[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/educause opensurvey.tex

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Thu, 07 Aug 2003 19:36:05 -0000

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www		Thu Aug  7 15:36:05 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /modules/gerd/educause	opensurvey.tex 
  Has "short" and "full" survey now.
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="www-20030807153605.txt"

Index: modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex:1.3 modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex:1.4
--- modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex:1.3	Tue Jul 29 17:07:48 2003
+++ modules/gerd/educause/opensurvey.tex	Thu Aug  7 15:36:05 2003
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -14,15 +14,16 @@
 3 --- {\it #5}\\
 4 --- {\it #6}\\
 5 --- {\it #7}
 &&\multicolumn{6}{l}{$\longmapsto$ #8}\\}
@@ -30,12 +31,52 @@
-\begin{question}{Your institution is~\ldots}2-year\opt4-year\optResearch\opt
-\end{question}\begin{question}{Fulltime equivalent students}$<$1,000\opt1,000--2,000\opt2,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--40,000\opt$>$40,000\opt\end{question}\begin{question}{Your primary job responsibility is~\ldots}Teaching\optResearch\optAdministration\optService\opt\end{question}
-\begin{question}{You are making decisions about the use of instructional technology on~\ldots}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
-\end{question}\begin{question}{Your primary teaching responsibilities are in~\ldots}Agriculture/Natural Resources\opt
+\fbox{\Large{\it For office use:}\quad
+Entry number:\qquad\qquad\qquad
+Entered by:\qquad\qquad\qquad}
+Course Management System\vspace{3mm}
+LON-CAPA Project\vspace{2mm}
+Michigan State University\vspace{2mm}
+{\tt http://www.lon-capa.org/}
+{\large Short survey: approx. {\bf 6 minutes}
+Full survey: additional approx. {\bf 10 minutes}}
+Supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF-ITR 0085921.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.    
+{\Huge\sc Short Survey}\newline
+Approx. 6 minutes to complete\newline
+{\bf Name of your institution:}\vspace{1cm}
+\begin{question}{Your institution is~\ldots}2-year college\opt4-year college\opt
+4-year research and doctoral \opt
+\end{question}\begin{question}{Your institution is~\ldots}public\optprivate\opt
+\end{question}\begin{question}{Fulltime equivalent students}$<$1,000\opt1,000--2,000\opt2,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--40,000\opt$>$40,000\opt\end{question}\begin{question}{Your primary job responsibility is~\ldots}Teaching\optResearch\optAdministration\optService\opt\end{question}
+\begin{question}{Your primary teaching responsibilities are in~\ldots}Agriculture/Natural Resources\opt
 Arts and Letters\opt
 Communication Arts and Sciences\opt
@@ -49,26 +90,74 @@
 Other\optNot applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{The majority of {\it server} systems at your institution runs}No way to gauge/do not know\optWindows\opt
+\begin{question}{You can make course management system product decisions on~\ldots\\
+{\it (check highest level)}}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
+\begin{question}{At your institution, course management system product decisions can be made on~\ldots {\it (check lowest level)}}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{At your institution, product decisions regarding course management system can be made on~\ldots}Course level\optDepartment level\optCollege level\optInstitutional level\optNot applicable\opt
+\begin{onetotwo}{You use instructional technology to~\ldots}
+communicate with individual students\twoopt
+communicate announcements to the entire class\twoopt
+discuss online\twoopt
+provide bulletin boards for discussion\twoopt
+provide real time electronic chat\twoopt
+post lecture notes\twoopt
+post mandatory teaching material\twoopt
+post supplemental teaching material\twoopt
+post grades\twoopt
+post calendar information\twoopt
+post syllabus, administrative information\twoopt
+post data files\twoopt
+video conferencing\twoopt
+deliver exams\twooptdeliver quizzes\twooptdeliver homework\twoopt
+deliver additional course materials (e.g., readings)\twoopt
+deliver/make available simulations, programs\twoopt
+automatically grade exams\twoopt
+automatically grade quizzes\twoopt
+automatically grade homework	\twoopt
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set are you the {\it most} satisfied with? {\it (check one)}}
+Communication features\opt
+Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
+Content management features, e.g., re-usable content\opt
+Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
+Not applicable\opt
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set are you the {\it least} satisfied with? {\it (check one)}}
+Communication features\opt
+Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
+Content management features, e.g., re-usable content\opt
+Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
+Not applicable\opt
 {How many different course management systems are currently running at your institution?}
 No way to gauge, do not know\opt
-No system in place\opt
+No systems in place\opt
 One system\opt
 Two systems\opt
-More than two systems\opt
+Three systems\opt
+More than three systems\opt
