[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /matthew/LON-CAPA_rpm buildnotes.txt

matthew lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Fri, 06 Aug 2004 16:15:56 -0000

matthew		Fri Aug  6 12:15:56 2004 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /modules/matthew/LON-CAPA_rpm	buildnotes.txt 
  Added text about building the perl rpms.
Index: modules/matthew/LON-CAPA_rpm/buildnotes.txt
diff -u modules/matthew/LON-CAPA_rpm/buildnotes.txt:1.1 modules/matthew/LON-CAPA_rpm/buildnotes.txt:1.2
--- modules/matthew/LON-CAPA_rpm/buildnotes.txt:1.1	Thu Aug  5 15:12:26 2004
+++ modules/matthew/LON-CAPA_rpm/buildnotes.txt	Fri Aug  6 12:15:56 2004
@@ -1,2 +1,195 @@
 Please see http://www.fedora.us/docs/rpm-packaging-guidelines.html
-for much useful information.
+for much useful information on spec files.
+Building specific perl module rpms
+I use cpan2rpm, http://perl.arix.com/cpan2rpm/, to build the perl modules.
+Typical invocation is handled by changing to the perl modules build directory
+(cpan/build/modulename-version) and executing:
+# cpan2rpm .
+Some modules require addition options.  See the incomplete table below for
+more information
+MODULE                              OPTIONS
+Authen-Krb4                         requires patch to compile
+Authen-Krb5                         requires patch to compile
+Bit::Vector                         --author=stbey
+Crypt-DES                           --author=dparis
+Crypt-IDEA                          --author=dparis
+Event                               --author=jprit
+HTML-Parser                         See below, --author=gaas
+Math-Cephes                         --make-no-test
+MIME-Base64                         --author=gaas --make-no-test
+Parse-RecDescent                    --author=dconway
+Spreadsheet-WriteExcel              requires patch to compile
+String-Similarity                   --author=mlehmann
+Text-Balanced                       --author=dconway
+LONCAPA requires a patched version of HTML::Parser.  The patch is
+listed below under "Patches".  You will need to build this module then
+edit the spec file to append '.loncapa' to the "Release:" value.
+diff -u HTML-Parser-3.26/hparser.c HTML-Parser-3.26.simpleslashfix/hparser.c
+--- HTML-Parser-3.26/hparser.c  Sun Mar 17 15:07:57 2002
++++ HTML-Parser-3.26.simpleslashfix/hparser.c   Fri Mar 22 13:23:17 2002
+@@ -1101,14 +1101,21 @@
+     hctype_t tag_name_first, tag_name_char;
+     hctype_t attr_name_first, attr_name_char;
+-    if (p_state->strict_names || p_state->xml_mode) {
++    if (p_state->strict_names) {
+        tag_name_first = attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NAME_FIRST;
+        tag_name_char  = attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NAME_CHAR;
+     }
+     else {
+-       tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
+-       attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
+-       attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
++       if (p_state->xml_mode) {
++           tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_SLASH_GT;
++           attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_SLASH_GT;
++           attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
++       }
++       else {
++           tag_name_first = tag_name_char = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
++           attr_name_first = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_GT;
++           attr_name_char  = HCTYPE_NOT_SPACE_EQ_GT;
++       }
+     }
+     s += 2;
+@@ -1165,8 +1172,11 @@
+            else {
+                char *word_start = s;
+                while (s < end && isHNOT_SPACE_GT(*s)) {
+-                   if (p_state->xml_mode && *s == '/')
+-                       break;
++                   if (p_state->xml_mode && *s == '/') {
++                       /* look ahead to see if the tag ends */
++                       if ((s+1)==end || *(s+1)=='>')
++                           break;
++                   }
+                    s++;
+                }
+                if (s == end)
+--- Makefile.PL.orig    2003-11-20 11:31:44.000000000 -0500
++++ Makefile.PL 2003-11-20 11:32:42.000000000 -0500
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+'NAME'     => 'Authen::Krb4',
+'VERSION_FROM' => 'Krb4.pm',
+# Remove '-lresolv' if you're not using KTH Kerberos libraries
+-    'LIBS'     => ['-L/usr/local/krb4/lib -lkrb -ldes -lresolv'],
++    'LIBS'     => ['-lkrb4 -ldes425 -lresolv'],
+'DEFINE'   => '',
+-    'INC'      => '-I/usr/local/krb4/include'
++    'INC'      => '-I/usr/include/kerberosIV',
+--- Makefile.PL.orig    2003-11-20 11:35:17.000000000 -0500
++++ Makefile.PL 2003-11-20 11:45:57.000000000 -0500
+@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
+# location of Kerberos 5 libraries
+-my $KRB5_LIBDIR = '/usr/local/krb5/lib';
++my $KRB5_LIBDIR = '/usr/lib';
+# any extra libraries?
+my $KRB5_EXTRALIBS = '';
+# location of Kerberos 5 includes
+-my $KRB5_INCDIR = '/usr/local/krb5/include';
++my $KRB5_INCDIR = '/usr/include';
+# any extra include flags?
+-my $KRB5_EXTRAINCS = '';
++my $KRB5_EXTRAINCS = '/usr/include/et';
+@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@
+'LIBS'     => ["-L${KRB5_LIBDIR} -lkrb5 ${cryptolib} -lcom_err",
+                $KRB5_EXTRALIBS ],
+'DEFINE'   => '',
+-    'INC'      => "-I${KRB5_INCDIR} $KRB5_EXTRAINCS"
++    'INC'      => "-I${KRB5_INCDIR} -I$KRB5_EXTRAINCS"
+[root@tmp6 Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-0.42]# diff -u Makefile.PL.orig Makefile.PL
+--- Makefile.PL.orig    2003-11-19 17:10:35.000000000 -0500
++++ Makefile.PL 2003-11-19 17:10:49.000000000 -0500
+@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@
+     'VERSION_FROM'  => 'WriteExcel.pm',
+     'NEEDS_LINKING' => 0,
+     'PREREQ_PM'     => {Parse::RecDescent => 0, File::Temp => 0},
+-    'dist'          => {COMPRESS => 'gzip -best', SUFFIX => 'gz'},
++    'dist'          => {COMPRESS => 'gzip --best', SUFFIX => 'gz'},
+ );