[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /xml physnet.sty

sakharuk lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 21 May 2003 14:59:05 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

sakharuk		Wed May 21 10:59:05 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/xml	physnet.sty 
  <defCtAuthor> tag is redifined for web target.
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sakharuk-20030521105905.txt"

Index: loncom/xml/physnet.sty
diff -u loncom/xml/physnet.sty:1.9 loncom/xml/physnet.sty:1.10
--- loncom/xml/physnet.sty:1.9	Tue Jan 22 05:47:27 2002
+++ loncom/xml/physnet.sty	Wed May 21 10:59:05 2003
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
 <definetag name = "defCtAuthor">
-      <web><hidden arg="</web>
+      <web><hideweboutput></web>
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
 <definetag name = "/defCtAuthor">
-      <web>"></hidden></web>
+      <web></hideweboutput></web>
@@ -6144,9 +6144,9 @@
 <definetag name = "/LearnerModuleId">
-      <web>according to the directions in this module s <b>Text</b>
+      <web> according to the directions in this module s <b>Text</b>
            and <b>Local Guide</b>.</web>
-      <tex>according to the directions in this module's \textbf{Text}
+      <tex> according to the directions in this module's \textbf{Text}
            and \textbf{Local Guide}</tex>
@@ -6166,10 +6166,44 @@
 <definetag name = "/LearnerModuleLg">
-      <web>according to the directions in this module s <b>Text</b>
-           and <b>Local Guide</b>.</web>
-      <tex>according to the directions in this module's \textbf{Text}
-           and \textbf{Local Guide}</tex>
+      <web><b>To Receive Credit for this Module:</b><br />
+           <ol>
+           <li> Bring your original completed module to the Exam Manager along with a completed
+           Exam <b>Application</b> Form filled out correctly for either this unit's unit exam or
+	   for the block exam which includes this unit (in the latter case be sure to bring all of
+	   the relevant modules you constructed).</li>
+	   <li> Give the Exam Manager the completed module(s) to hold while you take the Exam
+           into the Exam Room.  When there, answer any exam questions as usual.
+           Then fill out an Exam Answer Sheet for each project module for use by the grader.</li>
+	   <li> When finished, bring all of your exam materials: Exam Answer Sheets,
+	   Exam Application Form, and printed Exam, back to the Exam Manager and get your module(s).
+	   Staple the module(s) to the rest of the exam materials, in the proper order, and hand the
+	   pack to the Exam Manager.</li>
+	   </ol>
+	   <p></p>
+	   When your exam is graded it will be judged in part on your answers to any questions that
+	   were on the exam, in part on the content of each of your modules (whether the reader can
+	   learn the subject from your write-up), and in part on the attributes of good communication
+	   listed in Module 69.</web>
+      <tex>\textbf{To Receive Credit for this Module:}
+           \begin{itemize}
+           \item[1] Bring your original completed module to the Exam Manager along with a completed
+           Exam \textbf{Application} Form filled out correctly for either this unit's unit exam or
+	   for the block exam which includes this unit (in the latter case be sure to bring all of
+	   the relevant modules you constructed).
+	   \item[2] Give the Exam Manager the completed module(s) to hold while you take the Exam
+           into the Exam Room.  When there, answer any exam questions as usual.
+           Then fill out an Exam Answer Sheet for each project module for use by the grader.
+	   \item[3] When finished, bring all of your exam materials: Exam Answer Sheets,
+	   Exam Application Form, and printed Exam, back to the Exam Manager and get your module(s).
+	   Staple the module(s) to the rest of the exam materials, in the proper order, and hand the
+	   pack to the Exam Manager.
+	   \end{itemize}
+	   {\par}
+	   When your exam is graded it will be judged in part on your answers to any questions that
+	   were on the exam, in part on the content of each of your modules (whether the reader can
+	   learn the subject from your write-up), and in part on the attributes of good communication
+	   listed in Module 69.</tex>
@@ -6178,9 +6212,13 @@
 <definetag name = "LearnerModuleTx">
-      <web>Construct a lecture on the physics of </web>
-      <tex>Construct a lecture on the physics of </tex>
-      <latexsource>\LearnerModuleTx</latexsource>
+      <web>This is a learner-originated unit.
+           You must go to the library (Physics-Astronomy library, Engineering
+           library, or wherever) and look up recent articles about</web>
+      <tex>This is a learner-originated unit.
+           You must go to the library (Physics-Astronomy library, Engineering
+           library, or wherever) and look up recent articles about</tex>
+      <latexsource></latexsource>
@@ -6188,10 +6226,48 @@
 <definetag name = "/LearnerModuleTx">
-      <web>according to the directions in this module s <b>Text</b>
-         and <b>Local Guide</b>.</web>
-      <tex>according to the directions in this module's \textbf{Text}
-         and \textbf{Local Guide}</tex>
+      <web> in places like <i>Discover</i>, <i>Scientific American</i>, and
+           <i>Popular Science</i>.
+           <p></p> 
+           Then construct a module of the usual length (one lecture's worth) using the
+           materials you have studied.
+           <p></p> 
+           Feel free to consult any expert who might be available in the subject under
+           study.
+           <p></p> 
+           Make sure the reader can learn the subject you are presenting just from
+           your printed module alone.
+           <p></p>  
+           Be sure to give attributions for any material taken verbatim from published
+           material: plagiarism carries a severe penalty in the University.
+           <p></p>  
+           Your module should be clear and concise.  A student of background and level
+           of scientific knowledge similar to yours should be able to read your module
+           to obtain a relatively easy understanding of the subject.
+           For this reason, your module will be judged not only for its content but also for its
+           clarity and for how well it communicates with its prospective audience.
+           To examine relevant communication skills, see Module 69.</web> 
+      <tex> in places like \textit{Discover}, \textit{Scientific American}, and
+           \textit{Popular Science}.
+           {\par} 
+           Then construct a module of the usual length (one lecture's worth) using the
+           materials you have studied.
+           {\par} 
+           Feel free to consult any expert who might be available in the subject under
+           study.
+           {\par} 
+           Make sure the reader can learn the subject you are presenting just from
+           your printed module alone.
+           {\par} 
+           Be sure to give attributions for any material taken verbatim from published
+           material: plagiarism carries a severe penalty in the University.
+           {\par} 
+           Your module should be clear and concise.  A student of background and level
+           of scientific knowledge similar to yours should be able to read your module
+           to obtain a relatively easy understanding of the subject.
+           For this reason, your module will be judged not only for its content but also for its
+           clarity and for how well it communicates with its prospective audience.
+           To examine relevant communication skills, see Module 69.</tex>
@@ -8887,8 +8963,7 @@
-      <tex>\begin{lstlisting}{}</tex>
-      <latexsource>\ldots</latexsource> 
+      <tex>\begin{lstlisting}{}</tex> 
@@ -8898,7 +8973,24 @@
-      <latexsource></latexsource> 
+  </render>
+<definetag name = "redir">
+   <meta></meta>
+   <render>
+      <web>&lt;&lt;</web>
+      <tex><<</tex> 
+  </render>
+<definetag name = "/redir">
+   <meta></meta>
+   <render>
+      <web></web>
+      <tex></tex>