-\begin{question}{How much does your institution currently spend in total cost of ownership (including support staff, etc) for course management systems per year?\\ (US Dollars)}No way to gauge\optNo funds\opt$<$1,000\opt1,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--50,000\opt50,000--100,000\opt100,000--200,000\opt200,000--500,000\opt500,000--1,000,000\opt$>$1,000,000\opt\end{question}
+{In your personal view, open-source software is associated with~\ldots}{no opinion, do not care}{strongly disagree}{disagree}{neutral}{agree}{strongly agree}{Association}Low or no licensing fees\fiveoptLow total cost of ownership\fiveoptStability\fiveoptExtendibility\fiveoptEase of use\fiveoptSupport\fiveoptFlexibility\fiveoptSecurity\fiveoptEasy installation\fiveoptRichness of features\fiveoptGood documentation\fiveoptScalability\fiveoptAcademia\fiveoptEnterprise--level systems\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
+\begin{onetofive}{How much trust would {\it you} have in an enterprise--level course management system, which is developed and maintained ~\ldots}
+{no opinion}{no trust at all}{little trust}{neutral}{trust}
+{strongly trust}{Trust}
+as a "homegrown" system at your own institution\fiveopt by a single university research group\fiveoptby one university as a central effort\fiveoptby a consortium of university research groups\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium housed inside a university\fiveoptby an independent membership--based not--for-profit consortium\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium under the auspices of a professional organization, e.g., Educause\fiveoptby a for-profit commercial company\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
+\begin{onetofive}{How much trust do you think  {\it your institution} would have in an enterprise--level course management system, which is developed and maintained ~\ldots}
+{no opinion}{no trust at all}{little trust}{neutral}{trust}
+{strongly trust}{Trust}
+as a "homegrown" system at your own institution\fiveopt by a single university research group\fiveoptby one university as a central effort\fiveoptby a consortium of university research groups\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium housed inside a university\fiveoptby an independent membership--based not--for-profit consortium\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium under the auspices of a professional organization, e.g., Educause\fiveoptby a for-profit commercial company\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
 For each of the listed systems, please indicate your level of familiarity with the product. {\bf Also}, if you do at least recognize the name, please indicate if the product is --- to your knowledge --- used at your institution, or by you personally.\vspace*{4mm}
@@ -81,35 +170,112 @@
 {\small Not used at institution}&{\small Used at institution}&{\small Using myself}&\\\hline
 {\it SampleSystem}&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
 {\it Online Sample Learning}&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
+{\it SampleLessons}&$\bigotimes$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&$\bigcirc$&\\\hline
+System(s) "homegrown" at your own institution $\dag$\sysline
+Other $\ddag$\sysline
+$\dag$ Name of "homegrown" system: \underline{\quad\hspace{8cm}\quad}\vspace{1cm}
+$\ddag$ Name of "other" system: \underline{\quad\hspace{8cm}\quad}
+\noindent{\Huge\sc Thank you for your input!}
+Please continue with the remainder of the full survey, or mail the short survey to us using the Business Reply Mail envelope provided.
+If you would like a copy of the results of this study, please make sure to enclose the separate yellow address sheet.
+\twocolumn[{\Huge\sc Full Survey}\newline
+Approx. 10 more minutes to complete\newline
+Your input on the following questions will provide greater depth and additional background to the study.
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it you} spend the most time on? {\it (check one)}}
+Communication features\opt
+Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
+Preparation of\\(non--assessment) learning content\opt
+Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
+Not applicable\opt
+\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it your students} spend the most time on?\\{\it (check one)}}
+Communication features\opt
+Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
+Reading and browsing\\(non--assessment) learning content\opt
+Not applicable\opt
+\begin{question}{The majority of {\it server} systems at your institution runs}No way to gauge/do not know\optWindows\opt
+\begin{question}{How much does your institution {\it currently} spend in total cost of ownership (including support staff, etc) for course management systems per year?\\ {\it (US Dollars)}}No way to gauge\optNo funds\opt$<$1,000\opt1,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--50,000\opt50,000--100,000\opt100,000--200,000\opt200,000--500,000\opt500,000--1,000,000\opt$>$1,000,000\opt\end{question}
+\begin{question}{How much do you expect your institution is {\it willing to} spend in total cost of ownership (including support staff, etc) for a course management system per year? {\it (US Dollars)}}No way to gauge\optNo funds\opt$<$1,000\opt1,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--50,000\opt50,000--100,000\opt100,000--200,000\opt200,000--500,000\opt500,000--1,000,000\opt$>$1,000,000\opt\end{question}
