1999), Cited at
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-Classrooms}, The Physics Teacher, 40, 206-209 (2002), cited at
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-Phys. Teach., 20, 151-157 (1982)
-Michelle T. H. Chi, Paul J. Feltovich, and Robert Glaser,
-{\it Categorization and representation of physics problems by experts and novices},
-Cognitive Science, 5, 121-152 (1981)
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-\bibitem{foster} T. M. Foster, {\it The Development of Students' Problem-Solving Skill from Instruction Emphasizing Qualitative Problem-Solving}, dissertation, University of Minnesota (2000)
-\bibitem{kotas} P. Kotas, Homework Behavior in an Introductory Physics Course, Masters Thesis (Physics), Central Michigan University (2000)
-\bibitem{minaei}  Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, William. F. Punch, {\it Using Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining Optimization in an Educational Web-based System}, Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (2003)
-\bibitem{wallace} Raven M. Wallace, {\it Online Learning in Higher Education: a review of research on interactions among teachers and students}, Education, Communication and Information, 
-{\bf 3}(2), 241 (2003)
-\bibitem{riffell1} Samuel K. Riffell and Duncan F. Sibley, {\it Can hybrid course formats increase attendance in undergraduate environmental science courses?},  Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, in press (2003)  
-\bibitem{riffell2} Samuel K. Riffell and Duncan F. Sibley, {\it Student perceptions of a hybrid learning format: can online exercises replace traditional lectures?}, Journal of College Science Teaching, {\bf 32}(6), 394-399 (2003)
-\bibitem{mref14} Johnson, David W., Roger T. Johnson, and Karl A. Smith, {\it Active Learning: Cooperation in
-the College Classroom}, Interaction Book Co., Edina, MN (1991), and references therein;
-Bruffee, Kenneth A., {\it Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interdependence and the
-Authority of Knowledge}, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (1999).
-\bibitem{mref15} Johnson, D.W., and R, Johnson, {\it Cooperation and Competition: Theory and Research},
-Interaction Book Co, Edina, MN (1989).
-\bibitem{mref16} Treisman, Philip Uri. {\it A Study of the Mathematics Achievement of Black Students at the
-University of California, Berkeley}, unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of
-California, Berkeley, Professional Development Program (1985).
-\bibitem{mref17} Fullilove, Robert E., and Philip Uri Treisman, {\it Mathematics achievement among African
-American undergraduates at the University of California, Berkeley: An evaluation of the
-Mathematics Workshop Program}, The Journal of Negro Education, 59 (3), 463-478 (1990)
-\bibitem{mref18} Treisman, Uri, {\it Studying students studying calculus: A look at the lives of minority students
-in college}, The College Mathematics Journal 23 (5), 362-372 (1992).
-\bibitem{mref24} Paulson, Donald R, {\it Active learning and cooperative learning in the organic chemistry
-lecture class}, Journal of Chemical Education, 76 (8), 1136-1140 (1999), Cited at
-\bibitem{russell} T. L. Russell, {\it The No Significant Difference Phenomenon, A Comparative Research Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Distance Education as Reported in 355 Research Reports, Summaries, and Papers}, ISBN 0-9668936-0-3 (2001)
-% Intro
-\bibitem{feynmanCharacter} Richard Feynman, {\it The Character of Physical Law}, The MIT Press, ISBN 0 262 56003 8 (1967)
-\bibitem{student} Student online discussion contribution, "Introductory Physics for Scientists and Engineers," phy183, Michigan State University (2004)
-\bibitem{heuvelen} Alan Van Heuvelen, {\it Learning to think like a physicist: A review of research-based instructional strategies}, Am. J. Phys. {\bf 59}(10), 891-897 (1991)
-\bibitem{fuller} Robert G. Fuller, {\it Solving physics problems --- how do we do it?}, Phys. Today {\bf  35}(9), 43-47 (1982)
-\bibitem{bransford} John D. Bransford, Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking (editors), {\it How people learn (expanded edition)}, National Research Council, ISBN 0-309-07036-8 (2000)
-\bibitem{pellegrino} James. W. Pellegrino, Naomi Chudowsky, and Robert Glaser (editors), {\it Knowing what students know}, National Academy Press, ISBN 0-309-07272-7 (2001)
-\bibitem{arons} Arnold B. Arons, {\it Teaching Introductory Physics}, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-13707-3 (1997)
-\bibitem{mazur} Eric Mazur, {\it Peer Instruction}, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-565441-b (1997)
-\bibitem{larkin} J. Larkin, J. McDermott, D. P. Simon, and H. A. Simon,  {\it Expert and novice performance in solving physics problems}, Science {\bf 208}, 1335-1342 (1980)
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-\bibitem{hammer} David Hammer, {\it More than misconceptions: Multiple perspectives on student knowledge and reasoning, and an appropriate role for education research}, Am. J. Phys. {\bf 64}, 1316-1325 (1996)
-\bibitem{thoennessen} M. Thoennessen and M. J. Harrison, {\it Computer-Assisted Assignments in a Large Physics Class}, Comp. Educ. {\bf 27}, 141 (1996)
