[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/roleclicker description.aux description.log description.pdf
Wed, 23 Feb 2005 21:08:25 -0000
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mvogt Wed Feb 23 16:08:25 2005 EDT
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/modules/gerd/roleclicker description.aux description.log
Schoenen Gruss.
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Index: modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.aux
diff -u modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.aux:1.2 modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.aux:1.3
--- modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.aux:1.2 Tue Feb 22 14:53:20 2005
+++ modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.aux Wed Feb 23 16:08:24 2005
@@ -23,6 +23,30 @@
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}``Thinking like a Physicist"}{2}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4}The Problem with Problems - Hypotheses}{3}}
@@ -35,7 +59,9 @@
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}``Thinking like a Physicist"}{2}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5}Intellectual Merit}{4}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.6}Broader Impact/Diversity}{4}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7}Peer-Instruction}{4}}
@@ -54,131 +80,105 @@
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4}The Problem with Problems - Hypotheses}{3}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.5}Collaborative learning}{3}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.8}Collaborative learning}{5}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.6}Interactive Learning Toolkit}{4}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.7}Intellectual Merit}{7}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.8}Broader Impact/Diversity}{7}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Background and Environment}{7}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}PI Education and Appointments}{7}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2}Institutional Environment}{7}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}Model System: The Learning{\it Online} Network with CAPA}{8}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Background and Environment}{6}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}Institutional Environment}{6}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2}Model System: Interactive Learning Toolkit}{6}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}Model System: The Learning{\it Online} Network with CAPA}{7}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Web-rendering of the same LON-CAPA problem for two different students. }}{8}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.1}Shared Distributed Content Repository}{8}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.2}Formative and Summative Assessment Capabilities}{8}}
-\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Web-rendering of the same LON-CAPA problem for two different students. }}{9}}
-\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Rendering of a problem on PDA devices }}{9}}
-\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Example an individual student view for problem analysis.}}{10}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.3}Course Management}{10}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.4}Analysis Capabilities}{10}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Rendering of a problem on PDA devices }}{9}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.3}Course Management}{9}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2.3.4}Analysis Capabilities}{9}}
-\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Example of a course-wide problem analysis for the problem Fig.\nobreakspace {}3\hbox {}.}}{11}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.4}Courses}{11}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Classification of Online Formative Assessment Problems}{11}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Example an individual student view for problem analysis.}}{10}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.4}Courses}{10}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Classification of Online Formative Assessment Problems}{10}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Example of a course-wide problem analysis for the problem Fig.\nobreakspace {}3\hbox {}.}}{11}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Example of two LON-CAPA problems addressing the same concepts. The problem on the left is a conventional short-numerical-answer problem, while the problem on the right is of type ``multiple-choice multiple-response."}}{12}}
+\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces Example of two LON-CAPA problems addressing the same concepts in two different representations. The problem on the left is a conventional short-numerical-answer problem, while the problem on the right requires ``representation-translation."}}{12}}
-\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces Example of two LON-CAPA problems addressing the same concepts in two different representations. The problem on the left is a conventional short-numerical-answer problem, while the problem on the right requires ``representation-translation."}}{13}}
+\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Classification scheme for question types, adapted from Redish\nobreakspace {}\cite {redish}, see Sect.\nobreakspace {}3\hbox {}. The symbols denote different components of the project, i.e., ``A" - additional analysis tool development (Sect.\nobreakspace {}4.2.2\hbox {}); ``G" - additional scalable grading tool development (Sect.\nobreakspace {}4.2.1\hbox {}); ``M" - additional materials development (Sect.\nobreakspace {}4.1\hbox {}); ``S" - this question type will be included in the study of its impact (sections\nobreakspace {}1.4\hbox {} and 5\hbox {}).}}{13}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Preliminary Project Components}{13}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}Additional Materials Development}{13}}
-\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Classification scheme for question types, adapted from Redish\nobreakspace {}\cite {redish}, see Sect.\nobreakspace {}3\hbox {}. The symbols denote different components of the project, i.e., ``A" - additional analysis tool development (Sect.\nobreakspace {}4.2.2\hbox {}); ``G" - additional scalable grading tool development (Sect.\nobreakspace {}4.2.1\hbox {}); ``M" - additional materials development (Sect.\nobreakspace {}4.1\hbox {}); ``S" - this question type will be included in the study of its impact (sections\nobreakspace {}1.4\hbox {} and 5\hbox {}).}}{14}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}Additional Materials Development}{14}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}Additional Platform Development}{14}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {4.2.1}Scalable Functionality for Manual Grading of Free-Form Answers}{14}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {4.2.2}Additional Analysis Tools}{14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}Additional Platform Development}{14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {4.2.1}Scalable Functionality for Manual Grading of Free-Form Answers}{14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {4.2.2}Additional Analysis Tools}{14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Research Methodology}{14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}Establishment of Initial Conditions}{14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.1.1}Learner Attitudes, Beliefs, and Expectations}{14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.1.2}Learner Knowledge about the Topic}{14}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Research Methodology}{15}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}Establishment of Initial Conditions}{15}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.1.1}Learner Attitudes, Beliefs, and Expectations}{15}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.1.2}Learner Knowledge about the Topic}{15}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.1.3}Problem Difficulty and Baseline Statistical Data}{15}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}Observables}{15}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.1}Effectiveness}{15}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.2}Problem Solving Technique}{15}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.1.3}Problem Difficulty and Baseline Statistical Data}{15}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}Observables}{15}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.1}Effectiveness}{15}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.2}Problem Solving Technique}{15}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.3}Help-Seeking Behavior and Discussions}{15}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.4}Interviews}{15}}