+For each of the listed systems, please indicate your level of familiarity with the product. {\bf Also}, if you do at least recognize the name, please indicate if the product is --- to your knowledge --- used at your institution, or by you personally.\vspace*{4mm}
+&\multicolumn{4}{|c||}{{\bf Level of Familiarity}}
+&\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{{\bf Level of Use}}&\\
+{\bf System}&{\small Unknown}&{\small Recognize name}&
+{\small Somewhat familiar}&{\small Very familiar}&
+{\small Not used at institution}&{\small Used at institution}&{\small Using myself}&\\\hline
 Avilar WebMentor\sysline
 Caroline Classroom Online\sysline
 Click2learn Aspen\sysline
+Internet Course Assistant\sysline
+IntraLearn SME\sysline
+Janison Toolbox\sysline
+Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution\sysline
+Jones e-education\sysline
+KnowEdge eLearning Suite\sysline
@@ -119,85 +285,33 @@
 {\bf System}&{\small Unknown}&{\small Recognize name}&
 {\small Somewhat familiar}&{\small Very familiar}&
 {\small Not used at institution}&{\small Used at institution}&{\small Using myself}&\\\hline
-Internet Course Assistant\sysline
-IntraLearn SME\sysline
-Janison Toolbox\sysline
-Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution\sysline
-Jones e-education\sysline
-KnowEdge eLearning Suite\sysline
 Manhattan Virtual Classroom\sysline
 The Learning Manager\sysline
-System(s) "homegrown" at your own institution\sysline
-\begin{onetotwo}{I currently use instructional technology to~\ldots}
-communicate with individual students\twoopt
-communicate announcements to the entire class\twoopt
-discuss online\twoopt
-provide bulletin boards for discussion\twoopt
-provide real time electronic chat\twoopt
-post lecture notes\twoopt
-post mandatory teaching material\twoopt
-post supplemental teaching material\twoopt
-post grades\twoopt
-post calendar information\twoopt
-post syllabus, administrative information\twoopt
-post data files\twoopt
-video conferencing\twoopt
-deliver exams\twooptdeliver quizzes\twooptdeliver homework\twoopt
-deliver additional course materials (e.g., readings)\twoopt
-deliver/make available simulations, programs\twoopt
-automatically grade exams\twoopt
-automatically grade quizzes\twoopt
-automatically grade homework	\twoopt
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set are you the {\it most} satisfied with? {\it (check one)}}
-Communication features\opt
-Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
-Content management features, e.g., re-usable content\opt
-Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
-Not applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set are you the {\it least} satisfied with? {\it (check one)}}
-Communication features\opt
-Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
-Content management features, e.g., re-usable content\opt
-Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
-Not applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it you} spend the most time on? {\it (check one)}}
-Communication features\opt
-Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
-Preparation of (non--assessment) learning content\opt
-Administrative features, e.g., enrollment\opt
-Not applicable\opt
-\begin{question}{Out of the instructional technology features you use, which tool set do {\it your students} spend the most time on? {\it (check one)}}
-Communication features\opt
-Assessment features, e.g., homework, quizzes\opt
-Reading and browsing (non--assessment) learning content\opt
-Not applicable\opt
+\begin{onetofive}{How do you rate your institution$'$s general readiness to pay for~\ldots}{no opinion, no way to gauge, not applicable}{utterly unwilling/prohibitive}{unwilling}{neutral}{willing}{definitely willing}{Willingness}own staff to support faculty\fiveopt
+own staff to train faculty\fiveoptown staff to support students\fiveopt
+own staff to maintain servers\fiveopt
+own staff who would contribute to the code base of open--source system(s)\fiveopt
+vendor to support faculty\fiveopt
+vendor to train faculty\fiveopt
+vendor to support students\fiveopt
+vendor to maintain servers\fiveopt
+vendor to support own IT staff\fiveopt
+vendor to train  own IT staff\fiveopt
+vendor to host courses on vendor servers\fiveopt
+vendor to install servers\fiveopt
+vendor to customize software\fiveopt
+vendor to implement systems-integration with on-campus administrative systems\fiveoptopen--source consortium membership fees\fiveoptsoftware licensing fees\fiveoptfees to access/deploy existing content\fiveopt
 \begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it communication} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
 {neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
@@ -212,6 +326,24 @@
 synchronized presentations\fiveopt
 desktop sharing\fiveopt
+\begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it interface} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
+{neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
+Support for mathematical typesetting\fiveopt
+Support for chemical formula typesetting\fiveopt
+Support for musical typesetting\fiveopt
+Accessibility, e.g., interface options for blind users\fiveopt
+Multilingual interface\fiveopt