-\bibitem{kashy00} E. Kashy, M. Thoennessen Y. Tsai, N. E. Davis, and G. Albertelli II, {\it Melding Network Technology with Traditional Teaching: Enhanced Achievement in a 500-Student Course}, Chapter in {\it Interactive Learning: Vignettes from America's Most Wired Campuses}, 
-David G. Brown (editor), Anker Publishing Company, Boston, 51, ISBN 1-882982-29-0 (2000)
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-% Intellectual
-\bibitem{pasc04} Andrea M. Pascarella, {\it The Influence of Web-Based Homework on Quantitative Problem-Solving in a University Physics Class}, Proceedings of the NARST 2004 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2004)
-\bibitem{kashyda} D.A. Kashy, G. Albertelli, E. Kashy, and M. Thoennessen, {\it Network Technology as a Complementary Tool in Higher Education: An Examination of Educational and Cost Effectiveness}, Chapter in ``Monograph on the Mellon CEUTT Program'', edited by Saul Fisher, Mellon Foundation (2002)
-S. Bonham, R. Beichner, and D. Deardorff,  {\it On-line Homework: Does it Make a Difference?}, Phys. Teach., {\bf 39}(5), 293-296  (2001)
-\bibitem{kashyd01b} D. A. Kashy, G. Albertelli, G. Ashkenazi, E. Kashy, H.-K. Ng, and M. Thoennessen, {\it Individualized Interactive Exercises: A Promising Role for Network Technology}, Proceedings, Frontiers in Education Conference (2001)
-% Prelim
-\bibitem{novak} Gregor Novak, Andrew Gavrin, Wolfgang Christian, and Evelyn Patterson,
-{\it Just-In-Time Teaching : Blending Active Learning with Web Technology}, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-085034-9 (1999)
-\bibitem{feedback} Matthew Hall, Joyce Parker, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, Guy Albertelli, Gerd Kortemeyer, and Edwin Kashy, {\it Gathering and Timely Use of Feedback from Individualized On-Line Work}, Frontiers in Education (2004)
-\bibitem{mcdermottprob} Lillian C. McDermott, Peter S. Shaffer, and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington, {\it Tutorials in Introductory Physics, Homework}, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-954629-4 (1998)
-\bibitem{galileo} Project Galileo, {\tt http://galileo.harvard.edu/}
-% Mazur background
-\bibitem{mazur1} "Qualitative vs. quantitative thinking: Are we teaching the right thing?," Eric Mazur, Optics and
-Photonics News 3, 38-38 (1992).
-\bibitem{mazur2} "Science lectures: A relic of the past," Eric Mazur, Physics World 9, 13-14 (1996).
-\bibitem{mazur3} "The problem with problems," Eric Mazur, Optics and Photonics News 6, 59-60 (1996).
-\bibitem{mazur4} Peer Instruction: A User's Manual, Eric Mazur, Series in Educational Innovation, (Prentice Hall,
-Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997), 253 pages.
-\bibitem{mazur5} "Peer Instruction: Getting students to think in class," Eric Mazur, in The Changing Role of Physics
-Departments in Modern Universities, Part Two: Sample Classes, eds. Edward F. Redish and John S.
-Rigden, AIP Conference Proceedings 399, pp. 981-988 (American Institute of Physics, Woodbury,
-NY, 1997).
-\bibitem{mazur6} "Understanding or memorization: Are we teaching the right thing?" Eric Mazur, in the proceedings
-of the Conference on the Introductory Physics Course, ed. Jack Wilson, 113-124 (Wiley, New York,
-\bibitem{mazur7} "Peer Instruction: An interactive approach for large classes," Catherine H. Crouch, Optics and
-Photonics News 9 (9), 37-41 (1998).
-\bibitem{mazur8} "Closing the gender gap in introductory physics," Catherine H. Crouch, Emily Fair Oster, and Eric
-Mazur," presented at the American Physical Society Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 1999;
-manuscript in preparation.
-\bibitem{mazur9} "Confusion: Students' perception vs. reality", Eric Mazur and Catherine H. Crouch; "ConcepTests in
-introductory physics: What do students get out of them?"; "Demonstrations: Education or mere
-entertainment?", J. Paul Callan, Catherine H. Crouch, Nan Shen, and Eric Mazur; "Factors that make
-Peer Instruction work: A 700-user survey," Adam P. Fagen, Tun- Kai Yang, Catherine H. Crouch,
-and Eric Mazur, all presented at the Winter Meeting of the American Association of Physics
-Teachers, Kissimmee, FL, January 2000.
-\bibitem{mazur10} "Peer Instruction: Ten Years of Experience and Results," Catherine H. Crouch and Eric Mazur,
-American Journal of Physics 69, 970-977 (2001).
-\bibitem{mazur11} "Peer Instruction: Results from a Range of Classrooms," Adam P. Fagen, Catherine H. Crouch, and
-Eric Mazur, The Physics Teacher, 40, 206-209 (2002).
-\bibitem{mazur12} "Classroom Demonstrations: Learning Tools or Entertainment?" Catherine H. Crouch, Adam P.
-Fagen, J. Paul Callan, and Eric Mazur, American Journal of Physics, 72, 835-838 (2004).
-Deborah A. Kashy, Guy Albertelli, Wolfgang Bauer, Edwin Kashy, and Michael Thoennessen,
-{\it Influence of non-moderated and moderated discussion sites on student success},
-Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 7, 31-36 (2003)
-Gregor M. Novak, Evelyn T. Patterson, Andrew D. Gavrin, and Wolfgang Christian,
-{\it Just-in-time teaching: blending active learning with web technology},
-ISBN 0-13-085034-9, Prentice Hall (1999)
