[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/concept description.tex pages.jpg

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    /modules/gerd/concept	description.tex pages.jpg 
  Concept paper start

Index: modules/gerd/concept/description.tex
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\noindent{\LARGE\sc Physics Education:\\ Does "Conceptual" mean "No Formulas?"}
Mathematics is {\it not} just another language. Mathematics is a language plus reasoning; it is a language plus logic. Mathematics is a tool for reasoning. It is in fact a big collection of the results of some person's careful thought and reasoning. By mathematics it is possible to connect one statement to another.
\begin{flushright}\sc Richard Feynman\cite{feynmanCharacter}\end{flushright}

If $N$ coils of wire, wound in the same sense, are connected, as for example in a solenoid, the induced emf is given by
\[\varepsilon=-N\frac{\Delta\Phi}{\Delta t}\]
which is the usual form in which Faraday's law is written.&
Electromagnetic induction can be summarized in the statement\vspace{2mm}

{\it\bf The induced voltage in a coil is proportional to the product of the number of loops and the rate at which the magnetic field changes within those loops.}\vspace{2mm}

This statement is called {\bf Faraday's Law}.\\\hline
The resistance of the wire is defined as the ratio of voltage to current; that is,
where $R$ is the resistance, $I$ is the current that flows through this resistance, and $V$ is the {\it potential drop} across the resistance.&
Ohm discovered that the amount of current in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage (emf) impressed across the circuit and is inversely proportional to the resistance in of the circuit. In short,
Or, in units form,
\caption{Ohm's and Faraday's Law stated in two textbooks,  {\it Principles of Physics} (Blatt\cite{blatt}) left, {\it Conceptual Physics} (Hewitt\cite{hewitt}) right}

\caption{Two textbook pages covering the same topic, {\it Principles of Physics} (Blatt\cite{blatt}) left, {\it Conceptual Physics} (Hewitt\cite{hewitt}) right}
% references
\bibitem{feynmanCharacter} Richard Feynman, {\it The Character of Physical Law}, The MIT Press, ISBN 0 262 56003 8
\bibitem{blatt} Frank J. Blatt, {\it Principles of Physics}, Allyn and Bacon, ISBN 0 205 11784 8
\bibitem{hewitt} Paul G. Hewitt, {\it Conceptual Physics}, Little, Brown, ISBN 0 673 39541 3