[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /help build_exam_guide.tex

vandui11 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 20:31:11 -0000

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Index: doc/help/build_exam_guide.tex
diff -u doc/help/build_exam_guide.tex:1.6 doc/help/build_exam_guide.tex:1.7
--- doc/help/build_exam_guide.tex:1.6	Wed Jan  5 12:42:17 2005
+++ doc/help/build_exam_guide.tex	Fri Jan 21 15:31:10 2005
@@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
+%% LyX 1.3 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
+%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
-\textbf{\LARGE{A Guide to Building Your Exam}}
-\vspace{.05in} \hrule height0.6pt \hfill \vspace{ .02in} \\
+\part*{A Guide to Building Your Exam}
 \section*{Creating a Folder}
@@ -26,11 +22,11 @@
 new documents to use in your course.
 \item Click the {[}New Folder{]} button and name accordingly. Ex: Exam 1
 \item You can choose to hide the folder by using the {[}Parameters{]} button.
-If you don't hide the folder, you will need to set the open and due
+If you donât hide the folder, you will need to set the open and due
 dates so that students will not be able to access the problems. 
 NOTE: You may wish to hide the folder so that students do not have
-access. Check the \textsf{Hidden} option next to your folder on the {[}DOCS{]}
+access. Check the Hidden option next to your folder on the {[}DOCS{]}
 screen. Click the {[}Store Parameters{]} button to save.
@@ -48,21 +44,22 @@
 you to the Set/Modify Course Parameters screen.
 \item Scroll down to the \textsf{Course Assessment Parameter - Table Mode}
-\item Choose your exam folder from the drop-down menu under \textsf {Select Enclosing
-Map or Folder}.
+\item Choose your exam folder from the drop-down menu under {[}Select Enclosing
+Map or Folder{]}.
 \item Click the {[}Set/Modify Course Parameters{]} button. This will load
 a new page with your Parameter Table at the bottom.
-\item Click the {[}--{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to \textsf{Question
-Type (type)}. This will give you a pop-up menu of question type
+\item Click the {[}--{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to {[}Question
+Type (type){]}. This will give you a pop-up menu of question type
-\item Select the {[}Exam{]} option and then click \underline{Store} to save
+\item Select the {[}Exam{]} option and then click \underliine{Store} to save
 your choice.
-\item Your Parameter Table will now show 'exam' in both the {[}Default Value{]}
+\item Your Parameter Table will now show âexamâ in both the {[}Default Value{]}
 column and the {[}Parameter in Effect{]} column. 
 \item You also need to set the number of bubbles for numerical questions.
-Click the {[}---{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to \textsf{Number
-of bubbles in exam mode (numbubbles)}. This will give you a pop-up
-menu of bubble number options. After specifying a number, click \underline{Store} to save your choice. 
+Click the {[}---{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to {[}Number
+of bubbles in exam mode (numbubbles){]}. This will give you a pop-up
+menu of bubble number options. After specifying a number, click the
+Store link to save your choice. 
 NOTE: The default number of bubbles is 8. LON-CAPA will generate random
 wrong answers if wrong answers are not coded in the problem. Ex: If
@@ -70,6 +67,79 @@
 5 bubbles will still appear. 
+\section*{Setting the Discussion Functions}
+\item There are four kinds of discussion functions available in LON-CAPA:
+chat, discussion, internal email, and portfolio. You may wish to deactivate
+these functions during an online exam.
+\item To set the chat function, select {[}PARM{]} on the Remote Control
+or Main Menu. This will take you to the Set/Modify Course Parameters
+\item Click the {[}Set Course Environment Parameters{]} button. This will
+take you to a new page. 
+\item Scroll down to {[}Disallow live chatroom use for Roles{]} or {[}Disallow
+live chatroom use for User{]}.
+\item To deactivate chat for specific roles, enter a comma-separated list
+of roles. Ex: {}``st'' for student. To deactivate chat for a specific
+user, enter username:domain.
+\item Check the {[}Set{]} option if it isn't checked by default already.
+\item Scroll down and click the {[}Set Course Environment{]} button. Changes
+will take effect the next time the user(s) enter the course.
+\item To set the discussion function, select {[}PARM{]} on the Remote Control
+or Main Menu. This will take you to the Set/Modify Course Parameters
+\item Scroll down to the \textsf{Course Assessment Parameter - Table Mode}
+\item Choose your exam folder from the drop-down menu under {[}Select Enclosing
+Map or Folder{]}.
+\item Click the {[}Set/Modify Course Parameters{]} button. This will load
+a new page with your Parameter Table at the bottom.
+\item Click the {[}---{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to {[}Discussion
+End Time{]}. This will give you a pop-up menu of date and time options.
+The drop-down menu will automatically direct you to specify the ending
+date. You can also specify the starting date or the time interval.
+After setting the date and time, click \underline{Store} to save your
+\subsection*{Internal Email}
+\item Select {[}COM{]} from the Remote Control or Main Menu. This will take
+you to the Communication and Messages screen.
