[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /albertel scanner.tcl
Sun, 08 Feb 2004 05:04:37 -0000
albertel Sun Feb 8 00:04:37 2004 EDT
Added files:
/modules/albertel scanner.tcl
- program to chat with the Scantron 1212 "Classroom Wizard"
- Escrow mode reject/accepts
- Validation of all fields on example form
- Can be used to send commands to the scanner to change options
- allow configuration of which fields are required, which are optional which should be ignored.
- do anything with the data once it has it
Index: modules/albertel/scanner.tcl
+++ modules/albertel/scanner.tcl
proc parseline { line imagear } {
upvar $imagear image
#puts "length is [string length $line]"
if { "\n" == [string index $line 0] } {
#puts "First is LF"
if { "\r" == [string index $line end] } {
#puts "Last is CR"
set line [string range $line 1 end-1]
#puts "length is [string length $line]"
for { set i [expr [string length $line]-1] } { $i >= 1 } { incr i -2} {
set linenumber [expr (([string length $line]-$i-1)/2)+1]
set char1 [scan [string index $line [expr $i-1]] "%c" ]
for { set j 0 } { $j < 6} {incr j } {
set char [expr ($char1 >> $j ) & 1]
# puts -nonewline $char
lappend image($linenumber) $char
set char2 [scan [string index $line [expr $i]] "%c" ]
for { set j 0 } { $j < 6} {incr j } {
set char [expr ($char2 >> $j ) & 1]
# puts -nonewline $char
lappend image($linenumber) $char
# puts " $linenumber"
# puts " [expr $i] [expr $i-1]"
proc getdata { imagear dataar } {
upvar $imagear image $dataar data
set alphabet [list A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]
set reject ""
#parse student id
for {set i 1} {$i <= 10 } {incr i} {
set found 0
for { set j 6 } { $j <= 15 } { incr j } {
if { [lindex $image($j) $i] } {
incr found
append data(studentid) "[expr $j-6]"
if {$found != 1} {
append reject "Student ID character $i invalid \n"
#parse quiz vers
set found 0
for { set j 6 } { $j <= 15 } { incr j } {
if { [lindex $image($j) $i] } {
incr found
append data(quizversion) [lindex $alphabet [expr $j-6]]
if {$found > 1} {
append reject "Quiz Version invalid \n"
if {$found < 1} {
set data(quizversion) ""
#parse Quiz I.D.
for {set i 17} {$i <= 19 } {incr i} {
set found 0
for { set j 2 } { $j <= 11 } { incr j } {
if { [lindex $image($i) $j] } {
incr found
append data(quizid) "[expr $j-2]"
if {$found != 1} {
append reject "Quiz ID character [expr $i-16] invalid \n"
#parse subjective score
set totalfound 0
set data(subjectivescore) 0
for {set i 21} {$i <= 22 } {incr i} {
set found 0
for { set j 7 } { $j <= 11 } { incr j } {
if { [lindex $image($i) $j] } {
incr found
incr totalfound
incr data(subjectivescore) [expr ((12-$j)+((22-$i)*5))*10]
if {$found > 1} {
append reject "Subjective score invalid \n"
for {set i 23} {$i <= 24 } {incr i} {
set found 0
for { set j 7 } { $j <= 11 } { incr j } {
if { [lindex $image($i) $j] } {
incr found
incr totalfound
incr data(subjectivescore) [expr ((11-$j)+((24-$i)*5))]
if {$found > 1} {
append reject "Subjective score invalid \n"
if { $data(subjectivescore) > 100 } {
append reject "Subjective Score greater than 100\n"
if { $totalfound > 2 } {
append reject "Subjective Score invalid, too many items bubbled in ($totalfound)\n"
if { $totalfound == 0 } { set data(subjectivescore) "" }
#parse answers
for {set i 21} {$i <= 45 } {incr i} {
set found 0
for { set j 1 } { $j <= 5 } { incr j } {
if { [lindex $image($i) $j] } {
incr found
append data(answer) [lindex $alphabet [expr $j-1]]
if {$found > 1} {
append reject "Answer on line [expr $i-20] has multiple bubbles filled in \n"
if {$found == 0} { append data(answer) " " }
return $reject
proc readdata {} {
global scanner
while { 1 } {
append line [read $scanner]
set lastchar [string index $line end]
if { $lastchar == "\r" } { break }
after 10
parseline $line image
set reject [getdata image data]
if { $reject != "" } {
puts "Reject Form: \n$reject"
sendcommand "3"
} else {
puts "Accept Form"
sendcommand "4"
parray data
proc sendcommand { command } {
global scanner
puts -nonewline $scanner $command
flush $scanner
proc readcommand {} {
global scanner
set line [gets stdin]
switch -glob $line {
q {
s* {
set command [string range $line 1 end]
puts "sending command to scanner $command"
sendcommand $command
puts "sent"
proc main {} {
global scanner
set scanner [open "/dev/ttyS1" "r+"]
fconfigure $scanner -blocking 0 -translation binary
fileevent $scanner readable readdata
fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
fileevent stdin readable readcommand
vwait c