+Multilingual content possible\fiveopt
+Online contextual help\fiveopt
+Richness of features\fiveopt
+Ease of use\fiveopt
+Cross--browser compatibility\\ (Netscape, Mozilla, Safari, Internet Explorer, \ldots)\fiveopt
+Cross--operating system client compatibility\\ (Windows, Mac, Linux, \ldots)\fiveopt
 \begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it assessment} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
@@ -251,53 +383,17 @@
 System interoperability standards compliant\\ (e.g. OKI, etc)\fiveoptEasy installation\fiveoptSecurity\fiveopt
 Product has been available for several years\fiveoptDeveloped by community of practice\fiveopt
 Instructors can maintain course lists themselves, enroll guests, etc.\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
-\begin{onetofive}{How important do you rate the following {\it interface} features in a course management system?}{not sure, do not care}{very unimportant}{unimportant}
-{neutral}{important}{very important}{Importance}
-Support for mathematical typesetting\fiveopt
-Support for chemical formula typesetting\fiveopt
-Support for musical typesetting\fiveopt
-Accessibility, e.g., interface options for blind users\fiveopt
-Multilingual interface\fiveopt
-Multilingual content possible\fiveopt
-Online contextual help\fiveopt
-Richness of features\fiveopt
-Ease of use\fiveopt
-Cross--browser compatibility\\ (Netscape, Mozilla, Safari, Internet Explorer, \ldots)\fiveopt
-Cross--operating system client compatibility\\ (Windows, Mac, Linux, \ldots)\fiveopt
-{In my personal view, open-source software is associated with~\ldots}{no opinion, do not care}{strongly disagree}{disagree}{neutral}{agree}{strongly agree}{Association}Low or no licensing fees\fiveoptLow total cost of ownership\fiveoptStability\fiveoptExtendibility\fiveoptEase of use\fiveoptSupport\fiveoptFlexibility\fiveoptSecurity\fiveoptEasy installation\fiveoptRichness of features\fiveoptGood documentation\fiveoptScalability\fiveoptAcademia\fiveoptEnterprise--level systems\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
-\begin{onetofive}{How much trust would {\it you} have in an enterprise--level course management system, which is developed and maintained ~\ldots}
-{no opinion}{no trust at all}{little trust}{neutral}{trust}
-{strongly trust}{Trust}
-as a "homegrown" system at your own institution\fiveopt by a single university research group\fiveoptby one university as a central effort\fiveoptby a consortium of university research groups\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium\\ housed inside a university\fiveoptby an independent membership--based not--for-profit consortium\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium under the auspices of a professional organization, e.g., Educause\fiveoptby a for-profit commercial company\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
+\noindent{\Huge\sc Thank you for your input!}
-\begin{onetofive}{How much trust do you think  {\it your institution} would have in an enterprise--level course management system, which is developed and maintained ~\ldots}
-{no opinion}{no trust at all}{little trust}{neutral}{trust}
-{strongly trust}{Trust}
-as a "homegrown" system at your own institution\fiveopt by a single university research group\fiveoptby one university as a central effort\fiveoptby a consortium of university research groups\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium\\ housed inside a university\fiveoptby an independent membership--based not--for-profit consortium\fiveoptby a membership--based not--for--profit consortium under the auspices of a professional organization, e.g., Educause\fiveoptby a for-profit commercial company\fiveopt\end{onetofive}
+Please mail the survey to us using the Business Reply Mail envelope provided.
-\begin{onetofive}{How do you rate your institution$'$s general readiness to pay for~\ldots}{no opinion, no way to gauge, not applicable}{utterly unwilling/prohibitive}{unwilling}{neutral}{willing}{definitely willing}{Willingness}own staff to support faculty\fiveopt
-own staff to train faculty\fiveoptown staff to support students\fiveopt
-own staff to maintain servers\fiveopt
-own staff who would contribute to the code base of open--source system(s)\fiveopt
-vendor to support faculty\fiveopt
-vendor to train faculty\fiveopt
-vendor to support students\fiveopt
-vendor to maintain servers\fiveopt
-vendor to support own IT staff\fiveopt
-vendor to train  own IT staff\fiveopt
-vendor to host courses on vendor servers\fiveopt
-vendor to install servers\fiveopt
-vendor to customize software\fiveopt
-vendor to implement systems-integration with on-campus administrative systems\fiveoptopen--source consortium membership fees\fiveoptsoftware licensing fees\fiveoptfees to access/deploy existing content\fiveopt
+If you would like a copy of the results of this study, please make sure to enclose the separate yellow address sheet.
-\begin{question}{How much do you expect your institution is willing to spend in total cost of ownership (including support staff, etc) for a course management system per year?\\ (US Dollars)}No way to gauge\optNo funds\opt$<$1,000\opt1,000--5,000\opt5,000--10,000\opt10,000--20,000\opt20,000--50,000\opt50,000--100,000\opt100,000--200,000\opt200,000--500,000\opt500,000--1,000,000\opt$>$1,000,000\opt\end{question}