+\item Click \underline{Configure blocking of student communication during exams} 
+NOTE: Students will still be able to access previous emails. They
+will be able to send emails, but cannot receive emails during the
+set time.
+\item Select the start and end dates and times for the exam and click the
+{[}Save Changes{]} button.
+NOTE: You MUST set an end date or communication will be blocked for
+all of the student's LON-CAPA courses.
+\item The portfolio function is available and viewable by students only.
+You will not be able to deactivate the portfolio during exams. 
 \section*{Printing Your Exam}
@@ -77,10 +147,10 @@
 \item Select one problem from the exam folder you created.
 \item Select {[}PRT{]} from the Remote Control or Main Menu. This will take
 you to the Printing Helper screen.
-\item Choose the \textsf{Problems from (name of folder) for anonymous students}
-printing option if you are using anonymous exams (exams without student
-names printed on them). Choose the \textsf{Problems from (name of folder)
-for selected students} printing option if you are using named exams
+\item Choose the {[}Problems from (name of folder) for anonymous students{]}
+printing option if you are using coded exams (exams without student
+names printed on them). Choose the {[}Problems from (name of folder)
+for selected students{]} printing option if you are using named exams
 (exams with student names printed on them). Click the {[}Next{]} button
 to continue.
 \item At the Select Students and Resources screen, you can choose the number
@@ -92,11 +162,11 @@
 \item Click the {[}Next{]} button to continue.
 \item You will be directed to the Creating PDF screen. Click \underline{Click here
-to download pdf}.
+to download pdf}
 \item After the PDFs are downloaded, you can print your exams. 
 NOTE: You will need to do some testing to add blank pages/columns
-to make sure the different student exams don't run together. 
+to make sure the different student exams donât run together. 
 \section*{Scoring Your Exam}
@@ -109,7 +179,7 @@
 take you to the Manual Grading/View Submission screen.
 \item Click the {[}Grade{]} scantron forms button. This will take you to
 the next Grading screen, where you will fill out the top section depending
-on if you use anonymous or named exams.
+on if you use coded or named exams.
 \item In the \textsf{Sequence to grade} section, the system will automatically
 select the sequence you are in. If you should be in another sequence,
 you can choose this sequence from the drop down menu.
@@ -118,15 +188,15 @@
 specify a scantron data file to upload by browsing for the data file
 and clicking the {[}Upload Scantron Data{]} button.
 \item In the \textsf{Format of data file} section, use MSU with CODE in separate
-location for anonymous exams and MSU without any CODE for named exams.
-\item Leave the \textsf{Saved CODES to validate against} section blank
+location for coded exams and MSU without any CODE for named exams.
+\item In the \textsf{Saved CODES to validate against} section: leave blank
 unless you saved the CODEs file earlier.
 \item In the \textsf{Each CODE is only to be used once} section, choose No
-if you don't use separately coded exams for each student. Ex: You
+if you donât use separately coded exams for each student. Ex: You
 use 10 variations for a class of 200. If you do use separately coded
 exams, leave the default Yes.
-\item In the \textsf{Options} section, check the \textsf{Do only previously skipped
-records} option only if you wish to go through all skipped records. If
+\item In the \textsf{Options} section, check the Do only previously skipped
+records option only if you wish to go through skipped records. If
 you select this option, you have to complete all of the skipped records.
 The file will erase if you exit without completing.
 \item Click the {[}Validate Scantron Records{]} button. This will take you
@@ -169,8 +239,8 @@
 \item After scoring the exam, unhide the folder if it is hidden. However,
-make sure your students can't access and retake the exam. 
-\item If anonymous exams were given, students will be able to view the randomized
+make sure your students canât access and retake the exam. 
+\item If coded exams were given, students will be able to view the randomized
 version of the paper exam they took, after scoring is completed.
 \item You can make the answers visible to your students by setting the answer
 date parameter.
@@ -178,17 +248,17 @@
 you to the Set/Modify Course Parameters screen.
 \item Scroll down to the \textsf{Course Assessment Parameter - Table Mode}
-\item Choose your exam folder from the drop-down menu under \textsf{Select 
-Enclosing Map or Folder}.
+\item Choose your exam folder from the drop-down menu under {[}Select Enclosing
+Map or Folder{]}.
 \item Click the {[}Set/Modify Course Parameters{]} button. This will load
 a new page, with your Parameter Table at the bottom.
-\item Click the {[}--{]} in the \textsf{Default Value} column next to 
-\textsf{Problem Answer Date (answerdate)}. This will give you a pop-up menu of 
-open answer date options.
+\item Click the {[}--{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to {[}Problem
+Answer Date (answerdate){]}. This will give you a pop-up menu of open
+answer date options.
 \item Set the open answer date and then click \underline{Store} to save your
-\item Your Parameter Table will now show the open answer date in the 
-\textsf{Default Value} column. 
+\item Your Parameter Table will now show the open date in both the {[}Default
+Value{]} column and the {[}Parameter in Effect{]} column. 
