[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /interface lonhelp.pm

bowersj2 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 15:06:47 -0000

bowersj2		Tue Jul 29 11:06:47 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/interface	lonhelp.pm 
  Support separating with colons in addition to commas, for when help 
  files are specified in comma-delimited files.
Index: loncom/interface/lonhelp.pm
diff -u loncom/interface/lonhelp.pm:1.6 loncom/interface/lonhelp.pm:1.7
--- loncom/interface/lonhelp.pm:1.6	Tue Jul 15 14:50:43 2003
+++ loncom/interface/lonhelp.pm	Tue Jul 29 11:06:47 2003
@@ -139,11 +139,15 @@
      # of nothing but alphanums, ' ,, or ., or the file
      # will be "not found", no matter what.
-     return HTTP_NOT_FOUND if ($filenames !~ /\A[-0-9a-zA-z_'',.]+\Z/);
+     return HTTP_NOT_FOUND if ($filenames !~ /\A[-0-9a-zA-z_'',:.]+\Z/);
      # Join together the tex files, return HTTP_NOT_FOUND if any of
      # them are not found
      my $tex = '';
+     # Since in insertlist.tab I want to specify multiple files,
+     # and insertlist.tab also uses commas, I need something else
+     # so replace ! with ,
+     $filenames =~ s/:/,/g;
      my @files = split(/,/, $filenames);
      for my $filename (@files) {