[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /html/adm/helper course.initialization.helper

bowersj2 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Tue, 27 May 2003 20:00:56 -0000

bowersj2		Tue May 27 16:00:56 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/html/adm/helper	course.initialization.helper 
  Make HTML discussion work, added some text, added the ability to specify 
  course feedback address or addresses, added reinitialization support to 
  the <final> tag, added a place to optionally change the description of 
  the course.
Index: loncom/html/adm/helper/course.initialization.helper
diff -u loncom/html/adm/helper/course.initialization.helper:1.2 loncom/html/adm/helper/course.initialization.helper:1.3
--- loncom/html/adm/helper/course.initialization.helper:1.2	Fri May 16 13:21:33 2003
+++ loncom/html/adm/helper/course.initialization.helper	Tue May 27 16:00:56 2003
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   <state name="START" title="Welcome to Your New LON-CAPA Course">
-    <message nextstate="FORBID_DISCUSSION">
+    <message nextstate="COURSE_DESCRIPTION">
          This Helper will help you set up your new LON-CAPA course and choose
          which LON-CAPA features will be active in your course. You can 
          re-visit it later to change settings in your course.
@@ -45,6 +45,26 @@
+  <state name="COURSE_DESCRIPTION">
+    <message nextstate="FORBID_DISCUSSION">
+      The &quot;Course Description&quot; is the name of the course that will be
+      seen by the students. This should have been set up correctly when the
+      course was created, but please confirm that it is correct, or change it
+      if neccessary. Hit a <nobr>&quot;<b>Next -&gt</b>;&quot;</nobr> to continue.
+      </message>
+    <string variable='description' size='60' >
+      <defaultvalue>
+        return &{$helper->{DATA}->{GETVAL}}('description');
+      </defaultvalue>
+      <finalcode>
+        if (&{$helper->{DATA}->{SETVAL}}('description', $element->getValue())) {
+          return 'Course description changed to <b>' . $element->getValue() . 
+                 '</b>.';
+        }
+        </finalcode>
+      </string>
+    </state>
   <state name="FORBID_DISCUSSION" title="Discussion Participation">
     <message nextstate="DISCUSSION_HTML">
          LON-CAPA hosts discussions on all resources in a course. By default,
@@ -101,20 +121,83 @@
   <state name="DISCUSSION_HTML" title="HTML in Discussions">
-    <message nextstate="FINAL">
+    <message nextstate="FEEDBACK_ADDRESSES">
       <p>If you like, limited HTML can be allowed in the course discussions.</p>
     <choices variable="HTML_ALLOWED">
       <choice computer=""><b>HTML banned</b>: HTML will not be allowed in discussion postings.</choice>
       <choice computer="yes"><b>HTML allowed</b>: Discussion participants can use limited HTML in their postings.</choice>
-      <finalcode>return 'Choices finalcode.';</finalcode>
+      <defaultvalue>
+        return &{$helper->{DATA}->{GETVAL}}('allow_limited_html_in_feedback');
+      </defaultvalue>
+      <finalcode>
+        if (&{$helper->{DATA}->{SETVAL}}('allow_limited_html_in_feedback', $element->getValue())) {
+          if ($element->getValue() eq 'yes') {
+            return 'Limited HTML allowed in feedback.';
+          } else {
+            return 'HTML not allowed in feedback.';
+          }
+        }
+        </finalcode>
+  <state name="FEEDBACK_ADDRESSES" title="Feedback Addresses for Course Content">
+    <message nextstate="FINAL">
+      People in the course can provide feedback about the resources used in
+      the course by using the <b>FDBK</b> button while viewing a resource. If
+      the user labels the feedback as a &quot;question about course content&quot;,
+      it is sent to the course coordinator of that course.
+      <p>If you'd like that feedback to be sent to someone else, such as a
+      different instructor, please enter their LON-CAPA address below, in the
+      form <b>user:domain</b>, where &quot;user&quot; and &quot;domain&quot;
+      are both the LON-CAPA username and LON-CAPA domain, not an email
+      address.</p> 
+      </message>
+    <eval>return '<p>Your current LON-CAPA domain is &quot;<b>' 
+                 . $helper->{DATA}->{DOM} .
+                 '</b>&quot;.</p>';
+      </eval>
+    <string variable='feedback_addresses' size='60' >
+      <defaultvalue>
+        return &{$helper->{DATA}->{GETVAL}}('comment.email');
+      </defaultvalue>
+      <finalcode>
+        if (&{$helper->{DATA}->{SETVAL}}('comment.email', $element->getValue())) {
+          return 'Comment address(es) updated to <b>' . $element->getValue() . 
+                 '</b>.';
+        }
+        </finalcode>
+      </string>
+    <message>
+      <p><b>Advanced Functionality</b>: If you'd like to redirect different 
+         section's feedback to different people, you can enter it as follows:</p>
+      <ul><li>Seperate each entry with a comma.</li>
+          <li>To send feedback to a certain address for different sections,
+              append the section name or names (seperated by semi-colons)
+              in a parenthesized list after the <b>user:domain</b>.</li></ul>
+      <p>For example,</p>
+      <p><b>john102:msu(001;002;003),bob293:msu(004;005;006),madeupname:here(007;008;009)</b></p>
+      <p>will route course feedback to &quot;john102&quot; for sections 1, 2, and 3, to
+         &quot;bob293&quot; for 4, 5, and 6, and to &quot;madeupname:here&quot; for
+         7, 8, and 9. Note there is no requirement that the addresses be in any
+         particular domain.</p>
+      </message>
+    </state>
   <state name="FINAL" title="Completed">
-    <message>Your course is now set up.</message>
-    <final />
+    <message>Your course is now set up. Please select the <b>Finish Course 
+      Initialization</b> button to re-intialize the course with your chosen
+      settings. You will be taken to the <b>NAV</b> screen for your course.
+      <p>Remember that all of these settings can be modified in the <b>PARMS</b>
+         screen, by pushing the <b>Course Environment</b> button.</p>
+      </message>
+    <final restartCourse='1' />