\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Excerpts from online discussion around the two problems Fig.\nobreakspace {}6\hbox {}}}{16}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.3}Help-Seeking Behavior and Discussions}{16}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {5.2.4}Interviews}{16}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Involvement of Students in Research}{17}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Undergraduate}{17}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Graduate}{17}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Evaluation}{17}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Involvement of Students in Research}{16}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Undergraduate}{16}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Graduate}{16}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Evaluation}{16}}
+\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Project timeline}}{17}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8}Dissemination}{17}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9}Project Timeline}{17}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10}Results from Prior NSF Support}{17}}
-\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Project timeline}}{18}}
Index: modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.log
diff -u modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.log:1.2 modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.log:1.3
--- modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.log:1.2 Tue Feb 22 14:53:20 2005
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\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 The Learn-ing\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 Online \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Net-work w
ith Computer-Assisted Per-son-al-ized Ap-proach (\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 http://www.lo
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\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Review and re-fine-
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+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 691--692
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ment of re-search
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[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Recruitment of
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\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Visits to other
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\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Physics Ed-u-ca-tion
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[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Adaptation, im-ple-
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[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 First de-ploy-ment
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\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 of re-search meth-
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+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 698--698
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ods and it-er-a-tive
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+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 698--699
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Visits to other
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 688--689
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 698--699
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Physics Ed-u-ca-tion
-Underfull \hbox (badness 2538) in paragraph at lines 690--690
+Underfull \hbox (badness 2538) in paragraph at lines 700--700
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Refinement of new
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+Overfull \hbox (14.52333pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 685--705
@@ -381,13 +377,13 @@
Missing character: There is no ^^c3 in font cmti10!
Missing character: There is no ^^95 in font cmti10!
-Underfull \hbox (badness 1496) in paragraph at lines 795--798
+Underfull \hbox (badness 1496) in paragraph at lines 805--808
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Gerace, W., R. Dufresne, W. Leonard, and J. Mestre, "Minds-On
Physics: An in-te-grated
-Underfull \hbox (badness 2608) in paragraph at lines 795--798
+Underfull \hbox (badness 2608) in paragraph at lines 805--808
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 cur-ricu-lum for de-vel-op-ing concept-based problem-solving sk
ills in physics" (1999), Cited at
@@ -397,49 +393,49 @@
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 820--824
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 830--834
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Crouch, Cather-ine H.; and Eric Mazur, "Peer In-struc-tion: T
en Years of Ex-pe-
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 820--824
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 830--834
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ri-ence and Re-sults," Amer-i-can Jour-nal of Physics, 69, 970-
977 (2001), Cited at
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 820--824
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 830--834
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 http://scitation.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 846--849
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 856--859
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Kovac, Jef-frey, "Stu-dent Ac-tive Learn-ing Meth-ods in Gen-
eral Chem-
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+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 856--859
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 istry," Jour-nal of Chem-i-cal Ed-u-ca-tion 76 (1), 120-124 (19
99), Cited at
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+Underfull \hbox (badness 1270) in paragraph at lines 859--862
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Un-der-grad-u-ate Ed-u-ca-tion: A Blueprint for Amer-ica's Re-s
earch Uni-ver-si-ties" (1998) Cited at
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 856--859
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 866--869
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Paulson, Don-ald R, "Ac-tive learn-ing and co-op-er-a-tive le
arn-ing in the or-ganic chem-
-Underfull \hbox (badness 3701) in paragraph at lines 856--859
+Underfull \hbox (badness 3701) in paragraph at lines 866--869
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 istry lec-ture class," Jour-nal of Chem-i-cal Ed-u-ca-tion, 76
(8), 1136-1140 (1999), Cited at
@@ -449,19 +445,19 @@
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 866--870
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 876--880
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Fagen, A., C.H. Crouch and E. Mazur, "Peer In-struc-tion: Re-
sults from a
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 866--870
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 876--880
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Range of Class-rooms", The Physics Teacher, 40, 206-209 (2002),
Cited at
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 866--870
+Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 876--880
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 http://scitation.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=
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+ )
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9272 words of font info for 33 fonts, out of 500000 for 1000
14 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
- 25i,11n,19p,1186b,369s stack positions out of 1500i,500n,5000p,200000b,5000s
+ 25i,11n,19p,1190b,369s stack positions out of 1500i,500n,5000p,200000b,5000s
-Output written on description.dvi (23 pages, 106116 bytes).
+Output written on description.dvi (23 pages, 104400 bytes).
Index: modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.pdf