[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /help texxml2latex.pl

bowersj2 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Fri, 18 Jul 2003 20:42:27 -0000

bowersj2		Fri Jul 18 16:42:27 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /doc/help	texxml2latex.pl 
  Added ability to use the "pod" tag in a texxml file to tell the help 
  system to grab stuff out of a perl module and format it as .tex. The 
  good news is this is a good deal more powerful then I would have hoped; 
  code to select various parts of the perldoc was already written; see 
  "man Pod::Select". (Cool!)
  Also updated the formatting; this code is some of the first code I wrote 
  and it did not conform to LON-CAPA style.
Index: doc/help/texxml2latex.pl
diff -u doc/help/texxml2latex.pl:1.4 doc/help/texxml2latex.pl:1.5
--- doc/help/texxml2latex.pl:1.4	Tue Jul  1 14:20:52 2003
+++ doc/help/texxml2latex.pl	Fri Jul 18 16:42:27 2003
@@ -30,58 +30,75 @@
 use strict;
 use HTML::TokeParser;
 use GDBM_File;
+use File::Temp;
 # accept texxml document on standard in
 my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new( $ARGV[0] );
 my $dirprefix = "../../loncom/html/adm/help/tex/";
+# Make myself a temp dir for processing POD
+my $tmpdir = File::Temp::tempdir('loncapahelpgenXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1);
 # Print the header
 open (LATEX_FILE, $dirprefix . "Latex_Header.tex");
 print <LATEX_FILE>;
 while (my $token = $p->get_token())
     my $type = $token->[0];
-    if ($type eq 'S')
-    {
+    if ($type eq 'S') {
 	my $tag = $token->[1];
 	my $attr = $token->[2];
-	if ($tag eq 'section')
-	{
+	if ($tag eq 'section') {
 	    my $title = $attr->{'name'};
 	    print "\\section{$title}\n\n";
-	if ($tag eq 'subsection')
-	{
+	if ($tag eq 'subsection') {
 	    my $title = $attr->{'name'};
 	    print "\\subsection{$title}\n\n";
-	if ($tag eq 'subsubsection')
-	{
+	if ($tag eq 'subsubsection') {
 	    my $title = $attr->{'name'};
 	    print "\\subsubsection{$title}\n\n";
-	if ($tag eq 'file')
-	{
+	if ($tag eq 'file') {
 	    my $file = $attr->{'name'};
 	    open (LATEX_FILE, $dirprefix . $file);
 	    print <LATEX_FILE>;
 	    print "\n\n";
-	if ($tag eq 'tex')
-	{
+	if ($tag eq 'tex') {
 	    print "\n\n";
 	    print $attr->{'content'};
 	    print "\n\n";
+	if ($tag eq 'pod') {
+	    my $file = $attr->{'file'};
+	    my $section = $attr->{'section'};
+	    if (!defined($section)) { $section = ''; }
+	    else { $section = "-section $section"; }
+	    $file = '../../loncom/' . $file;
+	    my $tempfile = 't' . substr($file, rindex($file, '/') + 1);
+	    system ("cp $file $tmpdir");
+	    # The "echo" command is necessary; pod2latex can't
+	    # handle a perl file that *starts* with pod.
+	    system ("echo > $tmpdir/$tempfile; cat $file | podselect $section >> $tmpdir/$tempfile; cd $tmpdir; pod2latex $tempfile");
+	    my $latexFile = substr($tempfile, 0, rindex($tempfile, '.')) . '.tex';
+	    open LATEX_FILE, $tmpdir . '/' . $latexFile;
+	    print <LATEX_FILE>;
+	    print "\n\n";
+	}
 # Print out the footer.
 open (LATEX_FILE, $dirprefix . "Latex_Footer.tex");
 print <LATEX_FILE>;
+# Remove the temp directory
+system ("rm -rf $tmpdir");